Thrill Seeking
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New Zealand!
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New Zealand!



This is MY beach. Mom always says it's not yours unless your name is written on it. Well...


Abel Tasman Track

Sara and I visited this two day old lamb at John's farm. He was very friendly and loved giving kisses. (The lamb did, too)

Moreaki Boulders

My two favourite bridges 

<Clifton Historic Bridge

Bridge near the Fox glacier>


Do you see me standing on the top? This spot was difficult to leave-the view was amazing.







My first right-hand drive car!

Manual shift too!!

Famous Dandelion fountains of Christchurch along the Avon River



French Pass...

beautiful, but a very dangerous place to scuba dive as a few people found out the hard way

Gorgeous sunrise in Collingwood (near the Farewell Spit)

If you want to see more of NZ, click here.

If you would like to see pics of the wonderful people I met during my travels, click here.

If you would like to see pictures of Rarotonga, click here.

Please feel free to me anytime to say hello at monsheri@hotmail.com