The Characters |
Here are the Main Characters in Candy Candy. |
1. Candice White Audrey
Eyes: green ; Hair: Blonde
Latest Age: 16
Personality: Sweet, Romantic,
Kind, Tough, and Adventurous.
Friends that meant a great
deal in her life:
Annie, Stear, Archie, Albert,
and Petty.
Boyfriends: Anthony, and
People she disliked: Liza,
and Neil.
2. Annie
Eyes: Blue ; Hair: Blonde
Latest Age: 16
Role in Candy's Life: Best
Friends since young.
Personality: Kind, and
Has Low Self-Esteem.
Boyfriend: Archie.
3. AnthonyPolan Audrey:
Eyes: Blue ; Hair: Blonde
Latest Age: 14
Role in Candy's Life: Her
first Boyfriend who died falling from a horse.
Personality: Kind, Sweet,
Brave, and Strong.
Girlfriend: Candy.
4. Stear Audrey:
Eyes: Brown ; Hair: Brunette
Latest Age: 19
Role In Candy's Life: One
of her bestfriends, then died in a war.
Personality: Kind, Sweet,
Brave, and Inventive.
Girlfriend: Petty.
5. Archie Audrey:
Eyes: Blue ; Hair: Blonde
Latest Age: 18
Role in Candy's Life: One
of her bestfriends.
Personality: Kind, Sweet,
Girlfriend: Annie
6. Liza Loka
Eyes: Blue ; Hair: Blonde
Latest Age: 16
Role in Candy's Life: One
of her enemies. Sister to Neil Loka. Candy was adopted by her family.
Always jealous of Candy
because she liked Terry and Anthony, and Candy is always the one who they
Personality: Mean, Cruel,
Jealous, and Spoiled.
7. Neil Loka
Eyes: Brown ; Hair: Brown
Latest Age: 18
Role in Candy's Life: One
of her enemies. Brother to Liza Loka. Candy was adopted by his family.
Always had fights with
Candy when they were small.
Candy saved his life once,
and after that he fell in love with her.
Personality: Mean, Cruel,
and Spoiled.
8. Albert a.k.a. Uncle William a.k.a. Prince
on the Hill
Eyes: Blue ; Hair: Blonde
Latest Age: 20+
Role in Candy's Life: Met
Candy when she was 6, and dissapeared as Prince on the Hill.
Saved Candy's Life years
later as Albert and became good friends with her. Adopted her as
Uncle William.
Suffered from amnesia,
and Candy took care of him as Albert. Later told the truth about
his identity.
Personality: Kind, Warmhearted,
Brave, Sweet, and Freesouled.
9. Terrence Grandchester
Eyes: Brown ; Hair: Brunette
Latest Age: 18
Role in Candy's Life: Met
Candy in School. Fell in love with her. Was expelled from school
for her.
Went to Broadway, met Sussanah.
She loved him yet he loved Candy. Sussanah, then saved his life.
Later on, Candy left him
because Sussanah loved him so much.
Personality: Kind, Sweet,
Brave, Tough, Spoiled, and Freesouled.
Girlfriends: Candy and
10. Petty
Eyes: Brown
; Hair: Brown
Latest Age:
Role in Candy's
Life: One of her best friends in School.
Kind, Sweet, Smart, and Shy.
11. Grandma Aylo
Eyes: Blue
; Hair: White
Latest Age:
?? Very Old.
Role in Candy's
Life: Grandmother of Stear, Archie, and Anthony. Hated Candy because
she's adopted.
Mean, Cruel, Evil, and Crabby.
12. Sussanah
Eyes: Blue
; Hair: Blonde
Latest Age:
?? I think close to Candy's or Terry's Age.
Role in Candy's
Life: Loved Terry. Saved his life, and became handicapped.
Kind, Sweet, Willingful.
There are many more characters.. But I havent had the time to put it up yet. So.. Wait!