compendium supplements timetable

--- In, Eyal M. wrote:

I have a question, though.

When do you take your supps?

I just take them all together, knowing I should take them seperately and at different times.

Hi Eyal,

Well I'll tell you how I basically administer my supps altho that is very varyable depending on a few factors...
Wether I'm viral is one, In which case I'll use a bit more vit E and Iodine but less lithium,
Extra no fenol, or some of the supplements written up in eileen's health writing anti-viral,
It's a bit hard as things are not set in stone,
Also if I've had a quite high protein meal I might use a bit more ester c,
Additionally I take more selenium and ester c as I've got that PFO implant and get an immune reaction occationally

This is just a basic idea to give you something to go on and I can't stress enough how variable all this can be...

At first a few years ago it brought me to tears cos it looks like the chains that bind,
Then Andrew gave me a terrific little fishing tackle box with partitions in and I stock that with cut up supps.
(some wrapped in cling wrap as protection against oxydization) this not only saves constantly opening bottles therefore degrading the supps therein,
Its portable and free's you up from being housebound.

Anyway basically this is what I do...

Take 1 houstons no-fenol on an empty stomach often on rising just before 7am,

Have breakfast about an hour later at 8am, This consists of a high protien meat(offel or steak)varied vegies, Sour cream/cream and/or soft cheeses,
Then tip Houstons rice bran oil pep and zyme prime down my throat about 5 mins afterwards.

leave a gap of about 5 minutes after this say 8.20 then take 1/4 or just under of a 625mg ester C tablet which is roughly 150mg.

Wait another 15 mins 8.35 take 1/3 of a Source Naturals copper sebacate, wait 5 mins 8.40 take 1/3 of a Source naturals optizinc,
wait 5 minutes 8.45 take another 1/3 of a copper sebacate.

About 15 minutes after this at take B vits...
1/4 of a Source naturals metafolin or Metagenics folapro with 1/8 of a Blackmore's cyanocobalamin B12 100mcg,
1/10 of a blackmore's mega B, 1/10 of a Herbs of gold B1,
1/10 of a Nature's own B2, 1/8 of a Blackmore's 250mg B6,
1/8 of a capsule of Twinlab Niacin B3(not nicotinamide)
If I haven't been able to get my hands on some good offel I also take about 1/8 of a Blackmore's Balanced B complex.

ALL the above re enzymes,ester c, copper/zinc I do twice a day after breakfast and dinner,
I usually only eat 2 meals a day and sometimes snack in the afternoon, perhaps consisting of either cooked fruit/cream or a boiled hen or duck egg/cream and chedder cheeses,
After which I tip a bit of the Houstons enymes down my throat and have perhaps 1/8 of an Ester c

Seleniums & molybdenum, 9.45am, I used to take 1/4 of a Sourse naturals selenium (from L-selenomethionine) and 1/3 of a capsule of VRP Methylselenocysteine,
But not long ago I upped my amounts of Ester C and selenium because of the PFO closure implant,
(It's made of nickel/titanium and selenium/vit c help with any leaching)
I also have high lead levels I suspect and this needs a bit more selenium,
(How much of the seleniums to take is really based on how much you weigh so checking out the compendium would give an idea of amounts to start from)
I do however take them well away from the vit c about 3/4 of an hour after breakfast along with molybdenum which needs to be taken away from copper by at least 1/2 hr,
I take on alternate days, 1/4 a day of Douglas labs or 1/2 a day of Solgar chelated.

EFA's 10.30am, Mixing freshly squeezed lemon juice(organically grown in my garden)with either 1 teaspoon of melrose organic sunflower oil or safflower oil,
(The cooking oil as it has higher oleic acid levels than the salad version)
I alternate these to avoid vectoring on one type, use the sunflower oil about 2 out of 3 times,
1 teaspoon of Melrose norwegian 18/12 fish oil, Occationally include 1 teaspoon of olive oil (Oz brands Cobham estate or Olive grove) in addition to this, (Probably about every 3rd day)
I also take 1 gelcap of Blackmore's fish oil 1000,
about every 5 days I take 1 gelcap of Nature's own starflower oil (borage oil) and every 3 days take 1 teaspoon of melrose flaxseed oil.

11am I apply 3 drops of Lugols Iodine (diluted as per compendium) which I use Lithium with,
Taking matchead sized sprinkles of lithium 3 times a day reasonably evenly dividing the timing across the day,
(The lithium you might need to adjust to suit, Another of those variables I'm afraid)

Solaray chromium GTF 200mg midday, I take 1/8 or 1/4 of a capsule once a day,
Also I take about 1/10 of a Solaray manganese capsule often once a day, sometimes on alternate days,
On the days I take both roughly an hour away from each other as they inhibit the absorbtion of each other.

Douglas labs magnesium taurate 400 Take this about 1/2pm, 1 a day, I've needed that for heart health,
I haven't actually tried taking less now I've had the PFO closure, Perhaps I could drop back the amount but have never experianced any adverse reaction
It's good for viral cramps so don't feel compelled to do so.

Vitamin E around 3pm, I use Blackmore's natural e 100iu, Squeeze 1/2 a gelcap (50iu) into my mouth once a day.

MSM I only take about every 5th day as it seems to bring on a bit of mania if taken more often, Tiny sprinkles of,
No particular time for this, I haven't actually trialled differant times for it which I suppose I should but take it quite infrequently and haven't noticed a best time of day for it,
I don't take it near niacin tho I did once and with the niacin flush it felt a bit not quite right,
Too much of a similar action perhaps with the niacin opening capilleries and the msm causing cell permiability?

Melatonin I take 1/4 of a Source naturals 5mg, It has 1mg of B6 in it and I find this really good,
About 2 nights a week, 1/2 an hour before I go to bed,
The MRM melatonin is pretty good too.

The oral vit d I no longer take daily as I used to before I started using the uv vit d lamp,
It's so variable I couldn't say, Do keep a diary in the compendium under eileen's health writings tho.

Lol well now I've looked at all written above it seems rather a boring novel... ;o) I'll summerize...

No fenol 7am.
breakfast 8am, enzymes immediately afterwards.
Ester c 8.20am
1/3 copper sebacate 8.35am
1/3 opti zinc 8.40am
1/3 copper sebacate 8.45am
B vits 9.00am
seleniums and molybdenum 9.45am
EFA's in lemon juice 10.30am
iodine &lithium 11.00am
chromium 12.00pm
manganese every 2nd/3rd day 12.30pm
magnesium taurate 1/2pm
Vitamin E 3pm
Snack 3.30pm with enzymes to suit whats eaten.
Lithium 4.00pm
Dinner 6.00pm with enzymes immediately afterwards.
Ester c 6.15pm
1/3 copper sebacate 6.30pm
1/3 optizinc 6.35pm 1/3 copper sebacate 6.40pm
B vits 7.00pm with bit of extra B6 and occationally bit of extra metafolin/folapro.
Lithium 7.30pm
melatonin if taking that night 10.30pm

Again got to say this isn't set in concrete just a rough,Think I've covered everything and hope that gives an idea.


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