You may be wondering if you should get a male or female...both genders make beautiful loving creatures but there are some differences between the two which some might prefer to know prior to getting a tiel. The female is a much quieter bird, whereas males can actually get very loud when they are calling and singing their song. Although I love the sound I have a neighbor that says he can hear my teils so if you live in an area you feel this could pose a problem you may be better off with a female.
DO BOTH GENDERS TALK? Well some say that both male and female can talk but of the teils I have owned only one female talked and this was with great persistance and working with her and only one word *up*..which means it can be done...but the ratio of possibilites is certainly lower that the females can or will talk. Many males talk with ease and this can begin as early as 6 months and I have heard of cases much earlier.
IS PERSONALITY DIFFERENT FROM MALE TO FEMALE? YES...I find the personalities are slightly different from male to female. Females are very docile and sometimes even timid and in my experience prove to be more cautious than the males. But the females do (like the male)make loving affectionate friends; simply with a quieter side.. I find in breeding cases when a pet has been bred they can tend to turn on the wilder side and I do find the females tend to remain a little more docile and gentler than the males after having been bred. I think in chosing genders one needs to consider what they are looking for in a pet...If they would rather have a quieter bird then I recommend female..If they prefer the song bird who likes to chat then I recommend the male. However if this is not a factor then keep in mind both genders are wonderful loving companions that will bring you many wonderful bonding moments. Also I have found with my many Tiels that females seem to be more attracted to their male humans and males to their female humans, but then this factor would also be determined by which gender of their humans spend the most time caring and nourtouring for them.