Becca. nightgarden@hotmail.com
These guys belong to cc. Who doesn't give them nearly enough of a hard time.
Warning: gratuitous muldertorture ahead. Just for the hell of it.
I live for feedback. Go ahead and archive- I just like to know where they've gone. Part Two of a three part series.

Leave II: Three Months.
It's been three months.

Three months, Scully, and you haven't even called. Three months and I'm sitting here throwing pencils at the ceiling and feeling lost. Three months and I thought I was doing fine.

But I'm not.

I'm lost, Scully. Come and find me.

This is selfish, I know. You need your time to bleed away those wounds. Staying here would be picking at the scabs so they'd never heal.

I thought you'd at least call. Just one call, to say 'I'm fine and I'm in Florida/ Seattle/ Mexico/ Turkey/ Mongolia/ wherever/.'

One call to say you'd be back.

And I know I'm being selfish and I know it's not all about me anymore. But I miss you, Scully. I need you here.

Did I tell you they took him away? Apparently my all-new wunderkind sidekick partner boy and I 'had problems gelling'. Fine by me. He always agreed with me anyway. That gets boring, Scully.

So now I'm working by myself. And I have no one to eat Chinese with now, no one to talk to on those long car drives. No one to have a drink with at the end of the day. And no one to cover my ass.

Plus, I do all the expense reports now.

I've lost the will, Scully. It's not exciting anymore. Who cares? Who cares that we were in that ship and saw what we saw? Who cares if we have any proof? And even if we did, Scully, even if we had that evidence you crave, it would be futile. Justice is a stranger to these people. We'd be laughed right out of court.

And that's why I don't bother. If you were here, then we'd go for it together.

I sat in the rain last night. I don't know why.

And I felt it run down my forehead and over my eyelashes and mix with the tears as I cried. I remembered that first case when we laughed in the rain, that first week when I was so obnoxious, that first time that you countered one of my theories with your own. And I cried for you, Scully. And that may be stupid and that may be childish but I did.

Did I drive you away?

It was too much hurt, I know that. But if it was me, if it was my fault, I would like to think you could have told me. That you didn't have to run away.

If you just told me, Scully, I would have put it right.

I couldn't bring Emily back. I couldn't make it so the cancer never happened. I couldn't stop Antarctica.

But I could stop it all happening again.

I could keep you safe. I promise it this time. And you know I'm good for that.

You wouldn't want that, though. You'd want to keep yourself safe. And I know you can and I know you'd kill me if I even tried. But I *need* to protect you, Scully. Because it's the only thing that'll keep you here with me. Safe. Forever.

It's been three months, Scully.

Three months and you haven't even called.


More gratuitous angst in part 3

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