If you have any cool caricatures to send me, please do to

I'm mooish (by moi)

It's... garfield!!! (thanx Iva ;))

Computers and Y2K cricatures (thanx to Iva and especially Mariuma... :))

The Simpsons (thanx again Mariuma ;))

Say Cheese! (thanx Iva ;))

Colgate is THE best (thanx Iva, agaiiiin ;))

A dog is missing.. (thanx Iva)

Don't cry..

Good morning

A big sweet kiss

Teeth cleaning

Peace, man (by moi)

Tor (a silly pic, made by moi again)

The Penguin (by Apple)

Alanis Morissette (just click and see)

Sheep and Camels

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                            *All rights reserved to Ilana*