TLC :: Left-Eye Pictures

1. Attitude plus. Hair in buns
2. Reading a magazine while having hair done
3. On MTV special stand against violence special
4. Looking over shoulder. *Great pic*
5. With ex-boyfriend Andre Rison
6. MTV speical on TLC
7. Posing
8. Baby Picture
9. "Waterfalls" music video
10. Blonde wig ("The Cut")
11. Curly hair, 50's look
12. Curly hair, 50's look II
13. Advertisment. Stylish
14. "Ladies Night" music video
15. T-Boz Hug!
16. Big pic
17. "Ladies Night" music videa
18. Overalls. Magazine fold out
19. Poster. Elf like? ^^
20. With Deborah Cox
21. On bed. Sexxy ^^ *fav pic*
22. Magazine pic. Flashy dress
23. Vibe Magazine *great pic*
24. "Ladies Night" outfit at MTV awards
25. Indian look? red bg

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