and Connecticut State Championships
Sat. Nov 6 & Sun. Nov 7'99
USATT Sanctioned Table Tennis Tournament
Enter Early to assure entry in all desired events and save on fees
Tournament Director DAVID W. STRANG Host Club: Middletown T T Club / CT.Table Tennis
** GYM OPENS Saturday at Noon / Sunday at 5pm **
Tournament Site: Large Gym - Excellent Conditions Middletown TTC's Weekly Playing Site at:-Riverview Hospital for Children,( School-West & Rec. GYM) call (860)586-7055 for schedule in Middletown or Fairfield or see us at: WWW.MEMBERS.TRIPOD.COM/netta_ct/
Middletown is on CT Rte.9 South of Hartford (-15 mi) *From West/Danbury take 84e to 691e to 91 n to 9s *From SW / NYC/NJ take 95 or 15 NE to 91n to 9 south *From N-NE take 91s or 84wto 91s then take 9 south
THEN: Take Rte 9 to EXIT 12 / Silver St:
GO East (left) 1.1 mile on Silver/River (915 River Rd) then Right into Riverview Hosp.'s Main Drive
Go up hill then take 3rd drive on Right to School/Rec Bldg. Park in front- walk to right (around back) Enter Gym in rear
OPEN EVENTS: (1-9) any USATT member or permit **
# Name Starts
1. G U-850RR Sat @ 1pm
2. F U-1000RR Sat @ 5:30pm
3. E U-1150RR Sat @ 2pm
4. D U-1300 RR SUN.@ 5:30 pm
5. C U-1450 RR Sat @ 12:30 pm
6. B U-1600RR Sat @ 2pm
7. A U-1850 RR Sat @ 4pm
8. AA U-2000 SUN @ 5:30 pm --> $25 $10
9. AAA U-2100 Sat @ 12:30 pm $40 / $20
Ratings eligibility: Latest USATT list. AND director' ruling (note below)
Connecticut Championship EVENTS: (CTResident Only)10-16
10. Jr. U-18 Sat.@ 4pm
11. Seniors 40+ Sat @ 2:30pm
12. Esq 50 + SUN @ 5:30 pm
13. Sr. Esq. 65+ SUN @ 5:30 pm
14. Open Dbls Sat @ 2pm
(15) Open Singles (3~5) --> $ 60 / 30
15Q (if U-2000) Sat @ 5pm (continues Sun)
15S (2000+) if over 2000 ask Dave for time if not in other Sat events
16. "Hard Bat" Monday @ 7:45pm (not for rating)
Award Certificates for 1st & 2nd in all events without listed Cash Prizes
Equipment: Only USTTA Rules & Equiptment . 8 BUTTERFLY tables Nippon/Spacesaver
Balls: *** PF4 Orange bring or buy at $1 each (No Yellow/Orange clothing please)
Referee · Roman Tinyszin NU or designate Smoking and racket glueing outside please
'Director may accept or reject any entry, or assign temporary rating affecting seeding or eligibility), to unrated or under-rated players based on current or past 'upsets', results or ratings, or modify/cancel events.
Event Formats: Rating Events: (# 1-7):
RR=Round-Robin with groups of 3 or 4 players.+play-off Seeded players (or100 pts or less below max.rating) may sometimes be placed into second (elimination) round.
event 14 & 16 -not USATT sanctioned & not reported for rating
Open Singles: - MOST unseeded (u2000) players will play in 3 player group w/ 3/5 game matches
CT. Championship events: # 10-15:
format: Elimination or RR depending on number of entries.
Cost: $10 per event PLUS listed rating/regist, fees & USATT membership or **$6 "Permit"(Avail.to unrated Non-Member ONCE
Entries: fees payable to: DAVID W.STRANG 218 Smith Street, Middletown CT.06457
If Mailed Nov 2-3 should also be phoned in.
PHONE ENTRIES (860)586-7055 *may be ACCEPTED Nov 3-5 (space available basis)
· ADD $ 5 for entry if not fully paid in advance.
*4th/5th event accepted at director"s discretion-mark w/star
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cut here----
99 CT.OPEN_events:(name/#)__________-__________-__________-__________-__________
WRITE EVENTS entered(above)& all fees (below)4th/5th event?see note above
Event Fees:($10 per event) (1)$10 (2)$20 (3)$30 (4)$40* (5)$50* - >----> EVENT fees ________ ADD $5 Late Pay (at tourney) Fee or DEDUCT $5 for early paid entry p-marked by Oct 25 _____
Home Club_____________________Age______ BirthDate_____/____/_____
USATT #_______ /exp._______ New $25(jr $12)**permit $5 ->USATT membership Fee _____
_________Tournament Registration Fee ($7) plus USTTA Rating Fee ($ 3) = ----------> __$10__
ck /cash/owes _____________________________________________TOTAL FEES:___________
Phone:day_(_____) _____________ nite(______)__________ fax(_____)_________e-mail___________
By participating I assume all personal risk/responsibdity related to this athletic event & agree to abide by USATT, NETTA & RCH rules. signatureX_____________________________________ Refunds subject to $5 fee.& require advance notice.parent/guardian sign for minor.