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Hear The Quran



"In the name of Allah, Most Benifecent, Most Merciful"

Firstly,giving honor to the One who created me;I openly bear Witness that there is nothing worthy of worship besides
Allah(God),He is without any partners or associates;I furthermore witness that Muhammad ibn Abdullah of Arabia born over 1400 years ago,is the Messenger of Allah,the Prophet of Allah,and with his death it placed a seal(final)
on all Prophethood and Messengership.Peace & Blessengs be upon him and his family.

My name is Muhammad Abdul Aziz ibn Hayis al-Fulani.
My name means"Muhammad servant to the Most Powerful(Allah/God)and son of Hayes and of the Fula tribe. I have been an adherant to Islam  since 1998, finally accepting it at the age of 19.
People always ask me"What made you become a muslim",and I always respond to them "for me it was a choice between life and death".Now don't get me wrong because no one forced me to become a muslim ,the Quran(Koran) tells us:Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error [Al-Quran 2:256].When I accepted Islam I was at a definite crossroads in my life ,one path would have lead me to destruction,the other to salvation.

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"Today I have perfected for you your Religion, and completed for you My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islaam as a religion." [Qur'aan 3:19]