Part III: A vampire is born

And again there´s the night.
The merciful night.
I wanna stay here forever.
Keep the light away.
Forever night.
Forever safety.
No fears.
No sorrows.
I wanna live forever.
I don’t wanna die.
Redeem me.
Take me with you.
Make me one of yours.
Make me a creature of the night.
The beautiful night...
I´ll miss the day...
but the night caught me.
Nothing will ever be as beautiful
as the night.
When will they realize?
The day is the time of hiding.
The night’s the time to live.
The beauty of the night...
I can’t live without it.
I will leave the day
if I can have the night,
if I can live forever.
Melancholic night...
When will I get it?
Will I?
Only one minute...
A short pain redeeming from an everlasting.
Goodbye day!
Hello everlasting night!
Bite me!
A vampire is born...


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Final: Eternal Life