About This Site



This is the part of the page where I basically tell you, the reader, what this site is about.  Actually, you may have already guessed what it's about, but it's nice to be able to throw another page into the equation.  It made me feel good, it should make you feel good, too.


This site is an outlet for my own overactive imagination.  But, maybe you don't understand what I mean when I say 'overactive' because I mean seriously overactive.  I constantly think about things involving my faniverse, and when I'm not creating new stuff for it, I'm creating new stuff for various other things.  Obviously, school work should fall into that somewhere, but as you can tell, I'm a busy guy.


Anyway, as I was writing The Planeswalkers, I ended up creating a lot of excess information that I really couldn't introduce into the story without making it seem forced.  Even then, however, I couldn't really go into depth in explaining it.  That brings me to what will be the bread and butter of this site, the World section.


So, here's a little intro to the different sections on the page




Fiction: kind of a no brainer.  Actually, all of my headings are simple enough to figure out without actually checking this page out, but still.  This is where my own writings go.  Think of it as a personal library.


Art: my art, of course.  Typically, it will be art relating to the Series, but if I like something that's unrelated, I'll throw that up, too.




Resources: A one stop shop for all sorts of extraneous information about the Planeswalkers and the LEA.  Basically, I had so many ideas, I needed a place to put, them, so this became the place.


Origin: A quick summary of where all these ideas came from, as well as a look at the creation of our/my faniverse, aptly nicknamed the World of Imagination.


Magic Index: This is (or rather, will be) a complete and comprehensive look at all of the magic in my stories, and the stories of fellow fanfic writers within the faniverse.  Cool stuff, I must say.




Library: hopefully this will be an ever growing depository for literary accomplishment.  I'll be hosting any kind of fiction, not just fan fiction, and I'm looking for contributions to the site the moment.  


World of Imagination: eventually, this will be an entire site in and of itself.  It is, somewhat like the World section of this site, a documentation of the faniverse, though from a different angle.  The whole thing will read like a book, hopefully, and should come out pretty cool.  At the moment, it houses the history of the faniverse. 


That's it for now.  I'll probably change this page as I see fit, but for the time being, this will do well.  Plus, now I can say I completed the Site section on the navigation bar.  Oh joy!  This is Mox, signing out....




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