Akoshio ::: YKYLEMW

Welcome to YKYLEMW... (You know you like Eudial much
when....). This is a large list of facts that will tell
you if you are obsessed with Eudial. This is meant to be
pearly humorous and not to be taken seriously. This is not
a original idea! Almost everyone on the net has done some
kind of you know you like... list about some character. If
you have a fact that you would like me to add to my list
please email me. Now its time to see if you are a little
bit more than crazy for Eudial.

You Know You Like Eudial Much When...

1. You have made a costume identical to hers.

2. You have legally changed your name to Eudial.

3. You refuse to go anywhere near a locker in fear of seeing snails.

4. You actually begin to believe that you Biology teacher may be Professor Tomoe.

5. You have pretend conversations on the phone with Professor Tomoe.

6. You have constructed a line of Eudial dolls.

7. You wear a lab coat EVERYWHERE!

8. Before you drive a car you always check to make sure there are breaks.

9. You have a list of people at your school that may have pure hearts.

10. You have a shrine on the internet dedicated to Eudial.

11. You actually believe that there are such things as "pure hearts".

12. You cant find Eudial posters so you make your own.

13. You convinced that your sister is out to kill you.

14. You know all of Eudials lines by heart.

15. You cried when Eudial died.

16. You laughed when Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus died.

17. You have Senshi dolls in which you enjoy lighting on fire.

18. You have constructed your house to be just like the marine cathedral.

19. You and 6 other friends have come together to make the Witches 5.

20. You search for pure hearts everywhere.

21. You learn Japanese just so you can understand what Eudial is saying.

22. You take up playing the organ to be just like Eudial.

23. Whenever you park your car you have to hit something.

24. Your angry that there was never a song written about Eudial.

25. You have a exact replica of Eudials gun.

26. You are convinced your sister is out to kill you.

27. You paint all your bra's red to make a top like Eudial's.

28. You are obsessed with fire.

29. you can answer "yes" to any of the questions on this list.

30. Your biggest insult to someone is "You don't have a pure heart".

31. You name your 3 pets Soiya, Chagama, and Daruma. (EudialsDaimons).

32. You crash parties and set smoke bombs.

33. You refuse to wear anything other than red, black, and white.

34. You carry around a mirror and a sword.

35. You make your own fanfic about Eudial.

36. You make your own comic about Eudial.

37. You dye your head red to look like Eudial.

38. Whenever you see Mimete you go into a violent rage.

39. You sleep in your home made Eudial outfit.

40. You steal your moms vase, paint it gold and tell everybody you have
found the sacred cup.

41. You throw yourself out of a window just to know what it felt like when Eudial was blown out of the Marine Cathedral.

42. You wear red eye contacts to look like Eudial.

43. Your backpack for school looks exactly like Eudials blaster II.

44. You call Nordstroms to see if they have a stock of pirate pants in.

45. You have black and red stars drawn over everything you own.

46. You set booby traps up at your church.

47. You turn your table soccer game into a control panel.

48. You carry around little boxes that you say have Daimons in them.

49. Whenever you see Sailor Moon or any of the senshi you brow tightens and you clench your fists.

50. Every night you have a time where you burn a picture of Sailor Pluto.

51. You wish you knew what food Eudial liked to eat.

52. You try to get a hold of Naoko Takeuchi to ask what underwear Eudial would wear.

54. You go to Tokyo to see the Marine Cathedral even though there is no such place.

55. On your front door you have a huge pic of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Pluto with a big X on it.

56. You scream when you can not find Eudials shoes in any department store.

57. You get up 3 hours early just do you can make your hair look like Eudials.

58. Even if it is -3 degrees out you will still wear your Eudial outfit to work.

59. You fax people telling them to meet you in the Marine Cathedral even though there is no such place.

60. Your actually considering having plastic surgery to look more like Eudial.

61. You refuse to watch a episode of Sailor Moon that has Mimete in it.

62. When Eudial died you locked yourself in the bathroom for 2 weeks.

63. You go on a mission to burn all "Waltz" records.

64. Half way through your homework you give up and start drawing doodles of Eudial.

65. You made a life size Eudial doll.

66. You have been searching years for a phone like Eudials.

67. You wear glasses even though you don't need them.

68. You have a morbid fear of snails.

69. People always ask you why you wear a belt on your stomach.

70. You pray to Eudial every night before you go to bed.

71. You made a tomb stone for Eudial.

72. After you saw episode 111 you had a memorial service for Eudial.

73. You are always afraid of seeing a snail in your car.

74. You wear a bracelet that say "what would Eudial do".

75. You always look closely in later episodes of Sailor Moon to make sure that Eudial is not in the background somewhere.

76. You send death threats to the person who thought of killing Eudial off.

77. You think Eudial is real.

78. Your considering having doctors open your chest and see if you have a pure heart.

79. When Eudial shot Sailor Neptune you leaped up and said "You Go Girl!"

80. When Eudial drove off a cliff you screamed and threw the remote at the tv.

81. You scream "RUN, RUN, RUUUUUUN" when Sailor Moon and Eudial are chasing after the Sacred Cup.

82. Friends and family calls you Eudial.

83. If someone walks in front of the screen when Eudial is on you go crazy and pounce on him or her.

84. You go by every mansion in town to see if Professor Tomoe is there.

85. You have Eudial bed sheets.

86. Someone asks for your last name you give them a strange look.

87. You ask you evil teacher (McNair) if she is a member of the witches 5.

88. You were furious that they only gave Eudial 9 episodes.

89. You were even more mad when they used one of Eudials episodes to show the past of Haruka and Michiru.

90. You have a list of possible people who could be Mimete in your school.

91. You wear a lab coat even though you don't have a lab and you don't even like science.

92. Little kids run away from you.

93. You have your voice altered to sound more like Eudial.

94. You sit all day thinking how much more prettier Eudial is than the other witches.

95. You hate festivals and try to sabotoge them.

96. If choosing between your brother or your Eudial stuff in a fire you choose the Eudial stuff.

97. You dress up as Eudial on Halloween.

98. You start to believe that you could be Eudial.

99. When you see a heart surgery being performed on tv you glance to see if there is a pure heart somewhere in there.

100. Your god is Eudial.
