Tower Pizza at Crescent Bar
About the Owners
2003 Season and Events | Menu | About the Owners


Michael and Michelle

Summer of 2002
Michael and Michelle

We purchased the restaurant in March of 2001.  We have had two fun filled fabulous seasons there.  We love meeting everyone that comes in and can't wait until our third season.
I have been coming to Crescent Bar since I was a little girl.  It has always been my favorite vacation destination with the sunshine and fun atmosphere.  In fact my uncle was the first person to open Tower Pizza and I ran it for him when I was in college.  He then sold it to the Nunamakers.  When I met Michael in 1999 we began taking vacations together there.  When the restaurant came up for sale we jumped at the chance to buy it and haven't looked back since.

During the winter, we live in Everett.  I teach 6th grade at Gateway Middle School (check out my classroom website at )and Michael is bartending for Roasters down on Lake Washington. We are currently looking for a house to move into and another restaurant to open. 
We have two dogs, Allie and Jake, but no kids yet.  Hey!! We aren't even married yet.  Give us time.

Allie in the Christmas Spirit