The Nurses Christian Movement formed in Melbourne in 1913 soon became the Australian Nurses Christian Movement.  Miss Fanny Collett a staffworker during the early days of  ANCM in Victoria, visited NSW,  South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland to encourage the commencement of  branches in  those States.

Once ANCM had been established in each of the mainland States there was a more formal  coming together of  the State Branches.  A  Federal Constitution adopted by mutual consent in 1928 gave State Branches a common aim and doctrinal basis but allowed for freedom in the way the aim was fulfilled. The NCFA Council is representative of the States, comprising President and Senior Staffworker from each Branch, plus an Honorary Treasurer and Secretary.
In 1970 the name was changed to Nurses Christian Fellowship in order to identify with similar organisations around the world and NCF International which was formed in 1957

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Phone: 03 9687 3882

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