at Riverview Hospital West School gymnasium 915 River rd. Middletown,CT (Map available at For Info call (860)586-7055 or 635-1942

Events and schedule:

Gym opens on Saturday at NOON and Sunday at 5pm for practice

# Event Day @ Time

Open events (1-7) any USATT member or buy permit $5

1.U-0700 RR Sat @ 1pm

2.U-1000 RR Sat.@ 5:30pm

3.U-1175 RR Sat @ 2pm

4.U-1325 RR SUN @ 5:30pm

5.U-1475 RR Sat.@ 12:30pm

6.U-1625 RR Sat.@ 2pm

7.U-1850 RR Sat.@ 4pm


Connecticut Championship Events (CT Residents ONLY)

9.Women's Sngls Sat@ 2pm

10.Youth U-18 Sat.@ 4pm

11.Seniors 40+ Sat.@ 2:30pm

12 Esquires 50+ SUNDAY 5:30p

13.SR.ESQ 60/70+ SUNDAY 5:30pm-

14.Open DOUBLES Sat @ 2PM

16.Championship Singles RR

q (if under 2050) Sat @ 5pm

s (if over 2050)call for time if not entered in Saturday events

(finals likely on Sunday night)-

Prizes ; Events 1-8 1st/ 2nd $30/$15 in Table Tennis Equipment

Events 9-14 Recognition'Awards'(i.e.Trophy,Certificates or Ribbons)

Event # 16 CT.Championship Singles 1st $70 2nd $35 (cash)

Event # 8 (U-2100) 1st $40 2nd $20 (cash)

COST is $10 per event entered plus:

$3 (per player) for rating fee $7 per player registration fee and permit fee ($5) if unrated and never been USATT member OR USATT membership fee (1 yr) if needed Adult $25 or Junior $12 EARLY PAID ENTRANTS DEDUCT $5 from registration fee if postmarked/paid by OCT 21st.Unpaid Phone entrants accepted on a space available basis (call (860)586-7055 for info)Oct 27th-30th but add $5 late fee (unless waived).

Equipment: 8 Butterfly Pro tables (Nippon/Spacesaver)USATT Rules apply Balls: PF4 Double Happiness Orange 3star -bring or buy ($1 ea.)

-----------------------------------entry form--------------------------------------------------

Check/Mail to: David Strang 218 Smith Street, Middletown, CT. o6457 .


Phone #(____)___________day(____)____________nite TTClub_________

birthdate _______/______/______(for age events) Rating?________

membership number_______ and exp. date _____

or type wanted (see above)Permit $5 Adult $25 Jr.$12 -->$_____

events: # & name.______/______/______/______/(__ x$10ea)$_____

-----------rating fee $3 and registration fee $7----------->$10

discount (-$5)(if pd/p-mark by Oct 21) or late payment fee (+$5)______

----------------------------------total fees included $__________

You must sign the entry form statement (parent for minor) "By participating in this event I agree to assume all risk and responsibility related to this athletic event & to abide by all applicable USATT, NETTA and facility (Riverview Hospital) rules." x_______________________________date__________