Any treatment of 'Trek for an RPG has to consider that those Star Fleet chappies (and chapettes) display an awful lot of competency in a wide variety of fields. Past attempts to deal with this situation (FASA's Star Trek RPG and TFG's Prime Directive) have revolved around layers of training to properly simulate a military educational regime, moderated by the caveat that Kirk, et al. are exceptional individuals with far more...something...than PCs can ever hope to have.
My traditional response to this has usually beeen along the lines of 'camel turds'. If we want to play exceptional characters, then by {insert relavent deity figure here} we should, can and will! Even if we're talking about the exceptionally stupid or the exceptionally lazy. So here are the rules for Star Fleet characters in Star Fleet Zeta. It is very similar to the Mekton Zetarules, but with a lot more points. You'll also notice I borrow a little of that 'layers of training' techique. All it lacks at the moment is an adequate description of non-terragen Federation members.
1. Everybeing Skills ~ Please bear in mind that this list reflects what an 'average' Federation citizen might learn while growing up.
2. Skills ~ This part works just as it does in MZ. Each character has points equal to Int + Edu +10 to Spend on any skill. Hard Skills cannot be raised above five, yet. Star Fleet personnel might typically have an Edu of between 3 & 8.
3. Enlisted Ratings ~ Despite a severe lack of screen time, these are the guys who keep the ships running. Enlisted Star Fleet Marines also fit in here. Enlistment is open to any Federation citizen between the ages of 16 and 45. All enlisted personnel recieve appropriate basic training in addition to their normal skills for that term.
Fleet Basic Training
Marine Basic Training
4. Officers ~ Four years (two terms)in Star Fleet Academy. Oh my.
Star Fleet Cadet ~ Cadets go through this twice.
5. Professionalism ~ Something Star Fleet is noted for. Every term a professional recieves 14 skill points, 10 of which must go into professional skills.
6. Promotion ~ I wouldn't suggest that PCs be promoted more than once a term. After the first few, promotion should come with even less frequency.