At the beginning of episode 110 we see Michiru sitting in a deck chair by a beautiful pool listening to the sounds of the ocean in a seashell. She was dreaming about being out in the sea with birds all around her. Haruka soon entered the pool area. She expressed to Michiru how she had a dream that the precious talisman would appear that day. | ![]() |
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We know move to the Witches 5 location. Eudial steps into her slippers only to realize that there is a tack inside. If that's not enough, Eudial then opens her locker to find a large load of snails. If you did not already know, Eudial has a huge fear of snails. Inside the snail ridden locker a note sit. The letter states, "A snail woman in a wagon will be killed in an accident!" Eudial then notices some women in the locker room talking about her. They were talking about how she failed so many times. One of the girls wondered if she would be the next leader but then another girl mentioned that she has been called by Professor Tomoe. Eudial noticed that the girl was Mimete. Back at her lab, Eudial had a new computer that would track down the holders of the Talismans. Eudial looked at the results and she was amazed. |
The scene slides over to Haruka's apartment. There Michiru was drying off from the pool and Haruka was sitting one a windowsill. The phone rang and Haruka decided not to answer. It was Eudial. Eudial said that she knew the identity of Haruka and knew the holder of the Talismans. She then faxed the girls a map to a location were they were to meet. Haruka said that they have to go. There was then a very nice scene were we see Haruka and Michiru hold hands and we see o glimpse of each of the inner senshi wondering about the mission. We end up at Usagi's house were she gets a call from Haruka. The short scene then flips over to a crowded street were Chibi-Usa meets Mamoru. There she tells him about the call to Usagi. He is very worried that there may be some some danger. Chibi-Usa thought she noticed someone in the crowd but when she looked closer they it was gone. Now we move to a aquarium were Usagi is meeting with Haruka and Michiru. There Haruka grabs Usagi and tells her that she never wants to see Sailor Moon again. Usagi pleads for them to stop stealing pure hearts. Haruka grabs Usagi's transformation brooch from her and tells her that she will die if she appears in front of them again. | ![]() |
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Michiru and Haruka then transform into Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus. Sailor Neptune said that the silence was approaching and only the true messiah could control the cup. Sailor Uranus warned Usagi to not interfere one last time. They then got into a helicopter on the aquarium roof and flew off leaving Usagi behind. Usagi was frozen when a women said that Neptune and Uranus were in trouble. Usagi turned around and saw a tall women with long beautiful hair. She said that her name was Setsuna Meio. She said that she was old friends of Michiru and Haruka. Usagi pleaded to know where they were going. |
We now meet up with Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus in front of a large cathedral in the ocean. Before they enter, both Neptune and Uranus agree to not worry about each other and keep there mind on finding the Talismans. They enter. We then see Eudial in a nearby room with a table soccer game that is actually a control panel. From the control panel, Eudial cause red panels on the wall to fly out at Uranus and Neptune. They each used there powers and destroyed most of the panels. Suddenly a panel came flying towards Uranus. Sailor Neptune pushed her aside. The panel then hit her and shoved her against a opening in the wall. Uranus tried to rescue her but the wall closed up separating Uranus and Neptune. | ![]() |
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In the center of the cathedral Eudial was playing the organ. Over a intercom she told Uranus (who was running) that Neptune had a Talisman and if she wanted to see it she would have to follow the music. Uranus saw Sailor Neptune tied to a red tablet by vines in the distance. She ran to her but before she could get to her, panels on the wall opened and millions of darts were at Sailor Uranus. Eudial then came over to the wounded Uranus and told her that she carried a Talisman. Uranus did not believe it. |
Eudial was about to shoot Uranus until Sailor Neptune broke free from the vines and made her way to the center were Uranus was. Eudial was amazed she could move and she activated the dart trap. Neptune was hit again and again by the darts. The trap finally ran out of darts. Neptune attempted to preform a Deep Submerge but Eudial shot her before she could. Neptune fell to the floor dead. Suddenly her heart crystal came and turned into the sacred mirror. It was a Talisman. | ![]() |
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Eudial grabbed Michiru's Talisman. Suddenly running through the cathedral came Usagi. Usagi knocked Eudial in the dark platform below a walkway. Usagi knelt by Uranus. Haruka realized that she had the other Talisman in her. She picked up Eudials gun. She was going to kill herself. Usagi begged Sailor Uranus not to kill herself but Haruka pushed Usagi aside. She then shot herself with the gun. Her Heart Crystal came out and turned into the sacred dagger. The inner senshi then showed up to see Usagi crying over the two dead senshi that lay by her. This was the end of episode 110. |
We know are are at episode 111. All the senshi are gathered around Neptune and Uranus. Uranus who has yet to died thought that she saw Usagi as the true messiah. She tells them that the silence is coming and only the one who can control the sacred cup can make the world light. Uranus then finally dies. suddenly a blast of flame comes in right between the senshi, over Haruka and Michiru. | ![]() |
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It was Eudial who had blasted the Senshi. Eudial grabbed the two sacred Talismans. Usagi then transformed into Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon demanded that Eudial give back the Talismans to them. Our Dear Eudial laughed and blasted Sailor Moon with her buster gun. Eudial laughed and said that the girls were hopeless against her new gun. All the senshi where now surrounded by flames. |
Sailor Mercury attempted to use her Shine Aqua Illusion but it did not hurt flames. Sailor Mars tried to fight fire with fire but it only made the flames larger. Meanwhile Eudial had left the room. Suddenly Tuxedo Kamen came crashing through a window with Sailor Chibi-Moon. Chibi-Moon put out the fire by using her Luna-P Ball. All the Inner Senshi ran after Eudial leaving Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Chibi-Moon behind to care for Uranus and Neptune. Eudial thought ahead though a set a trap that left the senshi stuck in a big trap of glue. Luckily Sailor Moon was behind so when the glue came it did not stick her. She jumped over the glue by walking on the Inner Senshi's heads. She was walking down a dark way when a women in the shadows was watching her. It was the women who had been talking to Usagi on the roof. Sailor Moon reached Eudial in a very quite room. They began to battle. The power of Sailor Moons Staff was completly deflected by Eudials power. Sailor Moon was upset and fell to the floor. | ![]() |
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Suddenly the scene was stopped when a beautiful women walked down some steps. Eudial asked who it was. The women said her name was Setsuna Meioh and she was going to get the Talismans back. She Held up a henshin and yelled "Pluto Planet Power Make Up!" The woman was Sailor Pluto. Sailor Pluto held out her staff. She had the other sacred Talisman, the Garnet Orb! |
The Talismans that were in Eudials hands began to glow. They lifted up. Pluto's tiara disappeared and was now replaced with a glowing pluto symbol. As was the dead bodys of Neptune and Uranus. Suddenly there bodes vanished from were Tuxedo Kamen was and appeared in front of Sailro Pluto. All three were in a triangle with there Talismans in front of them. Two heart crystals from the Mirror and Dagger Talismans came out and returned to Uranus and Neptune. They were alive. | ![]() |
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All the Talismans began to glow with a white light. Somewhere in a dark room a little girl cried out in pain. And the Deathbuster Lab began to shake. Back at the Cathedral, The light from the Talismans came together to make the Sacred Holy Cup! All the girls were amazed. Suddenly Eudial sent flames (again) through the scene with her buster, saying that the cup would be hers. All the senshi were caught in a wall of flames except for Sailor Moon. She and Eudial raced for the cup. |
Sailor Moon reached the Sacred Cup first. When she touched it, the ginzuishou reacted to it. Sailor Moon powered up into Super Sailor Moon! Sailor Moon was shocked over this new transformation. Eudial tried to shoot her with the buster but it just bounced back to Eudial. Are poor Eudial was blown out of a window. All the Senshi could not believe what was happening and they thought that Sailor Moon was the messiah. | ![]() |
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And now comes the the part were I go crazy. (^-^) After falling out of the window, Eudial make her way to her car. She speeds off. Mimete comes on to Eudials radio and tells her that she is being forced to take a early retirement. Eudial looked down at her breaks below. There was no brakes! Instead there was a handfull of snails and note that said "A snail lady in a wagon will be killed in a accident. And then with a scream of agony, Are angel from above skidds off the road into her death. However we never see her body so she may still be alive! YES! |
After that horrific scene we go back to the Marine Cathedral. Sailor Moon there is so weak that she turns back into her regular sailor uniform. Uranus realized that Sailor Moon was to weak to be the messiah so the outer senshi realized that there was a new mission. Meanwhile at Professor Tomoe's lab. Mimete came in to tell him that the Sacred Cup had been found. he knew this already a nd was very happy because he also knew that Sailor Moon was not the messiah. Mimete mentioned that maybe there was someone close to him that could control the cup. Inside a dark room a small child was on her knee's.... | ![]() |