Gazoo & His Bath

Here are some pics of our adoreable Gazoo. Gazoo LOVES his baths and mistings just are not enough for him so he prefers to jump into a sink of running water..he even reaches up and takes a drink right from the running tap. Gazoo is a wonderful bird who loves to sing beautiful song and carries his voice proudly but he inherited a bit of the wildness he has from his father Apollo who I always say is as wild as the ace of spades. All the taming in the world does not take out this strange wild streak Gazoo seems to have and love is on his terms and his terms alone!! He accepts us but prefers birds whereas his brother Tiny (the pied you have seen throughout Chico's sight prefers his humans and has no desire to be in the same class as the birds...:)

Hey can we put a stopper in this thing??
Hey, can we put a stopper in this thing??
Aah, hold on...there it is..I think I got it
Aah, hold on....there it is ...I think I got it.
There.. now with that done,
I can enjoy my bath!! with that done, I can enjoy my bath!!
Oops..drink break,what??You don't
drink the same water you bath in?
Oops..drink break, what?? You dont drink the same water you bath in?
You need swimming lessons?? Just watch
and learn..see this is how you do it..
I am not too modest to admit I am a Pro
You need swimming lessons?? Just watch and learn...see this is how you do it!! I am not too modest to admit I am a Pro!
Okay now I know I am great and it is
hard not to watch me, but can't a guy have a bath in peace around here??
Okay now...I know I am great and it is hard not to watch me, but can't a guy have a bath in peace around here??

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