Mecha Heishi Black Knight History Page


..Yes it is true, I and the Harley Mark of MHBK do share the same first and last names. But our middle names are different, his is Davidson and mine is Eric. The following is the story of the MHBK story.

..It is a really long story that goes back to about first grade. MHBK was originally just Black Knight, the character of a short story. For whatever class, the teacher said we had to an illistrated story. My partner and I couldn't decided what to do. Somehow I came up with the idea of a Knight fighting a dragon. My partner wasn't to enthused about it so I did most of the work. (I still have the original copy and the art is mine) The character needed a name, so since it was my idea, he got my name.

..I liked the idea of the Black Knight, so I stuck with it over the years. Looking back on all of the transformation he's undergone, one truely has to be amazed. After 1st grade, BK's first transformation took place. He went from a medevil knight to a futuristic super hero. If I remember right, the setting was some post-Apocalyptic city in the near future. The plot was something like this: a boy finds an old train car one day that was filled with old artifacts from Europe. He accidently activates an old suit of armour. H ethen goes on to fight the oppressive government and the evil Red Knight. It was really a simple plot (I was a fourth grader, what did you expect) and did't last long before BK changed once again.

..Around sixth grade, I changed this around a bit, instead of the future, everything took place in the present. The plot was basically the same with only a few minor differences. The armor was no longer ancient, but high tech super armor. There were a few other changes, but I don't really remember them. In 8th grade was when the BK that you know started to take shape. It was then that I got interested in anime. I also stopped being a little dweeb (look at my essays and such page to see what I mean). Maturity started to set in and things changed. Our hero was no longer involved in a simple "good vs. evil" type plot anymore, I added in elements of hidden conspirecies and things like that. Elements of the huge crime syndicate that he would battle, along with his other enemies, came into my mind.

..I must admit that the "X-Files" influenced me some, that's where Nate's (Harley's dad) "top-secrect past" came from, along with the whole EXTRA COVERT. thing (let's just say it's really important). In 9th grade, it came together. That was when I REALLY became interested in anime, it was also when I first watched a little show called "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon." The beautiful art of anime mezmirized me, from then on out I couldn't think of the BK not being anime. In 10th grade I wrote the "sacred" pages, the first written accounts of an 18 year old fighting to save the people he loved. Eventually I got a job (letting out someone's dog for 30 bucks a week) and was able to purchase things like anime, video games, and perhaps most importantly, a computer.

..That computer allowed me to journey to a place I had only heard about, the internet. I was amazed at all the things that I saw. Eventually I made my way to the SOS Headquarters and started to post regularly on their board. I have met many interesting people their and I made some friends there. As my interest in Anime and Japan in general grew, our hero made some changes. Most noticably, Black Knight became Mecha Heishi Black Knight (Cyber Soldier Black Knight). Harley's history in Japan also manafested itself along with some stuff I don't want to spoil :) Soon After I got my Alpha Site and made it known to the world that I was going to write the MHBK story. This was important because before when I was working on the story, if someone came up to me and asked what I was doing I would hide my stuff and shrug them off. To say the least, I didn't want anyone to see it. It wasn't so much that I was afraid of people copying me, it was the fact that my family is still in Puritan times when it comes to open-mindedness. But lets not go in that direction please.

..I was ready to go, but first I had to overcome some major hurdles. The biggest on was that Xoom kept crashing every other week and greatly discouraged me from working on the story. Another big problem was that being such a big fan of BSSM, I decided to create an online guide. After a while I got alot done (I still have much to do before it is anywhere near somewhat done...), I finally got to MHBK. I sat down in front of the computer, poped a CD in (which is kind of bad seeing as how I get distracted by it sometimes...), and started to type. That was another problem, I was just typing, making things up as I went. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of ideas, it was just that they were all in one big mess in my mind. The story had absolutley no structure what-so ever. I knew the who, what, where and why, but the "when" part was completely left behind. I decided to do the unthinkable, go back to what I learned in middle school.

..Back in middle school, just about all we did in "Communications" (English) was creative writing (something I wish I was doing alot more of now in English). Before we even started to write the first sentance, we had to do about two or three packets of worksheets explaining everything--basically the "who, what, when, where and why" of the story. It was only after you had thuroughly explained the whole story that the teachers would allow you to start the actual writing of the story. The scary part is that process actually works!

..Now that I've explained how I was taught to write fiction, you can see why I've done what I've done. For those who don't follow, all of those info pages that I've been creating are actually things I use to help me write the story. Take the episode list, I originally created it as a timeline for me to follow, a sort of backbone for the plot. It had a list of when things would happen and I used the episode list to create the episode summaries, which I'll use to create the actual story. It's a very long and hard process, but then nothing good comes easy. Well, that brings you all up to today. After I get some more things done I'll come back and share with you some more. I have many things planned and I think you'll enjoy them all.

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