You may like these haiku from a schools posting on the internet(ages 9 to 11, I think, except the last). Please scroll to see the poems, each is spaced so that it can be seen on the screen by itself.

Ontario, Canada

Raindrops land on leaves
twinkles in the light of sun
like a sparklling pearl


Colours of the winds
Trees grow apples, peaches,nuts
Sapling makes trees

Heip. V

Trees losing their leaves
The pine trees always stay green
Why is it this way?


Mother nature lays,
Coloured leaves on the cold ground,
Nature sleeps till spring

Jessica. J

Pennsylvania, USA

newborn baby
fresh, newly fallen snow
sleeping quietly

Erin Fitzroy


Rain is cool and wet
It rains for thirsty roses
I wish I were rain



Sit and watch the tree
Sway peacefully in the wind
How graceful it is


California , USA

The soft sand calling

the refreshing breeze waiting

just the sky follows

Julia G. Harencar (ukia haiku competition 2007 ), Mendocino, CA


How Come?

How come the sky's a
baby blue? the grass: a forest
green? The fall leaves: yellow
orange and brown?
the ocean: so far down?
How come some flowers
take hours to pick?
How come the stars wear sparkling gowns?
Because they therefore are.
