Welcome to Eudial Review where I review the
many villain sites around the net. There are a
lot of good (and bad) villain sites out there
that are often ignored by other review teams.
Hope you enjoy my insights on these pages and
not flame me to much. -_-;;
Site Name: Krazy Kitty
Reviewed: 9.28.99
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
The Good: Lets see. This site is linked in my links section,
its one of my sibling sites, *and* the author is one
my favorite net friends... BUT there will be no bias in this review.
*yeah right* No! Krazy Kitty is the best
Tin Nyanko shrine on the net. There are pictures, info,
games, computer stuff, and so much more. My Ann-Chan
said she did this whole site in 1 weekend but I think
she lies :p No site this cool was made in 2 days.
The Bad:
I can't say anything bad about Ann's site! It is
to cool. The only problem is that the site is
really new and some section like the fan fictions
need... stuff. Oh and she is a Krazy Kitty just so you know.
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