India in the post liberalization period has emerged as an important supplier of textiles and clothing. This expanding market has created a demand for professionally trained manpower. Recognizing this need, the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India set up in 1986 the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) as a registered society with the status of an autonomous body. NIFT has emerged as a premium human resource development institute in India to train professionals in the field of apparel industry. It offers seven full time diploma programmes through its various centers spread throughout India. The apparel industry has derived tremendous benefits from NIFT graduates who stand distinguished from such manpower coming from other sources.
Resource Center: The resource center provides support for the teaching and research programmes of the institute. It consists of a Library wing and Materials wing. Library Wing: It consists of books and other published resources covering its educational programmes and other subjects. It subscribes to leading fashion journals and fashion forecast services. Materials Wing: The material resource consist of textiles, costumes and findings. The resource center can be utilized by industry people and other students on special permission from the Director. Computer Center: The institute has a fully equipped computer center that allows for the students to be trained in latest software in the area of design, product development, planning and execution. It is equipped with Lectra to provide training in CAD, pattern making and marker planning.