Name: Soiya
Episode: 103
Biography: Along with introduction of Eudial came Soiya. The
story in this episode revolves around a girl that is a famous Taiko
player, (drums). While getting ready for a show at a festival, The girl
was called out by Eudial and hence the removal of the pure hearts took
place. After that, a box in her car blew up and Soiya appeared. Soiya
had a has a huge drum around her neck and a basket full of fireworks.
After a short battle, Sailor ChibiMoon made her grand entrance and
weakened Soiya with a pathetic little pink heart. Seconds later Sailor
Moon destroyed Soiya with a Moon Spiral Heart Attack. So ends the legacy
of Soiya.
Name: Chagama
Episode: 104
Biography: All Chibi wanted was a friend and she ended up with a
battle for her life! Usagi Chibi-Usa, Michiru, and Haruka had been at a
temple where a polite young man had served them tea and dumplings. The
next day Chibi-Usa returned to the temple after ditching Usagi. At the
temple Eudial was in the process of removing a pure heart from the young
man from the day before. Eudial left but before she did she released,
Chagama. Chagama grabbed Sailor ChibiMoon with a whip. Fortunately Sailor
Neptune and Sailor Uranus appeared and released Chibi Moon. After that
Sailor Chibi Moon used Pink Sugar Heart Attack to hurt Chagama but it
could not even reach her. Soon Sailor Moon appeared and after a tea war,
(yes Chagama's power revolves around tea^-^) Sailor Moon destroyed
Chagama. And I really thought this one would make it! ^-^
Name: Daruma
Episode: 105
This episode has amazing art but a very corny daimon. The
senshi take a trip to a mountain temple. There Makoto was training
with a young priest, Kakusui Yakushiji. All the senshi were having
a great time until our Eudial shows up and removes the pure heart
from Yakushiji. Now this is where Daruma comes in. Daruma shoots bristles
from his giant paint brush (^-^) at Sailor Jupiter. She dodged but was
soon hit by a disk he had thrown. The senshi were all trapped by Daruma
but soon managed escaped. Sailor Moon tries to attack Daruma but he knocks
her rod out of her hand. Remembering Yakushiji's words of wisdom, Sailor
Jupiter relaxed and then destroyed poor old Daruma with a Sparkling Wide
Name: Chokokuka *Thanks Kakyuu ^^*
Episode: 107
Unfortunately I have not seen this episode so I really don't
know a whole lot about it. The episode is about a talented young boy
named Masanori who has a huge crush on Michiru. He and Chibi-Usa share a
class and it is apparent that she has a huge crush on him. While in school
Eudial drives through the walls into the class and steals the pure heart
of the young boy. Chibi-Usa gets it back and returns it to Masanori.
Eudial leaves behind the artist Daimon. The unknown Daimon molds 2 evil
clay monsters and sends them attacking Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus.
Neptune soon found out that the monsters could be destroyed by water so
they managed to get the two monsters in a nearby pond. Sailor Neptune
then uses her Deep Submerge on the main Daimon and he begins to melt.
Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Moon finally finish are mystery monster off.
Name: Chikuon
Episode: 108
This is one of the more humorous episodes in the Eudial "series".
The Senshi get invited to a fancy mansion by
a English man named Edwards. While at the party, Usagi
gets nervous because everyone at the party speaks English
and she does not. Usagi even gets drunk. Like the other
episodes Eudial crashes the party and removes the pure
heart from Edward. She then releases Chikuon. Chikuon
first appears in a lavish gown which she has trouble
standing up in. Later she is in a black outfit after
Sailor Uranus blasts off the gown armor. She lets out a
variety of weapons all having to do with music but sadly
enough she is soon destroyed by Sailor Moon.
Name: Door Knob-Der
Episode: 109
Minako wished and hoped for her pure heart to be stolen and she
finally got it. After many attempts to be pure Eudial crashed the
scene and stole Minako's heart outside of a blood clinic. Minako
managed to keep the heart in and ran all the way to a underground garage
where she finally collapsed. This is where Eudial releases one of the most
corny and stupid villain ever! (bias? ^-^) Door Knob-Der was made by
Professor Tomoe with a door lock. Door Knob-Cer enclosed Usagi, Minako,
Michiru, and Haruka in the garage by locking all the doors and windows.
When Eudial asked Door Knob-Der to attack, Knob expressed how she was
only trained to lock doors. Eudial told her to attack any ways so she
turned her arm into a large metal door and jumped on Sailor Moon. Eudial
then called the Daimon to destroy Michiru and Haruka first but the two
girls transformed into Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus before it could
get to them. Door Knob-Der attempted to attack Sailor Neptune but she
blocked and hit the Daimon with a Deep Submerge. Then Sailor Moon did
her Spiral Heart Attack and little ol' corny Door Knob-Der was
destroyed. And of course the cool yet calm Eudial escaped in her car ^0^.