Hi. My name is Bubo bubo. I think that's Latin for Eagle Owl from what I hear. We Eagle Owls are among the largest owls in the world. If you need to know, we're from the Class: Aves, of the Order: Strigiformes, of the Family Strigidae.
I could get into Subfamilies too, but I guess we've got that info somewhere else :)
By the way, the Great Horned Owl, (a big guy) is an Eagle Owl. Didn't know that did ya? heh heh.
length: 27 inches
Wingspan: 66 inches
Weight: almost 6 lbs.
DIET: We mostly like rodents and other small animals, but really anything that moves, ha ha. Due to our almost lacking sense of smell, we have no trouble making a tasty meal out of any skunk that wanders by too.
HOME: Eagle Owls like tropical areas but can be found most everywhere except Australia.
The Eagle Owl
This is some information gathered about the Eagle Owl.
..and for more...
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