NightDroneExtreme RiskIn The Flesh
Once Upon A Time Timeless Infinite Regress Nothing Human
Thirty DaysCounterpointLatent ImageBride of Chaotica!



The crew of the USS Voyager is unsettled as a secluded and conflicted Captain Janeway reflects on the decision she's made along the mission and the consequences those judgements have had for them all. But soon the team of the USS Voyager encounters two never before seen alien species - a nocturnal alien and its foe, the Malon - and knows that one will not survive without their intervention. Knowing that coming to their aid makes a detour through dark, desolate space necessary, the captain alone must once again determine her crew's fate.

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There's a sudden emergence of a dangerous new lifeform aboard the USS Voyager - a Superborg - after The Doctor's 29th century mobile emitter technology mysteriously fuses with Seven of Nine's Borg nanoprobes.

An advanced male Drone is "born" and awaits instruction from the Collective. Also, debuting in this episode is "The Adventures of Captain Proton," Tom Paris' retro-Holodeck program that depicts him as a kitschy 1930's space hero.

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Extreme Risk


Torres' crewmates are alarmed when she repeatedly engages in reckless activity including orbital skydiving. Meanwhile, after the USS Voyager directs its probe into a hazardous atmosphere, protecting it from a Malon freighter, Lt. Paris launches a newly constructed, all environment shuttlecraft, to retrieve it.

A new Starfleet vessel, the Delta Flyer, features an ultra-aerodynamic design with a Borg-inspired weapons system. Originally designed by Tom Paris as a warp-powered, ultra-responsive, twenty-fourth century "hot rod," it has traditional Starfleet design elements and some completely unique features - the result of the crew's diverse backgrounds.

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In The Flesh

The USS Voyager discovers that Species 8472 has created a habitat simulation of Starfleet's San Francisco Yards, and are training their own to pose as humans to eventually invade Earth.

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Once Upon A TIme

As the U.S.S. Voyager searches for the crash-landed Delta Flyer and its crew, Lt. Paris, Tuvok, Ensign Samantha Wildman and Neelix help the littlest crewmember, Naomi Wildman, cope without her mother. Together, they are kept occupied by the odd character's in Naomi's storybook holonovel, the classic Adventures of Flotter, but Neelix soon decides that a starship is no place for a child.

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"Timeless" - Fifteen years after the Starship U.S.S. Voyager crashes into a desolate ice planet, Commander Chakotay and former Ensign Harry Kim, sole survivors of the tragedy, steal the Delta Flyer from a Federation shipyard and return to Voyager's frozen hull. Aided by Chakotay's striking love interest, Lieutenant Tessa Omond, Chakotay and Kim are hotly pursued fugitives with hope that somewhere embedded beneath the ice, they'll retrieve the only tools they believe can change the fate of their long-dead fellow crew members.

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Infinite Regress


Mysteriously, the U.S.S. Voyager comes upon a floating Borg Vinculum - a device that interconnects Drone's minds aboard a Borg vessel - which swiftly causes Seven of Nine to manifest personalities other than her own including that of a Klingon warrior, a Ferengi, and a six-year-old human girl. Janeway is crushed to learn that before Tuvok, The Doctor and she can intervene, Seven may be completely lost.

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Nothing Human

After Torres is stricken by a bizarre, injured alien that latches itself onto her body, The Doctor creates another holographic physician, a Cardassian exobiologist named Dr. Crell Moset, to save her life. But Torres refuses treatment when it's learned that the physician engaged in unethical wartime medical practices.

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Thirty Days

The oft-mentioned but never-before-seen bright, beautiful and fun-loving twin Starfleet Officers, Jenny and Megan Delaney, are finally featured both in their official capacities aboard ship and on the Holodeck as Lieutenant Tom Paris lives out his superhero fantasy in "The Adventures of Captain Proton." Jenny's more self-confident and outgoing than the somewhat timid Megan.

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As the U.S.S. Voyager rescues two families of telepathic alien refugees from the Devore Imperium, they are intercepted by a Devore squadron and boarded by inspectors searching for the defectors. Soon Kashyk, the lead Devore officer pleads with Janeway to grant him asylum.

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Latent Image

While employing his holo-imaging device, The Doctor discovers that his short term memory buffer has been tampered with and fervently initiates an investigation to find the person or thing responsible for the corruption.

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Bride Of Chaotica!


Armed conflict erupts when aliens from the Fifth Dimension mistake Lieutenant Paris' "Captain Proton" holographic novel for reality. The aliens consider the novel's main character, the evil Dr. Chaotica, to be a threat so they knock Voyager's controls off-line. Janeway is forced to assume the role of the story's powerful Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People, and infiltrate Chaotica's Fortress of Doom. Meanwhile, The Doctor takes on the role of the novel's President of Earth to help the aliens defeat Chaotica.

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A shuttle carrying Tuvok, Paris and the Doctor disappears into a collapsing sinkhole and crash lands on a deserted wasteland. While Voyager tries to rescue them from this risky area of space, the Away Team befriends Noss, an exotic alien woman who's also trapped on the planet. Soon, she falls in love with Tuvok and although it's illogical for a Vulcan, he finds himself attracted to her too.

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