Metropolis Ministries

Statement of Faith


We believe that all mankind are born as sinners and condemned to eternal
damnation and separation from God.  Man's only hope of redemption is
accepting Jesus, Gods' one and only Son.  Believing that Jesus came down
from heaven, was born to a virgin, proved he was God by living a sinless
life and doing miracles, signs and wonders.   Accepting His death and
resurrection on a cross and that the shedding of His blood covers our

We believe in the trinity of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, coming
together as one.  We believe that when we accept Jesus personally, Gods'
Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us and causes us to be reborn in the
Spirit and gives us access to His power.

We believe in the singular Church, consisting of those who have come
together as reborn believers in Christ Jesus, from all over the world.
We believe that the local church should strive to become an image of the
relationship we can have corporately with God through Christ and all
believers should participate in a local Church body. 

We believe that the Bible is the only true account of God and man, and
that it shows us the only true way to become reconciled back to our
Creator and Father, God.


