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MOB on Tour 2003
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MOB on Tour 2003

Summer of 2003 Bike Trip

Sandra, Jenn, Nolah, Karen - MOB

Sandra, Jenn, Nolah and Karen decided to go on a 10 day bike trip to the Kootneys. MOB goes on Tour.
The following is a diary of what we did, with pictures of an amazing vacation.
Pre Trip:
It was decided that we should make MOB shirts so it was a Monday night project putting them together. These are a limited edition shirt but hopefully next we will make some to sell.
We also had a grocery and beverage shopping trip before we left.
Friday July 11 - Panorama - for the Dirt Series Bike Camp
Two full days of riding amazing stuff, and as all the Sugoi Dirt Series Camps we learned a tonn.  The terrain at panarama is definately a step up from what we are used to so it challenged in many ways. We met some amazing ladies and many new friends. One of the instructors (Tanya) lives in Rossland and when we told her our plans on checking Rossland out she gave us her number to call her.  Our trip was just getting better.
Next on to Cranbrook,
We arrived in Cranbrook with a goal.  Both Nolah and Jenn wanted to get some peircings done. So are mission was to find the place, we ended up in this little Hemp shop where the owner, this big burly guy that was also a bush pilot was the perfect choice.  Nolah had her tongue done and Jenn her nose.  Of course we were all stuffed into the back room to watch and give support.  Ouch!!!!! not for me.
Our rest of the day was spent shopping and of course laughing at poor nolah who now talked funny!!! 
Next Stop!!! Rossland yippee,
Our bodies have now healed from the abuse of the bike camp... oh did I forget to mention that we were all hurting from the weekend.
We found a great place to camp right in the town of Rossland.  They have a little Lions Campground which was perfect.  We called Tanya and she was available the 2 days we planned on being there.  Our first bike trip was up this mountain which we were able to access right from the campground.  Nolah stayed home as unfortunately her tongue was hurting a little much. Okay this was a lesson, having the bike camp pre this trip was such a great idea as it prepared us a little for the terrain, but wow it was amazing.  It took a lot to get used to the loose/dry dirt and steep decents.  Tanya was awsome as she gave us tips and pointer for riding in this area.  What an amazing ride.  Our next days ride we had heard about a trip where you do as a shuttle.   A local resident will take you up the mountain and then pick you up. That night we made arrangements for this and Tanya agreed to come along and guide us.  What a day, this is a must ride for anyone that goes to Rossland.  This ride was a full on single track delight with a few stunts and amazing scenery.
Rossland was definately sweetest riding I have experienced.

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