trouser candle in the windpipe

Hi! My name is Elton John. I think Candle in the Wind is the song that means most to my fans. This is because I sang it very tearfully at a celebrity funeral and then appeared in Hello! with my poshest piano and my new hair.

  Crypt of Celebrity
revoltingly nice
I wish I was more interesting
If you've ever wondered what Tod Carty and David Frost have in common it's absolutely nothing. Tod is a North London layabout whose dreary personality and lack of taste made him ideal for Eastenders fame. Frost, on the other hand, has led a carefree life of over-privilege and pole greasing. He has a posh house and was once president of the Footrest Digestive Biscuit Circle at Cambridge.
All the famous people you could possible wish for on one page

the only time this show was ever interesting was when the elephant shat

Perves Lives! It's been a good week for Peter Perves (left), former Blue Peter presenter and star of.. nothing else. He says, "After ten years of psychiatric help, I've now fully come to terms with my epic career failure. I did have dreams of Hollywood but I'm now over that. At least I'm not one of those sad, cringe-making knob-cheese TV whores who prop up a flagging profile by pretending to care for animals. You know exactly who I mean, cobbers." To right we do, Peter.


I live by the sword
Mick Jagger is to be the first recipient of a revolutionary new pair of plastic eyes. The eyes, designed by Clive Sinclair, are solar powered and this means Mick will have to spend one hour every day staring directly at the sun and will only be able to blink at night. "I'll be able to see through the fridge door!" Mick said.

FUTURE SHOCK Future Publishing is to begin collecting dead birds. This unhygienic pass-time, normally associated with tramps and idiots, is to be taken up by the media group which normally expends most of it's time and energy producing gaudy magazines for tossers. Future aims to collect at least twelve dead birds before 2001 and say's if it fails to reach it's target it will launch another tasteless computer rag. RSPCA officials worry Future may mistakenly collect live birds like sparrows and emus since these can often appear dead when really they are only sleeping. TV Star Bob Monkhouse was in no way involved.
40 years in the business....... and still shite


The Purple Prince Pop start prince has announced his new colour is yellow. The shock change in hue was seemingly inspired by a lover becoming jaundiced. "My album Purple Rain will now be called Golden Shower," he squeaked to his Staines based PR team, "and the song Raspberry Beret will from now on be called Banana Balaclava." actaul size

Staying with musicians.. Terry Waite, the former radiator-hugging Beirut hostage, is currently recording an new album of self-penned songs to be entitled Measure My Holiness (By The Extensity of my Beard). It's his third 'Beard' album since his release. A previously unheard snippet from the first and now legendary Lambeth Palace sessions can be heard by clicking here.

dung, sir?
News reader John Humphreys
was this week duped into eating his own dung by TV prankster Noel Edmunds. Fans will be able to see the secretly filmed practical joke on Saturday's House Party. John said, "I thought I was eating Jill Dando's dung. But no, it turned out I was eating my own. Hilarious!"
I have a gun.
....Funny: Edmunds


Sesame Street Fighters Like Prince they're both yellow, they're both loved by kids but only one will survive the week.Children everywhere will be horrified to learn that Laa Laa and Big Bird are to fight to the death because of a petty disagreement in a bar..
tubby mustard
Sources say the yellow teletubby showed Big Bird some serious disrespect, shoving the Sesame Street star and shouting "silly legs!" before speeding away on a squeaky scooter. The pair will settle things by fighting it out in a darkened cellar with dustbin lids and baseball bats with nails hammered through.
I was abused as a chick

Will I last longer than Dudley Moore?
How often do you get to see a top Shakespearean actor clubbing seals to death with a stick? Not very often unless you happen to hang about with Sir John Gielgud, star of Arthur II. Sir John likes nothing better than to spend a Sunday afternoon strolling on the beach near his house with a blunt instrument. He says, "I love to see them flapping about in their own blood, looking up at you with those sad eyes as they cough up bits of fish and spinal column."
Bloody slanty-eyed bastards!
Prince Philip used to kill seals as a younger man too but nowadays likes nothing better than to electrocute moles using two spoons and a car battery.

Famous People Who Are Scared of Rocks.. Seems mad but many of our favourite stars are petrified of rocks. Bruce Forthsythe and his wife Agnes have been scared of rocks ever since they were pelted with them whilst on a shopping trip in Chiswick. "They give me the willies," says Bruce, "Especially those big ones with nasty insects crawling around underneath."
you so much as glance at my rug, you're fired.
Rolf Harris, TV's Mr. Fake-Concern-For-Puppies, used to walk miles to school just to avoid a small pile of rocks at the bottom of his street. "I could feel them looking at me," he says, like a complete twat, "Once I even caught one making insulting parallels between my television career and a dead cat."
You don't really give a shit about animals. Just go back to Australia and die
Richard Bryers knows what it's like to be scared of rocks too. Whilst big game hunting in Lagos he found himself surround by a gang of powdery stones who refused to go away until he gave them all his money. "I was really kacking my pants there for a while," says the star of TV's The Good Life, "The sun was beating down and I had a pretty good idea they wanted to rape me."
Ever Decreasing Popularity

Next Week: Celebrities who are scared of certain types of metal


  Hi! I'm Zoe Ball. I recently took over the fantastic Radio 1 Breakfast Show. Despite saying the word "Fantastic!" every thirteen seconds, listeners are still leaving by the thousands. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. My fantastic producer says I should use the word "Fantastic!" every six seconds to see if that makes any difference. So why not tune in tomorrow? It'll be fantastic.
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