This World War II aircraft website contains pictures, specifications, and descriptions of aircraft of the Allied and Axis powers during WWII. I completed this page for a school project, and I hope some find it useful; most United States aircraft are displayed.
Fighters/Fighter-Bombers of the United States
P-26 | P-35 |P-38 | P-39 | P-40 | P-43 | P-47D | P-51D* | P-59 | P-61 | P-63 | P-64 | F2A | F4F | F4U | F5F | F6F | F7F | F8F
Bombers/Attack Aircraft of the United States
A-20G | A-26 | TBD-1 | TBF | SBD | SB2C | B-17E* | B-24J | B-25 | B-26 | B-29A*
Allied Powers
Great Britain
The Axis Powers
* A brief history included
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