The Ratings Search consists of a "pop-up" menu that allows for searches in
four different modes:
Top 25 Players - Click on the "pop-up" menu and release on Top
25 Players. Press return and the Top 25 Players will be returned in
numerical order.
State - Click on the "pop-up" menu and release on State. Enter
a 2 letter state abbreviation and
press return. Players from the state you entered will be returned in alphabetical order.
Rating +/-25 - Click on the "pop-up" menu and release on
Rating +/-25. Enter a number and press return. Players within
plus or minus 25 rating points of the number you entered will be returned
(if it they exist).
Last Name - Click on the "pop-up" menu and release on Last
Name. Simply enter a players last name and press return. Spelling counts