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Saturday, 15 September 2007
Preparing for the in-coming year
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: the greatest expedition conducted by the handsomest man in human history
Topic: expedition announcement

Posted by minifigs_2 at 11:50 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 1 August 2007
augustine, ach du lieber!
Mood:  smelly
Topic: funny how life goes...
Well, set me down and feed me fried eggs! (Going for home-spun folksieness). I just re-discovered my blog! As you can see this blog thing is such a passion with me that I often forget to say anything to myself here. Well that's about all I have energy for today.

Posted by minifigs_2 at 10:10 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 10:17 AM PDT
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Monday, 15 December 2003
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: So what a grand present!
Topic: offensively yours.....
Christmas is celebrated at this web-site. That doesn't mean you can't celebrate what ever, in your part of the cyber-lands highway. But if you are offended because Christmas is Christ's Mass, may I suggest you find a good therapist. If everything you learned about the world was from hollywood then may it be suggested that you need to broaden your information sources.

Posted by minifigs_2 at 4:32 PM PST
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Friday, 5 December 2003
andy rooney from 60 minutes said he knew what a blog was...
Mood:  a-ok I figured it was OK to start blogging now that a guy as hip as Andy knew about it.
Yes. That is mois, his egoboyness his-self. One day I will have electrical lighting installed! My next escapade in the 21st century! Well I would really rather be painting or posting pics, so consider this initial foray concluded!

Posted by minifigs_2 at 8:19 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 30 August 2010 7:00 PM PDT
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