What's New?


8/4/02- Dear lord, how pathetic.  Live must have been kinda hectic if it's been this long since an update.  Actually, it was probably a lack of things to do which led to going out too much, which led to me not doing any writing.  *Sigh*  Regardless, there's about forty new pages of Flames of Vengeance up, with another chapter in the works for completion later this week (I hope).  


I'm off to college on the 20th, and am very excited.  I just hope college life doesn't bog down the writing any more than high school life did.






4/6/02- I'm not dead!!  See?  I still care!  In addition to putting up the (long) overdue chapter 13 of Twins of Destiny and the Author's Notes for the same piece, I also have about fifty pages of a new story up.  This one is a different type of sequel to The Planeswalkers, based around Jack's son Duncan, called Flames of Vengeance: Symphony of Chaos.


Okay, as for me, here's the brief update.  I got into Notre Dame, and I'm going there.  I'm still single, and have this terrible habit of running into girls with boyfriends.  For those of you keeping score at home, I'm up to four in a row now.


Everything is cool again between Shannon (my ex) and me, and even though it took long enough, she's probably one of my best friends now.  Weird how that works out, isn't it?  Obviously, since The Planeswalkers is still dedicated to her, she's still very cool and very important to me.  I love you, Shan, so don't you forget it.


I am still single though, so keep that in mind.  Then again, I've gotten more writing done in the past month of being single than I did while I was attached.  Hopefully, I'm coming out of a slump (a writing slump and a relationship slump), even though I say that all the time.  Anyway, I'll keep 'em coming and I hope you keep reading 'em.


11/22/01- Wow, a quick update with Chapter 12 of Twins of Destiny.  


11/17/01- I apologize to anyone reading this page for my severe lack of updates.  I've been really busy lately with dealing with college applications and some real world social issues.  Hopefully, this will mark my return to getting writing done.  Chapters 10 and 11 of Twins of Destiny are up, and once I get into a college, you should expect either a mass increase of in writing (or a mass increase in partying) from me.


As for a personal update, I broke up with my girlfriend about a month ago, and my friends immediately took her side.  Here's a hint, guys: never date a friend.  The girls in the group will take the side of the girl, and the guys in the group will want to hook up with the newly single girl.  There's no where to run, no where to hide, and nothing but shit to find.


I nearly rebounded myself into another relationship with a very close friend of mine, but that probably wouldn't have worked out, so I'm happy she just wanted to stay friends, in hindsight.  Granted, I hated her (and my ex) intensely for the next ten hours or so, then I started to get over it.  I thought I was depressed for a bit, but it's all okay, now.  Again, not like anyone cares, but everyone should care that I'm single again, so if you are between the ages of 15 and 18, are female, and *in Ladies Man voice* aren't disgusting, I want to hear from you!  Actually, what I really want it more feedback mail, but "Mox, I want your baby," mail would be appreciated as well.  

8/19/01- Please don't make me feel bad for lacking on the updates/writing.  I feel lazy enough as it is.  Chapter 9 of Twins of Destiny is up.  Hopefully I'm out of my writers slump now.

7/11/01- I put up the Planeswalker Chronicles glossary, as well as chapter 8 of Twins of Destiny.  Also added are four pieces of fan art by Nightsong and a piece of fan art by Myshu.  Final Fantasy the Movie came out today, so you should all go and watch it, as it looks pretty cool.  That's where I'll be tonight, hopefully.



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