The important thing- ME

My picture

Real name: Ilana Weissberg

Nicknames: Etzit, Ilay, Vicci, Weiss..

Country: Israel

Birth date: September 12th, 1984

Birth place: "Asaf Harofe" Hospital, in Israel.

Gender: Female

Favorite Tv show: Domino, Platfoos (Israeli comedy shows), South park, Daria

Eyes color: Blue-green-grey

Hair color: Dark blonde

Hobbies: Chatting, listening to music, painting, acting, singing.. :))

Shoe size: 38 in Israel sizes.

Height: 1.55m

Weight: 54Kg

Favorite color: Blue

Toothpaste: Colgate total

Toothbrush color: Blue above transparent

Do you smoke? DO I SMOKE?! No. I don't. I hate the smell of it, it makes me sick. And I'm proud to say that I have never smoked!!!!

Is your tongue made of liverwurst? Who knows..

Favorite Actor: Mike Myers, and the guys from Domino and Platfoos :))

Favorite actress: There's no one..

Favorite movie: So far it's "Man on the moon", I think it's a great one.

Favorite drink: Juices, coke (sometimes), water.

Favorite food: Egg and vegetables, Yogurt, Cereals with milk, Humus avec Pita :P, my grandma's beans soup and baked eggplant, Pizza with mushrooms or green olives..

favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate with cherry

Tatoos/piercings? I see no point in those stuff

Number of sites you have: 2

Number of sites you have that actually have something to see in them: The first is this, my personal homepage, and the second one is my Liquido webpage. The Liquido webpage was a weird action of mine.. It was in the  summer of 99 when I started building it (actually it took me two days..), 'cos I thought Wolfgang, the singer, is good looking (hmm..), and because I kinda liked their song "Narcotic" and also.. 'cos I was bored :P. Later I heard their music and it's not something special..

Name an animal that you feel that has the same character as you: Maybe a whale or a dolphin..

Who is your favorite character in "Friends"? Why? Hmm.. I don't like "Freinds" much, but Fibbi. Why? Because she doesn't give the damn about what people would say about her actting, and 'cos she's a weird person.. Hehe.. :)

What would you prefer to be at the circus: a lion trainer, a clown or a hot
dog seller? Hehe, non!!!

Do you have any pet named as any kind of food? I don't have any pet...

If yes, are you ever going to eat that pet of yours? Ummm... no...

If you have ICQ, what is your favorite status (available, Away, N/A, etc.)? Available, 'cos it's neutral.. :)

What is your icon of "my computer"? "Recycle Bin"? My computer - a computer. Recycle bin- a recycle bin.

What is your favorite font? Comic sans MS :P

Do you use Netscape or Explorer? What version? What do you think about
the other browser? I have them both, but I use only Explorer, 'cos it doesn't stuck like Netscape.. :\

What is your favorite card game on the computer (solitaire, etc.)? I don't play at computer games much.. And not even solitaire..

If you had a band, what would you call it? Why? Colorful photosynthetic wrappings :) Just a name I invented with a good friend ;)

The truth - do you watch Xena, The Warrior Princess? God no!!!!!!

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                            *All rights reserved to Ilana*