"Pardon me. Which way to the Space Needle and Green Lake?"
Landsknects from the old Ral Partha Historicals range, still available from Ral Partha Legacy. in true 25mm scale. Some of the most gorgeous sculpts to ever walk a tabletop. Speaking of fine art, the backdrop is provided by Katherine Fraser from Jack Cheser’s book, “London. A Guide for Curious Wanderers.”...
Currently gathering photos for a new album....this one is..."The 3 wanna-be car thieves were unable to begin their criminal career due to a lack of a Driver's License...."
Saturday night fun 1957
Random Commentary and notes sprinkled throughout....
This site, for those interested, was started with lovingly handcrafted HTML back in the early 1990s. Used a WebTV (origin of Cloud technology) ..01.24.2023....
September 4 2022. As the year hurtles toward the doors of the two-facing god (that would be Janus, namesake of January) the struggle to tune this site up continues....images remain a problem, but hot-links work for navigation.
March 7 2021...site bandwidth and ancient HTML means we are losing images...so to work we go. Apologies for any interference with your enjoyment of this site as we conduct repairs. April 17 2022...still working on it...
A long time ago, this site was associated with the old Ral Partha's MinFigs sales, then breifly with Tom Dye's MiniFigs sales. I am still a huge fan of MiniFigs LTD, so I am adding a gratis link to the new owners here. (I found out many people land here when searching for Miniature Figurines...the original tin soldiers, not the plastic Legos. Well Maybe the Plastic Legos as well.) So if you are looking to purchase or just browse some classic excellent lead/tin figures in 15mm, 25mm and all eras plus sci-fi, fantasy and such, click on the image of the Minifigs catalogue. "http://www.miniaturefigurines.co.uk/Home.aspx">
Welcome to the treasure trove. August 2017, cannon fire by the light of the Eclipse
Actual news footage from a miniature battlefield!
Mission: Popularize the aspects of models that are innately recognizable by what H.G. Wells (in a related context) described as "...boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books."
Models, miniatures, 'toys' are an ART form. Useful and used in everything from planning the Trooping of the Colours on HRH's official birthday, to planning a house or subdivision, designing a stage or movie set. Often performing the duties of actual "actors" in a film or Televised play. (Interesting that a performance is called a play, sometimes a teleplay.) Even in the current digital design dominated age, models are often made in physical 3 dimensions to be image-captured and animated. After all, a really useful diorama at whatever scale is in all meanings, nothing more than a three-dimensional 'painting' that tantalizes the viewer with the very real ability to reach out and view or touch the subject from different perspectives.
The owner of this long-standing and popular site intends to see an expansion here of the history and aspects of visual delights that illustrate the long presence and enjoyment of miniatures; little models of military and civilian machines, buildings, creatures and figures, from fantasy, fable and FUN....
August 2017 Light of the Eclipse Infantry Support Merite US Camel Corp 1854
It is coming, 2017!...more miniature battle actions are coming! More civilian shenanigans!. .... a new year for new fun!....
msr Dean dressed as a young Napoleon," Vacation-eeeeee!!! (..and then we're gonna go to iowa, and washington!..eeeeeeeee!)" "ruins on mars." An OO scale marriage of the classic airfix coastal gun playset and some vintage robotech accessory sci-fi dudes camo-ed by some warhammer building ruins. Some non-perm kit bashing (sort of, well ok, some different stuff stuck together).... 2003's most under rated figures and vehicle kits.
soon the misunderstood figures of 2004! 54mm/1-32nd ICM plastic kits of 1870 Frenchies and Pruessians and an RPM 75mm (the box says 'schneider 75mm' which is of course that belle of the battle from the Franco-Prussian through the Great War and World War II, used by many nations.)
Same French field gun in Minifigs 15mm. A little photo show of the ICM 75's bigger and older cousin from a maker whose name can be found by just clicking on the cannon and spaceman picture to visit
This cool page has been visited times. Note: May 17th 2022 in the After-Times, when a new counter started, 22,126 visitors had been counted since the creation of this site.
November 4th is 'omoge to Wilfred Own day in my household.The current Wikipedia entry states; Owen was killed in action on 4th November 1918 during the crossing of the Sambre-Oise Canal , exactly one week (almost to the hour) before the signing of the Armistice and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant the day after his death. His mother received the telegram informing her of his death on Armistice Day, as the church bells were ringing out in celebration. (Owen was aged 25).
prelim paint on 1/72 RPM WW I Ford Ambulance. This is a sister kit to the Ford Armoured Car (1920s Bolshy-butt kicking Polish).