group of intercessors who will pray often as described below in the new matrad creed. A
special letter is sent out
periodically which gives more detail on the needs of Metropolis and
more personal needs of the leadership. At the same time the
letters give
you an idea of how God has answered your prayers since the last letter.
Also, We invite our intercessors to speak prophetic words over
Metropolis since they are the ones praying all the time, we
believe that
God will release revelation in this way. We Highly Value our
Intercessors...they do the air attack long before we ever make it to a
live performance...then all we have to do is take and occupy the land so
to speak. We are seeking individuals who feel they are
called and
anointed for Intercession ministry.
The only qualifications that you must fulfill lest you
yourself is:
1. You must be born again.
2. You must be involved in ongoing Christian
fellowship with other believers.
3. You must read, agree to and follow our
new MatRad Creed.
MatRad Creed:
I commit to intercede at least 5 mins a day for at least 5 days per week
for Metropolis Ministries. I will seek to hear from God on their
and pray for them as He leads me to. I will also pray specifically
as I
am directed to certain needs of this, My, ministry of and to Metropolis.
I will ask of the Lord frequently to speak words of encouragement to me
that I may encourage the leadership of Metropolis. Finally, I will
for Metropolis at least 2 mins during the days of outreach when I am
made aware of them, I will specifically pray for their safety, increased
anointing, finances, and lastly that the Holy Spirit will call and draw
many to Himself through the voice of Metropolis.
Please RSVP on the below email address if
you will commit and join the
MatRad Army. Once you join you will periodically receive additional
Information of specific things as well as updates after outreach.
you are welcome to accompany us in outreach and pray for us as we
minister and be a part of our ministry team to others.
Thanks Again!
Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy
Accept our Invitation at