
WELCOME FRIENDS! Welcome to the world of Nem and Snarn.... if you don't know us, you'll soon grow to love our crazy antics!

Well, if you can't tell from the picture, we are best friends, and we are, quite frankly, a little... well, what we choose to call "Spunky", some like to call "ODD" or "Crazy", or just plain ol' "Nuts in the head". On this site, you will discover the many sides of nem and snarn, and even see some of their alter egos along the way. Hope you enjoy, but we're just getting started, so sit down and buckle up for the best cheap thrill ride of your life! (nothing dirty, we mean like a roller coaster, or perhaps one of those things where you sit down and watch a tv and you FEEL like you're moving, even though you're not. yes... that's what we mean) So, to conclude, ENJOY!

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A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Well, this is us, at gr9 grad in 2000...Ain't we cute???
Well, if you can't tell, this picture (and dresses) is based off of the movie "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" We were gonna learn the dance... but we just didn't. But there's always grade 12....

As for this one, well, it's not REALLY us.

Be-CUZ You DON'T  knowusatall...



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guest book

*WhEaTiE aNd GeRm* | *When we're all growed up and big-like* | *PiCtUrEs* | *PiCtUrEs II* | MONKEYS!!! | *fRiEnDs* | *MoMeNtS* | *oPeRaTiOn ScAn-A-cAt* | *HoRoScOpEs* | *qUoTeS* | *ArTsY-tYpE sTuFf* | *HiTs ANd MiSsEs* | *tHe NeWs* | *tHe NeWs II* | *Do YOU sEe WhAt I sEe???*

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