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Nannybops welcomes you.

What is a nannybops, you say?

Two of us in a circle of love,

a recipe mixed with wonderful ingredients.

Romance, in a marriage of 35 years (to date),

three wonderfull children (our 3 "C's")

All grown each having taken their own, one boy two girls.

Of course, add a pinch of seasoning and a variety of spices,

in which Nanny adds crafts, quilting, family tree growing,

fishing, writing stories and poems. Bops adds a huge dash

of country music sprinkled with sports ~namely Washington Redskins, Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Blue Jays.

Main ingredients are the love of family and friends ~

working together in a cicle of love sharing, caring

much respect and laughter.

As the stirring continues, we've added four wonderful

Grandchildren ~ one boy, three girls

Nannybops loves these three ingredients ~ they are

the icing on the cake, the very reason for the name "Nanny-Bops".

As time passes,in the year 2001, we continue.

Nannybops is writing a book to put into words

the history of family for their children to pass down.

Eventually visable words of them can immerge

through time.

Bake all these treasured moments of laughter and tears ~

The circle of life continues...

God Bless