Session Start: Sun Oct 10 17:05:32 1999
* Logging #sentinel to 'iris'
* #sentinel is being logged
<dawncapp> whew found it! LOL
<swellison> you've just performed an illegal act and will be shut
<IrisWilde> LOL! "Thuddy Twang"??????
<SKnepley> AS long as tou didn't let the magic smoke out, it will
be OK <g>
<swellison> immediately
<Stargazer0455> Don't you just love those little messages, then
I usually lose everything!
<dawncapp> so you folks ready to start?
<SKnepley> Shoot!
<Stargazer0455> Wisconsin is ready!
<IrisWilde> I 'pose.
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<Angie1020> Georgia is ready as she'll ever be.
<dawncapp> okay, basic rules is you can ask iris anything and Iris
you can set ground rules - anything you want to limit the questions to
such as only sentinel fanfic, etc.
<swellison> Go from Houston
<SKnepley> Denver is all set
<AubreyRobin> Washington is always ready
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<Impala77> Texas all accounted for then.
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<Stargazer0455> SKneply - you're in Denver? Boooo I was in Col in
Aug! I could have visited you!
<IrisWilde> Um....fanfic sounds good, but I'm not gonna get anal
about it. <g>
<dawnangst> okay ask away folks
<SKnepley> Yeah, Westminster. Where did you go?
<Stargazer0455> Estes Park....Rocky Mt Nat Park....all over that
area one day
<Stargazer0455> Dawn - you gots a split personality tonight?
<dawnangst> by the way Iris, what was the last piece of fanfiction
you wrote?
<dawnangst> Yeah, I'm here twice :-)
<swellison> Iris, I don't think I've ever read anything short from
<SKnepley> Oh beautitful part of the state! You'll have to come
back and explore the part you missed
<Stargazer0455> how can that be? or is one the recording part of
<dawnangst> one is me logging :-)
<dawnangst> i hope
<IrisWilde> LOL! Angie and I did a little goofy Christmas/Hannukah
story...I'm working on some others, though.
<swellison> Do you have a preferred story length that you always
<Stargazer0455> Thanks SK - we plan on coming back again and again....
<SKnepley> Loved the Christmas/Hannahuh story
<AubreyRobin> ok, here goes - Iris, what do you do when you get
stuck on a plot problem?
<IrisWilde> Not really....I love writing long stories and wish I
had more time to do so.
<IrisWilde> Thanks, Shelley!/ Um...I shower? LOL!! Seriously, I
get lots of ideas in the shower or while driving.
<Becky227> (Becky has not eaten supper yet and needs to replenish
her ATP supply, but I'll still be here...somewhere...)
<SKnepley> You too. I do some of my best thinking in the shower.
<Becky227> You have a shower muse as well, Iris!? Robyn will love
it! So does she.
<Stargazer0455> What's your favorite type of story - H/C, angst,
humor? What?
<IrisWilde> I also get lots of help from my friends on IM. They
let me bounce ideas off of them..I don't think it hurts. <G>
<Angie1020> <OUCH>
<Stargazer0455> LOL
<IrisWilde> I'm a H/C/Angst junkie...but humor is good, too.
<IrisWilde> Right Angie?
<dawncapp> h/c - so I noticed. LOL
<Angie1020> Yeppers.<G
<Stargazer0455> Have you written for any other fandoms?
<Angie1020> In fact, I think Iris has a wonderful talent for *both*
types of fiction.
<IrisWilde> Nope...though I have promised Angie a Pros story. //
Stop that! I'm blushing here!
<Angie1020> Yes..PROS.. remember that!!!
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<SKnepley> What, I mean What was it.
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<Stargazer0455> Why not do a XO of TS and Pros - that way all of
us get satisfied?
<Angie1020> Only if she makes them all in the same timeline..<g
<Sleepy8280> What us Pros?
<Angie1020> But hey, it's fic. We can do that.<g
<dawnangst> yeah, so what is PROS?
<IrisWilde> The's a British show from the early
80's. Buddy-buddy cop show...kinda.
<IrisWilde> Two lovely with a sharp sense of humor, the
other with a very tender heart.
<SKnepley> Wait, was it a gut and gal type pairing? If so I might
have seen this one.
<SKnepley> Never mind
<IrisWilde> Blame Angie...she got me started on it.
<IrisWilde> I think you're thinking of Dempsey and Makepeace, Shelley.
<Angie1020> Moi?? They're good ! I can't help liking good stuff!!
I like TS don't I?
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<IrisWilde> Never fear, though...TS is my main focus.// Hi,
<IrisWilde> Ruby.
<Becky227> (Food in hand, Becky has returned....wondering if Robyn
had meant to give her questions to ask...)
<rubyiat99> Hi Iris - I'm late as usual!
<SKnepley> Yeah, thst sounds like it
<dawnangst> welcome back, Becky. I just put my own dinner away.
I can't type and eat pasta. I just spilled a meatball on my shirt :-)
<IrisWilde> LOL!
<rubyiat99> Ok, I had a TV dinner - stop talking about good food.
<Becky227> Well, I'm eating some kind of vege burrito with a fork
and cold Japanese rice, so I think I'm safe.
<Stargazer0455> Here's a little spray and wash for ya, Dawn! Oh,
sorry Iris, sprayed it the wrong way!
<dawnangst> LOL
<IrisWilde> I haven't even had dinner yet...:-(
<Sleepy8280> I had a frozen pizza that my son made
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<dawnangst> awwww. now you make us feel bad :-(
<Becky227> I could send over some of the cookies I made yesterday...
<guest-sapphiredove> I got leftover japanese
<Angie1020> I had Ceasar salad....if we're talking food.<g
<dawnangst> Well, Garett cut his chat short to go eat dinner, so
you're in good company, Iris
<rubyiat99> You're lucky - You can't get Japanese food in this town.
<Stargazer0455> I had wonderfully nutritious and delicious Hamburger
<Angie1020> Back to fic/What do you have in mind for the guys in
any future storeis?
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<Becky227> Yeah, I want more Iris-fic.
<guest-sapphiredove> We got about four places to choose form here
<rubyiat99> Much more!
<Angie1020> I seem to remember you talking about a TS/Stargate xover
as well.
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<IrisWilde> You mean besides Dolly the deer tick? <g> Um, I've
got one that has to do with Blair's parentage...father, of course.
<blairtime> iris, your Story Closet Monsters was wonderfuly angsty
<EG> do you have any plans to take another ep plot line and create another
Angsty tale ??????
<dawncapp> oh that would be interesting coming from Iris - very
angsty, I bet
<rubyiat99> How is the Lyme disease one going?
<Becky227> oh, that Dolly, she just doesn't go away, does she? <g>
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<IrisWilde> It's going much better, thanks to your input Ruby!
<Stargazer0455> Um, excuse my ignorance, but who the heck is Dolly?
<Becky227> the deer tick
<rubyiat99> I'm a researching fool.
<Becky227> for the Lyme disease fic
<dawnangst> and a cloned sheep
<Becky227> right, Iris?
<Stargazer0455> I know I read both of your fics, Iris so please
forgive this CRS fool.....<g>
<sirizzy> Hi, it's Izzy. Sorry I'm late. Hello, Iris!
<IrisWilde> LOL! I agreed to do a story about Lyme disease...I named
the darn tick one day in a letter to Robyn.
<rubyiat99> Sheep?? Is Dawn messing around with Blair and the poor
animals agains?
<Angie1020> Which type of fiction do you enjoy the most? Dramatic
or looney?
<IrisWilde> Hi Izzy!
<sirizzy> Hi, back!
<swellison> Iris - do you write your fic in chronological order,
<IrisWilde> Dramatic, I think. It depends upon my mood.
<swellison> start with a favorite scene and work around it?
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<rubyiat99> We need some Muzak here during the pauses.
<SKnepley> I think I just had an illeagal act!
<IrisWilde> I usually have an idea fully formed in my head...then
I write a scene-by-scene summmary...then I add flesh to the bones.
<rubyiat99> You performed one or saw one?
<Angie1020> And speaking from personal experience, Iris is great
at fleshing scenes out!
<SKnepley> My computer did it. Have I ever mentioned how much I
hate Microsoft Blue?
<IrisWilde> Oh, and I'm also working on my first "missing scene"
<iris looks through files>
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<SKnepley> For what epsiode?
<IrisWilde> TSbyBS...from Blair's press conference to the scene
in the hospital.
<nuuanuscribe> hello?
<SKnepley> Kewl!
<SKnepley> hello!
<sirizzy> Hi!
<nuuanuscribe> perhaps the time is 3 and not 2...
<SKnepley> Hi!
<nuuanuscribe> oh well
<nuuanuscribe> byebye
<rubyiat99> Well, that was a strange moment
<sirizzy> Nice to have known you.
<rubyiat99> Or not to have known you
<IrisWilde> Welcome to Weirdsville.
<SKnepley> Or it could be 4 or 5? What was that
<Becky227> Okay, I'll ask Iris Robyn's standard question...
<Becky227> Iris, if you had Jim and Blair to yourself, what would
you do with them?
<IrisWilde> Oh goody. <g>
<SKnepley> Ok Then I'll ask if Blair is a cop, consultant or what
in you runiverse?
<Becky227> (Becky hopes she doesn't regret throwing that question
out there.)
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<sirizzy> Just don't ask it on sentinelangst
<rubyiat99> My mind is quite occupied withthe question
<SKnepley> <senrk>
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<dr_robyn> Hey, I made it (Robyn waves)
<Becky227> ????
<Becky227> Robyn???
<IrisWilde> I would take them out for a nice dinner...then back
to the loft...and then it's none of your business.<G>
<rubyiat99> The doctor is in
<Stargazer0455> hey dr robyn!
<dr_robyn> I got the hospital 'puter to work
<sirizzy> Hi, Robyn!
<Becky227> someone must not have *anything* to do ,g>
<rubyiat99> Iris, you're a teacher - remember the moralities clause!
<IrisWilde> HI Robs!
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<IrisWilde> Hey, I'm not touching the kiddies!
<dr_robyn> Hey, I'm waiting for a patient to come. Gimme a break.
<Becky227> Robyn -- I asked Iris your standard question. She hasn't
answered yet.
<dr_robyn> looks expectantly at Iris
<sirizzy> So much to do, so little time!
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<Becky227> (off to find more food, maybe a muscle relaxant for one
very hurting shoulder...)
<SKnepley> Back again
<IrisWilde> Sure I did....I said I treat them to dinner, go back
to the loft...and that's all I'm admitting to.
<rubyiat99> Becky's taking drugs!
<dr_robyn> LOL!
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<SKnepley> Hey Izzy, Did we ever decide who had the real guys and
who had Dawn Clones?
<IrisWilde> Shelley's, I'm all over the place with
Blair right now.
<Stargazer0455> physician heal thy roommate! <g>
<dawnangst> Robyn, are you giving Becky drugs
<dawnangst> I have the real ones. I just let Izzy *think* she has
the real ones
<dr_robyn> So *when* is your next story coming out, Ms. Wilde?
<rubyiat99> Those doctors get all those free samples
<dawnangst> Yes, when, Iris? <hint>
<SKnepley> That's OK Iris, just have everything before TSbVS and
it won't be a problem <g>
<Stargazer0455> I'll put my 2 cents worth in here toooooooo
<IrisWilde> I tend to place my stories in earlier seasons, but now
I've got the VS5 story to do...God help me.
<rubyiat99> No pressure, Iris
<dr_robyn> Becky don't like me to give her drugs. My needles are
too big <VBEG>
<Stargazer0455> LOL! Robyn!
<rubyiat99> Hey, slack off on the schoolwork and stop giving homework
<rubyiat99> It's more important to write TS fanfic
<dawnangst> When is your ep scheduled to "air" Iris
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<dawnangst> speaking of which - tomorrow is the premiere of Wolfpup's
season :-)
<IrisWilde> I'm aiming for the weekend of 10/30....I have a couple
of days off from school. No promises, though.
<IrisWilde> My eps due to air in Feb. 2000.
<rubyiat99> Wow, lots of lead time there
<dawnangst> month of my birth! goodie!
<IrisWilde> Thank goodness! I need the time.
<Becky227> back again with grapes to munch on; no drugs, however;
and definitely no needles!
<rubyiat99> Grapes are very good for you
<imbrillig> Iris, sorry I missed the beginning of the chat. I had
trouble getting on. Did you give us a hint as to what your next story is
<sirizzy> I have THE Jim and THE Blair. Dawn's the Droidmistress.
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<IrisWilde> My next story features Dolly the deer tick. <eg>
<rubyiat99> Here we go again
<SKnepley> Is this the Lyme Disease challenger?
<IrisWilde> Seriously, it's a Lyme disease story. LOL! Ruby, hush!
<dr_robyn> Yes... Dolly's intimate experience with Blair's soft
skin. Ahhh...
<dawnangst> so do one of the "guys" get it?
<sirizzy> Be Clone. Be a Clone. All the world loves a Clone.
<blairtime> will Jim be in Full Mother hen Mode.....Lots of Blair
angst <hopes>
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<IrisWilde> Robyn will be writing a companion piece from Dolly's
<SKnepley> Oh yas, I can dig Blair pain. (sorry Izzy)
<rubyiat99> LOL
<Becky227> *Becky blinks at Robyn, "You are?"
<rubyiat99> A Day in the Life of Dolly the Deer Tick
<imbrillig> My five year old niece walked around with a tube threaded
inside her veins from her arm to her chest for two weeks, getting antibiotics
intravenously for lyme. She handled it better than I would have!
<IrisWilde> Oh, you betcha, Monkee! Angst, H/C...good stuff.
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<blairtime> <chills run down spine>
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<CarolROI> Man, I was so busy writing I forgot about the chat!
<sirizzy> Is Blair gonna revive in time for the next ep?
<rubyiat99> One of the teachers at school had to do the same thing
- scary
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<SKnepley> OK who jinxed the chat against me
<sirizzy> Lyme disease is a scary thing. Good new owie. (I can't
believe I said that.)
<IrisWilde> He'll be always. I don't do permanent damage
to the boys..and NO DEATH stories
<dawncapp> whew! that's good to know
<rubyiat99> A COMMERCIAL?????
<SKnepley> Isn't Lyme disease kinda permanent?
<Angie1020> It was also a story for a person who has Lyme disease
wasn't it?
<sirizzy> Yeah, and it's not even for SciFi.
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<Stargazer0455> I just told Otter to come join us!
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<rubyiat99> Lyme disease can be hard to irradicate in late stages
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<Becky227> I think we lost Dr. Robyn...:(
<IrisWilde> No, not always. Besides...Blair has Jim...Jim can do
all sorts of marvelous things. <G>
<Becky227> Oh, she's on the phone with me now
<rubyiat99> Oops, I'm not a doctor I just play one in my mind
<SKnepley> Oh OK
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<Becky227> She thinks she broke the hospital computer!
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<sirizzy> Oooh, is this Healer Jim in the works, Iris?
<Becky227> Robyn just told me that Lyme disease isn't permanent
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<imbrillig> Iris, what's your take on "shaman" Blair?
<IrisWilde> I'm not'll just have to wait until the
story is out. <g>
<SKnepley> OK it works for me then. As long as it's not permanent
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<rubyiat99> I cannot abide stories that give poor Blair a permanent
<SapphireDove> Mustn't hit bit with the little x
<IrisWilde> I think Blair would have been a wonderful shaman...if
the darn TS writers had worked with it.
<sirizzy> Are you listening, Dawn?
<SKnepley> Teh little x is baaad
<SapphireDove> <G>
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<SKnepley> Carol hi!
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<dawnangst> i be listening
<IrisWilde> But my main attraction to TS is the friendship aspect...shaman,
special abilities..nice, but friendship is the stuff of life.
<CarolROI> Hi Shelly
<rubyiat99> Totally agree
<dr_robyn> I got ejected :-(
<imbrillig> I 've often thought that you fanfic writers did a better
job exploring the *mystical* aspects of TS than the show writers.
<rubyiat99> Better than rejected
<dr_robyn> that too
<SKnepley> I know the feeling. Sratgazer thinks it's the vibes fromthe
new moon.
<sirizzy> But we love you anyway, Robyn!
<dr_robyn> -)
<rubyiat99> Group cyberhug
<dr_robyn> gets squashed
<IrisWilde> LOL
<sirizzy> Huggy Blair time
<Stargazer0455> Hey, Shelley, I don't need any other sig names to
add, now cut that out! <BG>
<dr_robyn> I got kicked out just before I could say Dolly was chomp-chomp-chomping
<rubyiat99> I think the mystical stuff can be ruff to do on TV -
sometimes it just looks cheesy
<sirizzy> Or just overdressed.
<SKnepley> That's if it's done bad. Ithink upn was scared to go
<rubyiat99> I always liked the blue tinge when Jim had his visions
<sirizzy> Iris, is there anything you want to say?
<CarolROI> I think the whole problem with the series was they didn't
really have an overall plan, or one person to oversee the direction the
show would take
<SKnepley> Or they thought all those 18 to 34 guys wouldn't like
<rubyiat99> Iris, are you correcting papers?
<SKnepley> Where are those guys any way?
<IrisWilde> I'm here to answer...I've got the easy part. <g>
<IrisWilde> No! Did that earlier. <g>
<Becky227> oops, Dr. Robyn got ejected again :(
<swellison> So, Iris, how long does it take you to write a typical
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<swellison> story? A month? Less? Do you write every day?
<IrisWilde> ROFLOL!!!!, no..not every day...especially
not during the school year. <g>
<sirizzy> Did anyone ask how you feel about armed Blair, Iris?
<IrisWilde> I'm a slow writer...if I didn't have to work, things
would move much faster...I need a winning lottery ticket.
<rubyiat99> We all do
<SKnepley> Who doesn't <g>
<Stargazer0455> You and me both Iris...if you win, will you share?
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<imbrillig> Iris, what would your season finale have been like?
<SKnepley> What the Powerball up to now? Maybe we can all split
<Stargazer0455> lol! No idea
<IrisWilde> No, they haven't. I don't know if Blair will be comfortable
carrying a gun...he's done it before, but not in a professional capacity.
<IrisWilde> I guess we'll just have to wait for new eps to find
out. <g>
<rubyiat99> I honestly don't like Blair with a gun
<sirizzy> How comfortable do you feel about writing Blair with a
<SKnepley> He looked pretty competent with a gun in Night Train
<rubyiat99> But I honestly don't like my mom with a gun either
<Becky227> Blair with a gun....<<shiver>>...not something
I want to see on a full-time basis.
<IrisWilde> My season finale....well, for one thing, ol' Jimmy would
have tossed his arms around Blair at the hospital and given his lil' buddy
a hug. <g>
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<SKnepley> Nah me either
<SKnepley> HUG!
<rubyiat99> Occasionally to protect someone's life but not to use
like Jim does
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<sirizzy> It's Thanksgiving Day here. I had a few left over from
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<dr_robyn> Iris, what story do you want to see in a 5th season?
<dawnangst> lol
<IrisWilde> An existing story, or what would I like the writers
to tackle?
<dr_robyn> either. You get to tell Richard and Garett what story
to act.
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<IrisWilde> I want them to do a story about Blair's father...I have
ideas about that one, and it ISN'T Timothy Leary.
<rubyiat99> I like Timothy Leary!!!!
<Stargazer0455> Yeah!
<IrisWilde> Ick!
<SKnepley> Oh good. I never liked the Tim Leary angle
<rubyiat99> He wouldn't remember anything anyways!
<sirizzy> Ooh, are you gonna write this, Iris?
<SKnepley> But I do like the idea of Blair *not* knowing too
<IrisWilde> LOL! Actually, that's one I'm working on.
<imbrillig> Give us a clue.
<swellison> Iris, how can you write this w/out painting Naomi in
<IrisWilde> It's fine in fic, but I have a niece who has lived's
<blairtime> will it be someone thats been on the show?
<sirizzy> Like has the character appeared on the show yet?
<swellison> a bad light?
<dawnangst> Is that the one for the VR season - i seem to remember
seeing a description about Blair's father being in a max security prison
(some web site, I am guessing VS5)
<Becky227> That
<Becky227> is the FPP season
<imbrillig> Does Blair's father have anything to do with why Naomi
is always on the move?
<Stargazer0455> What's FPP? sorry
<SKnepley> faux paws productions
<Becky227> Faux Paws Production
<dawnangst> Faux Paws? LOL. If it's on ours and I don't even remember...
<IrisWilde> No, the character is an for Naomi, I hope
by the time I'm done the story explains a lot about her "detach with love"
<swellison> Faux Paws Productions V5 season
<Becky227> Mackie's endeavor
<IrisWilde> No, this is just an Iris thingy.
<Stargazer0455> thanks...just never "heard" it's acronym before
<SKnepley> Wofpups is Black panther productions
<Becky227> You know, what I hear senfic has been hoopla-ing about
<Becky227> that season
<imbrillig> Boy, do we pick on Blair or what? First the boy loses
his reputation and stands revealed as a fraud and a cheat and now he finds
out his father is in the pen? Genes will out?
<SKnepley> let's not go there.
<dr_robyn> Iris, what do you think would happen if Jim and Blair
had to sub for you for one day?
<IrisWilde> I know...don't remind me. <sigh>
<sirizzy> Do they have their weapons? <weg>
<swellison> actually, that stoy says that the guy MIGHT be
<Stargazer0455> good one Robyn....I'm learning about that - the
subbing, that is! Gotta get the $ some way <g>
<blairtime> I always thought brother marcus would be a good father....after
all he was running and everyone thought him dead
<SKnepley> I don't know I think both of em could be good at it for
one day.
<swellison> Balir's father, not nec that he is
<IrisWilde> My kids would love it! Jim could frighten the 8th graders
into submission, and Blair could entertain the seniors. <G>
<Stargazer0455> Blair could do it, Jim would be the one with a hard
<dr_robyn> LOL
<blairtime> the kids would never leave the classroom
<sirizzy> But what angst. Blair's dad shows up right after Blair's
gone and wrecked his rep.
<dr_robyn> And what would you be doing while J&B were subbing
for you?
<dawnangst> ooooh
<dawnangst> izzy I like that idea!
<IrisWilde> Writing fanfic, of course.
<dr_robyn> <G>
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<imbrillig> Yeah, and how does the whole rep thing affect Blair's
personality and behavior?
<SKnepley> Works for me. Izzy send over ThE JIm and THE Blair
<dawnangst> Iris, I'll go sub for you HEE HEE. I'll bring Fitz.
You just write! write! Write!
<sirizzy> Go ahead and write it, please!
<blairtime> I say all the eps after the fountain are Coma dreams....Blair
wakes \up in the hospital and everything will be back to normal
<sirizzy> THE Jim and THE Blair are always available for classroom
<IrisWilde> I think Blair will survive. We know from the Bilson/DeMeo
chat that Blair would most likely have returned to academia...we just have
to get him from point A to point B.
<tae60> Sounds like Dallas
<swellison> Ack, Dallas syndrome
<blairtime> <G>
<sirizzy> Normal? Alex running loose is normal? Oh, yeah, it's Cascade!
<IrisWilde> And if not...he'd still be fine. He's a survivor...and
he has Jim at his side.
<SKnepley> Most dangerous city in America
<tae60> I like that idea, Iris
<tae60> Two survivors, surviving together
<sirizzy> Sounds like a milliennialist theme.
<the_otter> LOL
<dawnangst> if they don't kill one another first...
<SKnepley> )
<IrisWilde> They won't. <g>
<tae60> That just makes them more human/real
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<Stargazer0455> Iris, what would be your take on Jim's mother?
<sirizzy> Now that they're both armed, we're ripe for Jim-kills-Blair
and Blair-kills-Jim stories, aren't we?
<SKnepley> On No not that!
<tae60> Nah. Jim and Blair kill Simon,maybe
<Becky227> not happening in my world!
<IrisWilde> Not in any real fan's universe.
<SKnepley> She's not in a brothel in Seattle <g>
<swellison> Or at least nightmares around the theme
<sirizzy> It's in Spokane
<Stargazer0455> good one Shelley!
<SKnepley> sorry
<the_otter> I thought Danny said that she was the last
con I heard he said that in an interview
<Becky227> my Blair will never have a gun
<sirizzy> THE
<tae60> Agreed. I prefer she's just gone and made a better life
for herself somewhere...maybe Jim has little half-sibs who are sentinels,
<Becky227> Danny said in that chat she was running a brothel in
<Stargazer0455> Oh, I know...if she's dead....william killed her
with his ignoring her!
<sirizzy> Spokane!
<tae60> Spokane
<Becky227> sorry, Spokane, my goof
<IrisWilde> Sorry, Bon...just saw your question. Bilson said once
at a con that that she was dead...has he changed his mind again?
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<Becky227> I'm tired, what can I say?
<swellison> In Remembrance, I got the impression she ran off w/
<swellison> antoher man
<tae60> Yep. Said at the last chat that she was alive and running
a brothel in Spokane
<IrisWilde> Remembrance left me with the impression that Jim had
rotten parents who put their careers ahead of their children.
<tae60> We didn't believe him.
<SKnepley> Can't you just see Jim's face with that
<dawnangst> it was a joke :-)
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<tae60> Oh, yeah.
<dr_robyn> Conclusion: DB and PDM don't know what happened to Jim's
<Becky227> *Becky feels the need to go read a feel-good fic
<imbrillig> Is it my imagination or is Talk City having problems
<tae60> Absolutely,
<SKnepley> They don't even know her real name
<IrisWilde> Grace, wasn't it?
<tae60> Margaret/Grace
<dawnangst> imbrillig, what's the problem? It's working fine for
me - for once
<sirizzy> Grace is an alias
<dr_robyn> Me too Becky.
<tae60> When was she called Margaret?
<Stargazer0455> me too, it just took me forever to get in
<the_otter> well, in Remembrance, William called her Grace...of
course, he would have been talking to a sister, I suppose
<Becky227> in the clipping in the Remembrance book
<Stargazer0455> I've seen Margaret used in several different TSFF,
<tae60> Must have been second season, as i still haven't seen them
<IrisWilde> Well, they can't figure out Jim's age, either. <g>
<Becky227> There's supposed to be something on that says "Margaret"
<SKnepley> Good point!
<swellison> Where does Margaret come from>?
<imbrillig> I had trouble getting on and twice now the whole system
just froze. I had to get off and come back in and missed stuff <sob>.
<tae60> I have to go with the older age, because of the captancy
in the Army.
<dawnangst> I prefer the older age myself
<tae60> THE Army
<the_otter> same here...just not realistically possible
<sirizzy> Well, I'm sure Dawn will have floated her clone theory
by now . . .
<tae60> Closer to his real age, makes me feel better.
<rubyiat99> I prefer the older age because that makes him my age!
<IrisWilde> I go with the older age as well...can't see ten-year-old
Jimmy getting into Santana. <g>
<tae60> LOL
<CarolROI> I agree with TAE on the older age, just because of the
way Jim interacts with Blair.
<the_otter> the Santana part doesn't bother me...but he just seems
<imbrillig> I have to go with the older age as well. Especially
since he was a medic which seems to imply that he started enlisted.
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<CarolROI> My best friend is 12 years older than me, and we act
the same way
<tae60> That's really RB/GM reality coming across.
<dawnangst> okay, so it's official. Jim's older :-)
<the_otter> if he really is a mustanger (i.e., worked his way up
through the ranks), he HAS to
<tae60> Just hit 41, right?
<the_otter> be 10 or more years older
<sirizzy> Well, I wouldn't go that far . . .
<IrisWilde> Yeah, I've got a darling of a friend who's 12 years doesn't make much difference.
<sirizzy> Just let me ask THE Jim about it.
<IrisWilde> I think so...or 42.
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<tae60> I like the idea that they saw his potential and sent him
to OCS
<SKnepley> After a brief interruption, I'm baaack! <again>
<imbrillig> Well, not necessarily. There are opportunities for young
enlisted to be selected for officer programs and have part or all of their
college educations paid for.
<tae60> Officer's Candidate School, how the enlisted get to be officers,
<swellison> Or he could've been ROTC & started a 2nd lt. from
<imbrillig> But only if they have college educations. That's pretty
much a given unless you're going the Warrant Officer route.
<tae60> But the 'schooling' is usually for sciences, send them to
MIT, etc
<sirizzy> Yeah, but Jim's a classical Hero. Done way too many things
to be normal
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<tae60> Hey, Iris, I have some lovely silk ferns here for you.
<the_otter> ack!!! <holds up crossed fingers warding silk away
from her>
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<tae60> Along with a nice, big black Jaguar, peaking through them.
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<Becky227> oops, Dr. Robyn got kicked out *again*
<IrisWilde> Yum! Love those silk flower arrangements. <g>
<tae60> She's still on my list
<imbrillig> Would anyone like to see one of the guys with a really
significant other?
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<dawnangst> nope
<rubyiat99> NO
<Stargazer0455> yes x's 2
<tae60> Sure, just not on a permanent basis
<Stargazer0455> both guys
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<tae60> Yep.
<sirizzy> How you gonna keep Blair down in his room after Jim's
seen Marie?
<inyx> yeah Stargazer I know you do...
<Becky227> she's still on the list of people, but the hospital computer
<dawnangst> well, okay, TAE - I can handle temporary :-)
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<Stargazer0455> gray you finally made it!
<IrisWilde> Well, I imagine that one day they'll each find lovely
women who understand their bond and can deal with it.
<inyx> I just escaped dinner
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<Stargazer0455> Who's Marie?
<IrisWilde> Just not in the foreseeable future.
<sirizzy> I'll volunteer!
<imbrillig> Oooh, you're gonna write it, right?
<IrisWilde> Not in this lifetime. <g
<sirizzy> "Marie" is a rhyme for Paree. Bad punning on an old song.
<tae60> Dating yourself, Iz
<tae60> ;]
<sirizzy> Oh, no! I wanna date the guys!
<dawnangst> both at once?
<Stargazer0455> Still lost me on that one...sorry.
<sirizzy> Anyway I can get them.
<SKnepley> I'll make the scarifice and go out with em
<Stargazer0455> TAE I want to see your story continue with Ronnie/Ceclia
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<imbrillig> How you gonna keep them down on the farm after they've
been to gay Paree (Paris).
<SKnepley> And Mable. I want more Mable!
<rubyiat99> Hey, hey, none of that here
<Becky227> Iris, did you say what the missing scene was that you
were writing?
<imbrillig> And when its coming out?
<the_otter> Definitely more Mable
<IrisWilde> It's for TSbyBS...some Blair approach I
haven't seen anyone take yet.
<tae60> Thank you.
<dawnangst> good! can't wait ;-)
<Becky227> cool! I'll look forward to it as I do all Iris-fic
<rubyiat99> Good, something new on Ts by Bs
<IrisWilde> When I get some downtime and can get away from stupid
grammar jingles. <g>
<rubyiat99> Quit your job, Iris, and join the circus with me
<tae60> You should get them all together and post them for the writers...some
of them could really use them.
<IrisWilde> LOL! I thought public education was a circus!
<Stargazer0455> Hey Iris, I could have used you today....doing an
analysis on a language sample for a private client
<imbrillig> Hate TSbBS. Hate what it did to Jim!
<rubyiat99> It is in the teacher's room
<sirizzy> Quite your job, Iris, and write for a living. (It's called
<tae60> Boo, hiss on welfare
<IrisWilde> No,thanks...I prefer to leave that for those who truly
need it.
<tae60> There are third and fourth generations on it here.
<SKnepley> Where's here?
<tae60> Sacramento
<SKnepley> Ahh
<imbrillig> Here is pretty much everywhere from what I've read.
<sirizzy> Yeah, everywhere. It's a trap. Poverty sucks.
<rubyiat99> So, Iris, any little plot bunnies you have circling
around in your mind besides what you're working on?
<IrisWilde> I liked TSbyBS better second time around...I just wish
they'd allowed us to see inside Jim's mind a bit more instead of making
him so reactionary.
<the_otter> third & fourth gens on it here too
<tae60> Agreed
<IrisWilde> Well, there is one entitled Double Entendre...but I
can't tell you what it's about without giving the plot away.
<Impala77> Iris, what do you think makes a good FF bad guy? You
had a
<Impala77> very unique one in CM.
<SKnepley> I liked the entire season the second time around. The
let down from Sen2 had diminshed and I could enjoy em
<tae60> The title sounds good.
<tae60> That's the truth.
<sirizzy> Except the end of BsbBS. Cannot stomach that.
<rubyiat99> Loved Closet Monsters
<SKnepley> It did seem a little too pat.
<rubyiat99> Liked the ending - Blair Nuggies
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<sirizzy> Closet Monsters was terrific.
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<SKnepley> Warm Fuzzies was fun too
<tae60> I really liked WF
<IrisWilde> He/She has to be multifaceted...and I like the idea
of exploring the events in their lives that led them down their various
<sirizzy> Do you feel more satisfied when you've written a serious
or a light-hearted story, Iris?
<tae60> Make them just as human as the guys, right?
<SKnepley> That's the one with Lash's mom right?
<Impala77> So you like to explore that character in your fic as
<IrisWilde> I prefer the serious ones...greater chance for character
exploration....and it makes my life look GOOD! <G>
<rubyiat99> Iris, what cool TS villain would you like to see come
back either in fic or on athe show?
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<sirizzy> Do you like Return of Alex stories in general?
<IrisWilde> Yeah, CM had Lash's mom...I would love to see her character
<IrisWilde> I'd like to see Brackett again.
<imbrillig> Back again. Drat TC!
<SKnepley> He was a much better villian than Kincaid
<rubyiat99> Kincaid should have been taller
<IrisWilde> Yeah...Kincaid was comical!
<Impala77> Oh too. What makes Brackett unique do you think?
<rubyiat99> He's gorgeous
<sirizzy> He's evil.
<SKnepley> He looked so nice and well wasn't
<rubyiat99> Like alot of guys
<imbrillig> He's amoral, not immoral.
<rubyiat99> True
<IrisWilde> Exactly....amoral. Like a sociopath.
<sirizzy> What I call evil.
<imbrillig> Hope for redemption if only one could make him SEE.
<tae60> I think he could be redeemed, personally, find something
to make him change
<rubyiat99> Just needs a good woman
<tae60> LOL
<imbrillig> you volunteering?
<sirizzy> Give him Alex!
<SKnepley> There ya go
<tae60> LLAL
<rubyiat99> Wouldn'
<SKnepley> They're perfect for ach other
<rubyiat99> wouldn't they cancel each other out
<Stargazer0455> They'd try taking on the world
<tae60> Poor Brackett
<rubyiat99> Poor Alex
<tae60> Never be able to go to sleep
<sirizzy> We could give him Cassie instead . . .
<imbrillig> Actually, Beth Manz has Bracket and Alex getting together
in her Inevitable series.
<SKnepley> Poor J and B who do ya think they'd go after first
<Stargazer0455> I like that one better....
<tae60> OOh, cruel and unusual punishment
<sirizzy> He has to learn!
<rubyiat99> Cassie is not to be mentioned in polite company
<tae60> Thank you.
<SKnepley> Brackett would turn himself in to get away form Cassie
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<rubyiat99> Everyone would
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Open the iris.)
<sirizzy> Hey, maybe she could redeem him then!
<tae60> Shed a tear for Cassie, dear; for she is with us no more,
for what she thought was H2O, was H2SO4.
<SKnepley> Could we put Cassie and a bomb in a room and you know
see what happens
<rubyiat99> For what?? A nickel deposit
<Impala77> There is a theory that if there is no Season 5 that the
ff will
<sirizzy> I don't know. Ask TAE.
<Impala77> decide on a canon type you see this happening?
<inyx> Mpala! you made it to the chat!!!!
<rubyiat99> Hi, mpala
<Impala77> Oh yeah....been here..just quiet.
<AgnesMage> Just my request before I leave, write more stories,
Iris, there are very few who do it quite like you. Good night, all.
<IrisWilde> Yeah, I can see that happening. In the absence of absolute
canon, you make do with what you have.
<swellison> No, there's too many diff writers for that to happen
<IrisWilde> Night, Aggie! And the same goes for you, my dear!
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<sirizzy> G'night!
<tae60> Bye
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<swellison> except in a limited basis, like the virtual seasons
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<SKnepley> I'm reaslly starting to consider the moon theory here.
<sirizzy> Everyone's done a different take on BSbBS and whether
Blair is a cop-to-be. I think the writers will create their own individual
<tae60> I think, with the influx of new viewers from the Sci-Fi
screenings, that anything could happen in senfic.
<rubyiat99> I'm hoping for TS TV movies
<inyx> tae I think you're absolutely right about that.
<imbrillig> Actually, I'd love it if everyoine just decided that
TSbBS never happened! The moon theory?
<SKnepley> The guys said they'd be willing
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<sirizzy> It's easier to write within the series period rather than
<tae60> That'd be cool
<SKnepley> Sratgazer's theory for the problems with the chat tonight.
<imbrillig> But only because of the mess left by BSbBS.
<SKnepley> I'm trying for a new record in getting booted off
<rubyiat99> Anyone know how the ratings were Tuesday night?
<imbrillig> okay, works for me. The moon did it.
<tae60> Haven't heard.
<SKnepley> dang it I did it again. Sorry Stargazer
<Stargazer0455> LOL!
<sirizzy> The moon did what? Ran away with the spoon?
<dawnangst> I still have a little part of me that hope there will
be first-run episodes - done NOT via UPN
<SKnepley> Is there any way to check ratings for Sci Fi?
<IrisWilde> Amen, Dawn.
<tae60> Here, here.
<tae60> There should be.
<sirizzy> I want it all. Big screen movies, too.
<imbrillig> But how much was UPofN and how much was Petfly?
<rubyiat99> That part of me died - but I stillthink TV TS movies
are a distinct possiblity
<dawnangst> I prefer to think the bad stuff was UPN :-)
<SKnepley> I'm putting my money on upn here
<tae60> Me, too.
<Impala77> Iris, are there any other writers that influence your
own fic?
<rubyiat99> Oh, I think Bilson has some blame to share here
<sirizzy> Thanks, Star.
<imbrillig> Okay, you all have more experience here but on the chat
it sounded like they just
<SKnepley> Didn't PetFly mention some stuff they wanted to do but
upn said no?
<Angie1020> Iris, which stories would you like see turned into episodes
- this can be yours or other writer's fic.
<dawnangst> Unfortunately, Pet Fly also did Viper - don't mean to
offend, but I saw one or two eps of that show and.... well... that was
enough for me
<rubyiat99> Me too
<IrisWilde> There are writers that I admire a lot, whose fic really
touches me..I guess that's inspiriation. Let's see....
<imbrillig> wanted to make a shoot 'em bang-bang BOTW show.
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<tae60> Has anyone turned on upn lately? I know I haven't?
<rubyiat99> Nope
<SKnepley> not me nothing there of interest.
<IrisWilde> Aggie M., Becky and Robyn, L. Balzer, K. Ryn...a few
<imbrillig> nope
<sirizzy> I turned on them loooong ago.
<Becky227> I have to admit to watching upn -- Trekkie fan
<SKnepley> All good choices Iris!
<Zulfiya> I flip by UPN - it's right between other channels.
<dawnangst> not me (only classic trek fan) :-)
<rubyiat99> I get it on Canadian TV
<Becky227> *Becky blushes. And blushes for Robyn as well who's off
eating at the hospital somewheres
<imbrillig> Only show though, right, Becky?
<Zulfiya> They don't even have fun Sunday morning cartoons anymore.
<Angie1020> Any particular fanfic? If you had to pick just one.
<Becky227> only show, yes
<rubyiat99> Lord, she'
<IrisWilde> I'd like to have CM turned into an ep...I think it would
work well.
<rubyiat99> Yes
<Becky227> Ooh, that'd be a cool thing to see filmed
<Impala77> I do too...Who would play the mom?
<imbrillig> Yes, you made me sympathize with Lash.
<rubyiat99> Glenn Close
<Angie1020> I'd love to see Closet Monsters as an ep. It's one of
my very favorite stories.
<SKnepley> glenn Close Good choice
<IrisWilde> Lois Nettleton. I don't know why, but I think she'd
do well as a Ellen Lash.
<dawnangst> who?
<Becky227> double who?
<SKnepley> who?
<sirizzy> Blast from the past!
<IrisWilde> May be too old, though.// LOL..and older actress, dears.
<Stargazer0455> Well, ladies, I've got to run and put Lil Ballerina
to bed....
<rubyiat99> Wow, that was my first choice Iris, but I couldn't spell
her last name!!
<sirizzy> Good actress. Haven't seen her act recently though.
<Stargazer0455> I know Lois Nettleton! <BEG? Good choice Iris....
<dawnangst> bye bye
<Becky227> what's she been in?
<SKnepley> Bye Stargazer
<Stargazer0455> Bye everyone....
<tae60> Bye, Bonnie.
<sirizzy> Bye, Star!
<Angie1020> Bye Bonnie.
<rubyiat99> One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
<imbrillig> Oh, yes. Lois Nettleton. Even when she's not not playing
someone slightly off center, she is.
<IrisWilde> Um...everything in the 70's, it seemed.
<Becky227> she play the evil nurse?
<rubyiat99> Yup
<IrisWilde> No, that
<sirizzy> A fair amount of network TV in the 70's
<rubyiat99> No??
<sirizzy> No, but I can't recall the name.
<Becky227> I've read the book, but never seen the movie, so I do
know the characters.
<IrisWilde> No...darn, what was that woman's name...she'd be great!
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<SKnepley> You'll think of it a three in the morning
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<swellison> Chloris Leachmen
<imbrillig> How about the actor who played Lash in drag? <eg>
<tae60> Ooh, good choice?
<sirizzy> Nope. Brunette.
<SKnepley> isn't she dead?
<Becky227> according to IMDB she was in a B5 ep...I'll have to look
it up, see what she looks like
<rubyiat99> Now I'm confused
<SKnepley> *you're confused ,g>
<rubyiat99> Wasn't it Louise??
<tae60> Cloris Leachman is an excellent choice, Frau Blucher in
Young Frankenstein
<swellison> How about Dixie Carter? She can be tough as nails
<sirizzy> Ellen something.
<Impala77> a
<sirizzy> Louise Fletcher?
<Impala77> Ellen Arkin?
<rubyiat99> THATS IT
<inyx> Ellen Burstein?
<Becky227> the evil Kai Winn
<swellison> Mary Hartman?
<rubyiat99> Yup that's the one
<rubyiat99> I'm getting old
<IrisWilde> Thank would've driven me nuts. That's
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<sirizzy> That's her. But Lois Nettleton would be better. Crazier.
<rubyiat99> She's so mean!
<SKnepley> Oh yeah Kai Winn definitely
<Zulfiya> Everybody's getting old (who's not in suspended animation)
<imbrillig> Lois Nettleton, she has this voice that is just sooo
sweet you know she's evil.
<rubyiat99> Actually, they could have been seperated at birth
<sirizzy> And her eyes are a little askew.
<inyx> Eileen Brennen
<imbrillig> When she smiles you want to check behind you.
<rubyiat99> Walter Brennen
<imbrillig> Lois Nettleton that is.
<rubyiat99> Now these would make some great villainesses
<sirizzy> Who's gonna play Grace?
<imbrillig> Better than BarbieBorg.
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<rubyiat99> Lauren Hutton
<tae60> Olympia Dukakas?
<imbrillig> Farah Fawcette.Really big <eg>.
<swellison> I don't know, some BOTW from Riptide?
<sirizzy> Dukakis is inspired! Greek tragedy on the screen.
<rubyiat99> Too old, I'll bet Jim's father married a younger babe
<SKnepley> Someone else remembers Riptide!
<Zulfiya> I remember Riptide.
<tae60> And regal enough that William would have found her attractive,
in a 'getting ahead' kind of way.
<SKnepley> Candace Bergen?
<sirizzy> Is she blonde like Stephen or brunette like Jim?
<rubyiat99> She'd be a bottle blond
<tae60> Dark hair, going gray, now.
<Impala77> What is an ep that you would like to rewrite if you could...with
<rubyiat99> Oh, I still think she'd keep it up.
<tae60> William was a blond, so his wife should have darker hair.
<Impala77> your own take on things?
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<imbrillig> And what would your take have been?
<swellison> Or be a redhead, which is why Jim's so attracted to
<rubyiat99> Good question!
<sirizzy> Joan Collins.
<rubyiat99> That's a point
<SKnepley> Linda Grey
<rubyiat99> Always after redheads who don't want him
<tae60> Ouch
<rubyiat99> Sad but true
<tae60> But it makes sense
<sirizzy> Good idea. Arlene Dahl.
<tae60> Really too old.
<rubyiat99> Ok, your
<rubyiat99> Older than me
<IrisWilde> Oh boy....I'd like to do a rewrite of Waiting Room...really
explore Jim's sixth sense a bit more, I think.
<sirizzy> Yeah, but Jim's 40, right?
<SKnepley> Cool Iris. What would you explore?
<tae60> Rita Heyworth, or Maureen O'Hara?
<imbrillig> Why does the Sentinel have the sixth sense and not the
shaman? Any explanation?
<tae60> Yep.
<tae60> Blame it on the creators.
<swellison> EElizabeth Ashley?
<Zulfiya> Because the sentinel's the one with the senses in the
first place.
<SKnepley> The same reason the sentinel has the visions instead
of the shaman
<rubyiat99> The shaman isn't a shaman yet
<IrisWilde> Everyone has a sixth sense, his is just a bit more sensitive.
<rubyiat99> Boy has potential though
<inyx> rubyiat99 - bang on!!!
<tae60> Bad writing
<Zulfiya> I mean, Blair is on the path of the shaman, but when have
we seen him pursue it on screen.
<dawnangst> well, i don't know if everyone has a sixth sense :-)
<sirizzy> The shaman's gifts a less obtrusive. Dream interpretation,
emotional healing.
<imbrillig> What does he have to do to become a shaman? And will
he need Jim the Jim needeed Blair?
<Becky227> I always thought Blair was named as shaman in Warriors.
At least that's my perspective.
<IrisWilde> I'd like to have seen him and Jim have a really deep
discussion about the supernatural..and find him more accepting...and
<Becky227> So therefore, in my book, he is.
<Zulfiya> I'd like to see Blair attmpting dream rituals, spirit
quests, etc...
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<SKnepley> I'm with you Becky
<sirizzy> Shaman are usually healers, teachers and spiritual guides.
<rubyiat99> Jim is hesitant about the mystical - doesn't jibe with
rational mind
<tae60> But he still doesn't accept it.
<IrisWilde> I'd have included a line where he turns to Blair and
says, "I'm ready to take that trip with you now, Chief."
<SKnepley> Well Blair is all of those ,g>
<tae60> Blair, that is.
<imbrillig> Lived a shaman; died and was reborn and named a shaman.
Should be some powerful mojo there.
<tae60> Ooh, yeah.
<rubyiat99> And Blair says "Where? to the men's room?
<tae60> Love that line.
<tae60> LOL
<tae60> How about 'on that Spirit Quest'?
<sirizzy> Me too. But the point I was making is Blair's a natural
<IrisWilde> I think Blair has a well developed sixth sense, but
he's been concentrating on Jim for a long time. They need to work on it
<tae60> He always was, he just didn't/doesn't realize it.
<Zulfiya> I don't know if I buy *anyone* as a natural shaman - it
has to be a matter of intent.
<Impala77> So you would like to see more eps with Jim in that situation
<rubyiat99> I think there are those who are naturally more attuned
to the spiritual side of things
<sirizzy> Not sure about that. I think there's a natural bent that
you either train or don't, like any talent.
<dawnangst> uggh. I think I have to go. My eyes are bugging :-(
I can keep the irc log on, though
<Zulfiya> Some people are more spiritual than others, but to be
a shaman, you have to mean to be.
<Impala77> dealing with the supernatural?
<tae60> Question, is 'shaman' being used in the mystical sense,or
in the traditional 'teacher' sense.
<SKnepley> Both I think
<rubyiat99> Dawn is pooping out
<IrisWilde> I think they need to explore it in greater depth.
<tae60> After all, a Rabbi is technically a shaman.
<sirizzy> Both.
<sirizzy> Yup.
<sirizzy> But you don't devote your life to study if you don't have
a calling.
<rubyiat99> So Iris and I are potential Shamans
<sirizzy> You got it.
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<rubyiat99> With a retirement plan
<tae60> Blair has always been a teacher, but hasn't really delved
into the mystical.
<Becky227> I think I need to be going, folks. My story is calling
me.... Write me! Write me!
<IrisWilde> I disagree...I think you have to open your mind to *know*
if you have a calling.
<sirizzy> And LTD benefits, too, just in case!
<SKnepley> well he meditates, and I think has a better grasp than
<rubyiat99> Heath care too
<tae60> Gaood night, Becky! Write away!
<IrisWilde> Yes, write Becky! She's working her fingers off on DCEAS!
<SKnepley> Bye Becky! Go Wrote!
<Impala77> I think by the very nature of the death experience, he
<Zulfiya> He's participated in the "mystical" though - but with
anthropological distance (skepticism even)
<sirizzy> But Blair is comfortable with making hte journey. "The
water's fine."
<rubyiat99> Bye Becky
<sirizzy> Bye, Becky!
<Zulfiya> Night Becky
<rubyiat99> He's more open to it due to his study of native cultures
and rituals
<Becky227> Bye all.
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<dawnangst> adios amigas, buenos noches.
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<rubyiat99> Nighty, nite
<Impala77> thanks Dawn!
<SKnepley> ooo bilingual! ,g>
<tae60> But is he really a 'believer'?
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<sirizzy> He's very accepting of the supernatural: WR, for instance,
and Jim's visions.
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<inyx> ruby - I think he's open to it as something someone else
believes in
<IrisWilde> Well, I'm off to do some work of my own...and to eat
<Zulfiya> He's very accepting of most things - his mother's influence.
<inyx> but he's a scientist - and I'm not so sure he'd be as accepting
<rubyiat99> Bye Iris
<sirizzy> Jim saw Molly.
<inyx> night Iris
<SKnepley> May be before S2, not so much after.
<inyx> Jim did - but Blair didn't
<SKnepley> Bye iris.
<IrisWilde> Bye all!
<dawncapp> bye Iris - thank you for chatting (hee hee I didn't really
leave. almost)
<sirizzy> Bye, Iris, and thanks.
<tae60> Bye, Iris. I'd better go, too, I've got some tomatoes simmering
into sauce on the stove.
<imbrillig> drat. I was off again. Thanks Iris. Can't wait for your
<rubyiat99> Sneaky Dawn
<inyx> Night Tae
<IrisWilde> Thanks for the fic questions. <g>
<sirizzy> Right, but Blair accepted Jim's word. He's open to it.
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<SKnepley> Bye TAE
<rubyiat99> Well, dog needs walking - I'm gone too
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<dawncapp> and i can go for real now. night all! thanks for coming.
<inyx> but not for himself - I doubt he'd be willing to accept easily
that he could do the same
<Zulfiya> Bye Tae, Ruby
<Impala77> Night everyone!
<sirizzy> Bye, TAE, bye Ruby.
<inyx> night
<dawncapp> whoever wants to stay is welcome, of course. chat room
is open 24/7
<sirizzy> Night, Dawn!
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<sirizzy> I missed your last point, Gray.
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Session Close: Sun Oct 10 18:58:23 1999