System: Playstation
Rating: 8 1/2 out of 10
Final Fantasy VII was the Best Game Of 1997. It showed the world what a role-playing game is capable of. Since its release people have been begging for more games like it.
The games graphics alone were a reason to buy the game. It seemed more like a cartoon (Anime) than an actual video game.
The game included Sephiroth, the main villain who wanted to destroy the earth with a meteor just for the purpose of destroying the earth! He stops at nothing which includes making the main character, Cloud, go insane and killing one of your characters.
Special characters are thrown into the mix to make the game a little more fun.
The story does drag a bit since you seem to run into senarios that are exactly the same. The ending is also a letdown since it explains nothing about what happens to the characters.
The game, however, is definately a must buy. It's the best RPG out there, that is until Final Fantasy VIII comes out