From Nowhere:
reports on recent shows :
great with incredible bands. so was Asheville. Chattanooga was a good
all day
punk show in the park with Jack Palance Band definitely the winners of
day. We accidentally left some gear in Asheville so we had to break
the no
doubling back rule. but still made it to Athens in time to play a
great show with Exit 86 who are mighty nice folks. Next up Gainesville
We were in Boston on June 1st. On the way to Bloomington the tire
fell off the van. We almost died but were saved by Ken's three
wheel driving. Got towed to
our show in Bloomington and got to play. spent the next day fixing the
van and got to Cleveland three hours after our show. We played anyway
to the five people waiting for us as they threw furniture and lit off
roman candles. That's about it for now.
Feb Gilman show show went great. Aaron Cometbus played the first half of
the set on drums then Antonio finished.
It was fun. I'm starting to book our next tour for May/June now so if
interested bands , clubs etc. get in touch now, we'd appreciate it...
the proposed route will head north towards Vancouver, then across the
great plains states, We'll be in Boston by June 1st and then eventually
south including tennessee and north carolina, florida, colorado, new
mexico etc...."
for more tour info clicky here punker
New Recruits Added For 2001

click to see
full size new member pic featuring current bassist Buzz, new
drummer Antonio and 2nd guitarist Matt. |
-- click
for additional searchable show info
Shotwell's first CD "Celery Beef and Iron" is currently
available for secure web purchase for less than ten bucks.
Rekids released the disc via Mordam distribution in late 1997 and all
profits benefit The
San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness.

Pssst...No Idea
Records in
Florida has released a cool lil 4 disc 7" vinyl collection
DOWN IN FRONT (features
Baby, Cleveland Bound D.S., Shotwell Coho...etc.) |
4x7" from No Idea -
24 songs...some outtakes & unreleased stuff! all for only
$7.00 |
It's rare and
hard to find anywhere but there... so click
this link if you want ordering info
You can order the Shotwell Coho

from via Broken
Rekids site
Shotwell Pages Below
Here is a Shotwell
fave links page
Click to view and add to a cool
history of selected
past Shotwell Gigs
peruse Pete's
1997 tour diary entry
don't forget to buy
the CD or 10"
put out by
Here To Purchase
via a secured credit card transaction
Click and Choose Save to grab a quick free MP3 of: Through
You from the 1995 Shotwell Coho debut split 7"
files are barely a
and will work on low bandwidth connections
Click Below For
Selected Other Shotwell
available from Mordam Records
Submit A Shotwell
Show Memory for Our New Archives!
band member pix
shows & tour dates are often found HERE
Shotwell History
SF based street punk band's official/unofficial tour website
E-Mail: BUZZ
US Tour On Now! May
& June dates ongoing!
click below for tour dates Support the Underground!
To See Videos & Hear MP3's

CD VERSION new for 2001!
This limited edition release has already disappeared on vinyl, so the band
has decided to make a CD available. You can have the disc
shipped to you for just $10.00 from:
Shotwell c/o Mission
2263 Mission St.
San Francisco CA 94110
web offer: send $14.00 and get two copies!
mention the website in your order!

actually less than half a megabyte!
can bet Shotwell will continue to be part of the planned actions
to protest as artists are squeezed out of San Francisco at an
accelerated rate. Buzz recently lost his home because he
couldn't pass a retroactive credit check nine months after
moving in!
musicians and artists lose the ability to protect their lively
hoods around town, SF is losing it's creative heart. There were
lots of street and rooftop shows near the end of September 2000,(...more
info at these links below...)
• SF Musicians finally start to get it : Years after
Shotwell began their notorious series of street shows, now
other SF bands have realized that to get attention in the
economic and political climate of San Francisco they would
have to take it to the streets... hence 09/23 Rock
Out San Francisco -- A Day of Free Music! Brought on by
the mass eviction at Downtown Rehearsal, representatives of
the evicted bands began been playing outdoors & &
negotiating with local property developers. Talk of a $750,000
settlement brews. $250,000 of it will be distributed directly
to displaced musicians, and the remainder would be placed in a
trust to build a rehearsal studio in the future. We'll see
what actually happens...
Summer 2000, the band took
to the road and attempted to play the big R.A.T.M/Ozomatli gig near
the Staples Center during the Democratic Convention in late August.
Needless to say, the L.A.P.D were having none of it. Instead,
Shotwell played for an annoyed audience of cops on motorcycles at 8th
and Figueroa. The cops eventually unplugged the band's generator and
followed the guys around for over an hour until they left the
jurisdiction. Jimmy was amused to find that they preemptively
shut off public access to the La Brea tarpits just to prevent Shotwell
from parking there and visiting...
On May 1st 2000, Shotwell played the SF May Day actions in front
of Citibank which is documented
at this link. Also last spring Jimmy took his cohorts to DC for
the WTO protests.
They also played some sporadic road shows including one at Chicago's
Fireside Bowl on 04.19.00
In late 1999 Shotwell played a generator show at the WTO in
Seattle .( Ed
Note: I of course couldn't make it to any of these shindigs because I
was either busy working here in the Mission's Multimedia Gulch for an
evil global entertainment empire, or gambling away my capitalist pig
dollars along the sunny Redneck Riviera...c'est la vie).
So in order for you to read on about Shotwell's ongoing
exploits, and accounts of their famous street shows I suggest you get
a hold of one of the extremely limited 12" records out now. The
Shotwell / Miami split was released in April 2000, I believe it is
almost sold out.
The record itself is
a glorious split with the defunct band Miami and features songs
recorded by various Shotwell line-ups over the last couple years. The
thorough booklet put together by Miami's Iggy Scam and the gang is a
worthy souvenir in itself even without the rocking tunes.
The vinyl was released by No Records, Paul Barger's tiny Berkeley
Based Label that recently dissolved after 4.5 years,
( read about it at this
Order an L.P today, quantities are extremely limited... The C.D or
L.P of the above mentioned split release can had be for $10.00
including shipping from :
- Shotwell c/o Mission Records
2263 Mission St.
San Francisco Ca 94110
Misc. Shotwell Products
12"'s 7"'s 10"'s CD's, VHS etc
are all available from Buzz via the Mission Records address.
The band appreciates your support...
Try calling the booking hotline @ 415 648 2136 for additional band