More Than Friends
Rated NC-17
By Kadi and Kat

Disclaimer: Paramount may own Voyager and all of its characters, but the story is all ours!!! So, Memo to TPTB: Screw You!

Note: Contains some violence and consensual smut!


Alexandra Janeway was not a happy camper. She hefted her book bag over her shoulder and decided to take the long way home. Her day had gone from bad to worse in no time flat. Mondays were never any fun, but this one had to be the worst in her history. At the beginning of class, Mrs. Droller had introduced a new boy. His name was Adam Hansen and Mrs. D had seated him right next to her! Then she had had the nerve to insist that Alexandra be his guide through school and classes all week. That meant that not only did she have to sit with him during class, but she also had to hang out with him all week. In her opinion, boys weren't worth much more than picking on, and Adam was definitely a boy. She stopped as she caught sight of him ahead of her. He was walking along the same path, carelessly kicking stones out of the way. He actually looked kind of sad. She tried to harden her heart to him; after all he had caused her no end of troubles today. Even her friends had picked on her, all because of him. She shifted her bag again, determined to ignore him. Fate however had other plans. Her shoe caught a raised edge of rock and she went sprawling face first onto the path.

Adam's head snapped up at the sound of someone falling. His eyes widened as he recognized his companion from school. He rushed over to help her though he wasn't sure she'd welcome him. He knelt next to her, pulling the backpack off her. "Are you okay Alex?"

Alexandra bit back the tears and batted his hand away. "I'm fine! Leave me alone." She pulled herself to her feet and stomped off, leaving Adam holding her book bag.

Adam sighed. It was going to be one of those weeks.

Tuesday decided it wasn't going to be much better as Alexandra dragged herself into class without her homework. She knew her mom was going to kill her for not doing it, but her pride had made her refuse to turn around and go back for her bag. Now she had to face Mrs. D and the entire class without her assignment. She stumbled into her chair, trying to ignore the apologetic smile from the dark haired boy beside her. A nudge from him caught her attention, and she turned, ready to flame him. She stopped stunned as he handed her a padd. It contained the homework assignment from last night, with her name on it. As far as she could tell it was complete. She took it cautiously, lifting one brow in question. Adam just shrugged and pointed down to her book bag, lying under her desk. Alexandra nodded, offered a shy smile and mouthed a quiet thanks. At his nod, she turned back toward the front. Now she had to figure out how to repay him.

She spent that day and the rest of the week being much nicer to Adam, including him in the games she played with some of her friends. She even ignored the taunts that claimed, "Alex has a boyfriend." After all the kid had kept her out of trouble. Friday afternoon, she shouldered her bag once more and headed for the long path home. She had made it halfway when she heard the sound of several of her classmates taunting someone. She moved over to the side of the road and dropped her bag, hiding in the shrubbery as she edged closer to the sounds of conflict. She was shocked to see Adam surrounded by several of her classmates. Her brow crinkled for a moment. She had never understood why they insisted on harassing him. They had since the first day, always cruel in their taunts. When Byron, the biggest of the bullies struck out, catching Adam in the stomach and knocking to the ground, the others cheered. One of the students kicked him, and all of them were calling him names. Alexandra was horrified and angered by the injustice of it. Rage poured through her and she tore out of the clearing, launching herself at group with a series of wild punches and kicks that were amazingly affective. She stood panting over Adam, one small girl angrily facing the crowd, hands on her hips and eyes flashing. "You stupid P'taqs. How dare you pick on someone smaller then you! You leave him alone or you'll answer to me."

Adam stared up at the fiery-eyed redhead as she glared down the crowd. He was equally surprised when the group disbanded, mumbling curses, but hurrying away. As Alexandra turned and offered him a hand up, he took it. He blinked away his surprise and tried to ignore the aches in his body. "What...?"

She grinned and drew his arm around her shoulders. As they started to walk, her supporting him, she explained. "There are advantages to being the daughter of an Admiral in a non Starfleet school."

After walking with her a few more minutes he grew more comfortable and leaned into her, "I'd think you'd have more advantages in a Starfleet school."

"Maybe," she shrugged, "but my mom is on the school board for this one, she helps bring in a lot of its funding. Really, if it weren't for her, it would have shut down a while ago."

"I see," he limped along beside her, "so how long has your mom been an Admiral?"

"I don't know, about as long as I can remember, at least 10 years." She repositioned their book bags against her shoulder, "How about you? What do you your parents do?"

"Well, my mom is dead, she died just after I was born. I don't know much about her. I'd like to know more about her but my dad doesn't like to talk about it." He shrugged, "I don't remember her at all, so I really don't feel much of anything for her. He's the one that's raised me, but anyway, he works part time as a consultant for Starfleet, but he's retired. He does some negotiating, some diplomatic stuff, but he's just a regular guy. He's at a conference today actually, he won't get in until late tonight." He stopped for a moment to stretch out his leg, testing it, "What about your dad? Is he in Starfleet too?"

She shook her head, "I don't know, I never met my dad." She absently kicked at stones, "My mom never mentions him, so I don't ask. Not that it matters I suppose, I've had men in my life who've loved me, played the dad figure I suppose. But on the whole it's just been me and mom, people always ask me if I miss not having a dad, but, how can you miss something you've never had?"

He nodded, "I know how you feel, people ask me that about not having a mom, but my aunt is as close as I'll ever have I suppose." As they came to another street he stopped, "This is my turn off, I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

Alexandra wrinkled her nose, "No way, your dad's not home, I can't let you go home like this. I still owe you for helping me out in class the other day. Besides, if I let you go home like this, my mom would kick my butt." She pulled him into the direction of her house, "Come on, my mom's home, she'll take care of these cuts and bruises, and you can stay for dinner."

He hesitated, "I don't know..."

"Oh come on silly, she won't mind. She'd kill me if she thought I didn't invite you over," Alexandra grinned, "then she'd kill you for not accepting."

He smiled, "Alright, if you're sure she won't mind?"

"Believe me, she won't," she pulled him down the street toward her house. When they got there, she opened the door and dumped their book bags just inside. "Mom! You here?" She left Adam standing near the door as she trotted off through the house looking for her mother. She found her in the den, curled up in a corner of the sofa with a book and a cup of coffee. "Hey, mom we've got company, and we need your help."

Kathryn Janeway's brow rose, "Well hello sweetheart, it's nice to see you too." She closed her book and put it and the coffee aside, then slowly rose. She ruffled her daughter's hair, as she was lead into the foyer. She frowned when she spotted Adam, "What do we have here?"

Alexandra gestured to him, "Mom this is Adam, a friend from school. Adam, this is my mom."

He smiled shyly, "Nice to meet you Ms. Janeway."

She waved a hand through the air dismissively, "Please, call me Kathryn, Ms. Janeway makes me feel so old." She cupped his chin with her hand and scrutinized him carefully, "Care to tell me what happened?"

Alex frowned, "The kids at school decided to play kick around the new kid, Adam's dad isn't home and I couldn't let him go home like that. Besides, he helped me out, I kind of owe him."

Kathryn sighed, "Kids can be so cruel," she held out a hand for Adam, "alright, come on into the kitchen, we'll see what we can do about cleaning up these cuts. Alex, can you get the med-kit out of my bathroom."

"Sure thing mom!" She turned on her heal and trotted toward the stairs leading up toward the second level bedrooms.

"Alex," Her mother called after her, "walk please." Her lips curved upward into a crooked smile as her daughter stopped and slowly, purposely took each step. She shook her head and lead Adam into the kitchen, chuckling when she heard the sound of running on the stairs. "That girl," she motioned Adam onto a stool and retrieved a cool wet cloth. "Alex said you were new at school?" She winced as she started cleaning dried blood away from the cuts on the side of his face. "I know this hurts, I'm sorry."

"Its alright," he winced slightly, "my dad and I just moved here, he was retiring from active duty and wanted to get away from headquarters."

"He was Starfleet then?" She looked up as Alex came trotting into the room and took the med kit from her.

"Yeah, he still consults for them now, diplomatic stuff, but its only part time." He turned his head to the side so she could run the dermal regenerator over his face."

"I see, well since he's away tonight, can I contact your mom for you?"

"He doesn't have a mom," Alex had hopped up onto a stool next to him. "He's like me, sort of, he never knew his mom."

"I see," she smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry Adam, I didn't mean to pry."

He shrugged again, "It's okay, like Alex said I never knew her. I can't miss what I never had. It'd be nice, but like my dad says sometimes, no sense crying over spilled coffee."

Kathryn chuckled, "Sounds like a wise man to me." She leaned back and looked at his face, "Well it's a little pink yet, but that will go away by morning." She put the regenerator back in the kit and snapped it closed. "All done."

"Thank you." He gently touched the newly healed skin, and then smiled at her.

She held the case toward Alex, "Alright you can put it up now."

Alex rolled her eyes, but took the kit, as she passed Adam she grabbed his hand, "Come on, let's go do our homework."

As they trotted out of the kitchen Kathryn called out, "Adam, would you like to stay for dinner?"

He turned and blushed, "If it's alright. I'm not much good with a replicator." Then he grinned, "Dad always says I remind him of someone he knew once, he used to think only one person could burn replicated water." Adam shrugged, "Apparently there are two of us."

Kathryn's heart constricted, someone had once told her that, but she dismissed the thought quickly. "Well, I'm not good with a stove, but I can handle a replicator... sometimes. What do you guys want for dinner?"

"Sketti!" Alex called cheerfully.

Kathryn glanced at Adam to make sure it was all right, Alex nudged him, and he nodded. Laughing she turned, "Alright, it'll be ready by the time you guys are finished with your homework."

"C'mon," Alex grabbed Adam's hand again and tugged him out of the room.

Kathryn paused, and at the sound of thudding feet on the stairs she called out, "Alex, walk please!" At the expected groan, she laughed.

Several hours later, Kathryn was standing near the door, worriedly glancing out at the now darkened sky. "Alex, go grab Bella's leash," then she smiled down at Adam, "We'll walk you home, and the dog could use a workout as well."

When Alex returned, carrying the leash and the 3-year-old black and white Boston terrier, Adam grinned. "I still say that dog has a face only a mother could love."

Alex laughed as she knelt and hooked the leash on the dog's collar. She nuzzled the dog's stubbed face, "I think she's bootiful."

"Yeah," Kathryn said dryly, grinning at Adam, "with a capital Boo!"

Alex sniffed indignantly, "You two leave my baby alone." She hugged the dog, giving her a good rub down, causing the dog to "giggle" in playful little sounds that sounded like a cross between a snort and a growl.

"Alright," Kathryn opened the door and held it for the two children, "Let's get this one home, and that one a workout so she isn't running all over the house later chasing the cat.'

"But mom," Alex smiled up sweetly, "Ah-May loves it when she chases her."

"Yeah," her mother snorted as she locked the door behind them, "that's why she runs screaming into my room and hides under the bed at 3am, waking me up."

"If your cat wouldn't come into my room, my dog wouldn't chase her." Alex stated matter of factly.

Adam laughed, but looked up at Alex's mom, "You just don't strike me as the cat type."

"I'm not."

"She's not!" The two said in unison, but Alex continued, "Ah-May is my grandmother's cat, or was." She frowned, remembering her gran had passed on recently.

Kathryn slipped an arm around her daughter's shoulders and kissed the top of her head, she let the arm linger as they walked along the sidewalk. "Before my mother passed away she asked me to take the cat. My sister has several young children and Ah-May is old and cranky. She was afraid of what being around that wild household would do to her."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"It's alright," she pointed down at the trotting terrier, "That one wasn't my first choice either." She wrinkled her nose; "But Alex fell in love with her at first site."

Adam grinned, "I've always wanted a dog, but before we moved here we didn't live anywhere that I could have one. Dad's promised to take me puppy shopping soon."

"I have a list of breeders, have him give me a call, or I can send the list to school with Alex."

"Thanks!" He reached down absently and ruffled Bella's head. "You know, she looks kind of like a little piglet from this angle. I think I'm gonna start calling her Doglet... or bullet head."

Alex glared at him, "You gotta death wish don't you?"

Adam just grinned and started trotting up a driveway. "This is me, thanks for dinner, and for walking me home! Nite!"

"Mmhmm," Alex waved, "coward."

Kathryn laughed and gave her daughter a squeeze, "Well he was right, she does kind of look like a pi-"

"Say it, and I'll let her into your room tonight and lock the door."

"Don't threaten your mother darling, it can get you into serious trouble."


"Like not being able to find the M&M's."

Alex gasped, "You wouldn't?"

"I would."

"Do it, and your prized Columbian coffee beans are history."

Kathryn curled her fingers along the nape of her daughter's neck, "Why I ought to disown you for even thinking of doing that!"

"Yah, but you love me."

"Good thing too, or I wouldn't put up with you, or your smelly little doglet."

"Hey!" Alex gave her mother a shove, "You're insufferable!"

"Yeah, but you love me."

"Good thing too," Alex snickered, "or I wouldn't be able to put up with you." Their laughter filled the night air as they turned another corner and headed back into the direction of home.


On Monday morning Adam slid into his seat next to Alex. "Hey!"

"How was your weekend?"

"Dad and I took a day trip to Mars and yesterday we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house for my cousin's birthday." He shrugged, "Kind of boring."

She snickered, "Sounds better than my weekend, mom had to go to the lab on Saturday so I had to spend it at my Aunt Phoebe's house." She rolled her eyes, "I really don't like my cousins." Then she leaned forward conspiratorially, "They're all kind of flighty."

"Oh," he nodded, "You mean like you?"

She gave him a playful shrug and turned back to the padd she was studying. From the other side of the room, one of the large boys that particularly liked teasing Adam snickered. "Alex and her boyfriend are at it again."

Alex looked up with a cool grace that belied her years and narrowed her eyes at the boy, "Jaratt, that shiny new computer you're playing on right now. The one that looks like all the shiny new computers in this school, where did we get them?"

The boys shifted in his seat uncomfortably, "From the fundraiser last fall."

"Mmhmm, and who organized that fund raiser?"

Adam looked back and forth between her and Jaratt; impressed with the way everyone in the class was now looking away uncomfortably.

Jaratt sighed, "Your mom did."

"Very good, and whose reputation brought people out to donate funds?"

"Your mom's."

"And then who insisted the school board use the money to buy new equipment for the students?"

He sighed again, defeated. "Your mom did."

"I'm glad you remember," She added coolly, "Now, if I should decide to leave this school because I don't like how the people here treat my friends, all of my mom's influence is going to go away. And that isn't going to be good for the school is it Jaratt?"

He shook his head, cheeks flushing, "No it isn't."

"Now apologize to my friend."

Adam started to interrupt then; he didn't need anyone being nice to him out of charity, or pity. But one look from Alex and even he was afraid to say anything against her.

"I'm sorry Adam." Jaratt said, sincerely.

Alex smiled then, the movement lighting up her face, "Thank you!" She turned, once again studying her padd, letting it known that the subject was now drawn. The room remained silent for several more moments before the din of chatter once more began to rise. When it had she leaned toward Adam, "I don't think anyone will bother you again," she winked.

Adam glared at her, "I don't need your pity!" He hissed at her, eyes cold.

Alex frowned, eyes questioning him, "What's wrong? I don't let anyone pick on my friends. And you're my friend now, like it or not!" She winked at him again, "We suffered my mother's cooking together, that almost makes us like, soul friends, or something."

Adam tried to remain angry, but the mischief in those dark brown eyes had him smiling, in spite of it all. "I guess."

"Oh don't be angry, you'd do it for me."

"I don't know..." He looked down at his notes.

"Adam," when he looked up she grinned, "Don't make me sick my dog on you!"

He giggled, "Please no, anything but bullet head!"

Any response she might have made was cut off as their teacher entered, lesson book in hand, ready to begin another long day.

Alex skipped lunch with her friends and spent it with Adam instead, but after lunch they were separated as the boys and girls gym classes were separated into two. Alex had gym right after lunch, while Adam had Composition, and vice versa. But she waited outside the front of the school greeting Adam when he finally appeared. "Hey," she grinned, "I was wondering if you wanted to stop by my house so we could get started on our science project?"

He narrowed his eyes at her in suspicion, "Our science project?"

She nodded, "Yep, since Mrs. D said we should choose our partners and sign up by Friday, I went ahead and signed us both up during Comp." She grinned broadly, "Don't worry I win every year. I didn't think you'd mind."

"Are you always so pushy?" He shook his head at her, but laughed.

"Yes. I'm a Janeway, right through to my love of coffee. But mom says I can't start drinking it until I'm sixteen. But, I learned by the age of five, what my mother doesn't know, won't get me shot for sneaking into her stash of precious Columbian beans." She winked at him and he laughed again. "Oh come on, you really don't mind do you? I usually do the Science Fair with Araya Lowell or Timothy Miller, but they only sign up with me because my mom is the scientist and I always win. I always end up doing all the work, that's why everyone always wants to study with me." She sighed, looking suddenly sad, "But the other night you actually helped with the homework instead of letting me do all of it like everyone else. So I thought maybe it would be different this year, and winning would be more fun?"

"Nah, it's alright," he grinned, "I thought about signing us up, but I didn't know if you already had anything planned. I was going to ask you first."

"I'm sorry, I promise to ask next time." She nudged him, "It'll be fun, and you can harass Bella while we figure out what we want to do. Mom always lets me look through her science manuals and research reports to get an idea."

He made a show of giving in, "Alright, if I have to." Then he grinned, "Just let me run inside and send a note to my dad's terminal at the house. I can only stay until dinner though, oh and he wanted to meet your mom anyway, so he can come by and pick me up!" He started to trot back inside but turned around, a mischief gleam in his blue eyes. "Oh and, Alex, good thing you decided to be my partner, because, I always win at the Science Fair too." He disappeared back inside the school for only a few short moments, reappearing later with a grin plastered on his face. "Message sent!"

"Good let's go!"

They took the usual route home, and when they arrived Alex tossed her book bag carelessly into a corner of the living room and called out, "Mom!" She walked into the kitchen where she found a note on the counter. "Well that sucks," she carried it back out into the living room, "She had to go to the lab, but said she should be home by 1600 hours." She shrugged and tossed the padd into a pile on the coffee table, "Oh well, no big deal, I know where the science manuals are. Make yourself comfortable; I'll be right back. I've gotta put Bella out, then we can get started." She started toward the stairs but was almost thrown completely off balance as the front door blasted inward.

She caught her balance in time to see two men rushing into the house. They looked human with odd shaped noses and they were heading straight for her. She considered the stairs briefly, then made a beeline for the back door, hoping to make it out the back and to a neighbors before they caught her. As she rounded the corner into the kitchen, she flipped open the door to Bella's kennel hoping the dog would follow her. The back door crashed in minutes before she reached it causing her to skid to a halt. Her backside dusted the floor as her feet slid out from under her. It didn't stop her though. She backpedaled, turning as she went and heading back the way she came. She screamed as a hand tangled in the back of her jumper, but before she could react further, a ferocious growl and a startled yell echoed from the man behind her causing him to release her. As she skidded back into the main hall, she heard Adam cussing furiously. She paused only for a moment, this time to pick up the heavy lamp from the side table. This she hefted at the man in front of her as she darted to the left and pounced on the man holding Adam. As he shook her off, Bella attacked once more, this time latching onto the man's wrist. Alex backed against the wall and screamed fiercely while Adam attempted to outmaneuver one man and Bella maintained her grip on the other. If only her mom were here.

Kathryn hurried down the street from the transport center. She hated having to go into the lab last minute, and now she was late. Alex would have gotten home an hour ago. She slowed a little, as she rounded the corner and started up the block to their home, but as she neared, faint sounds of a struggle began to filter in. It wasn't until she heard the vicious barking of an animal, and her daughter's own screams that she realized it was coming from her home. She dropped her things and started in at a dead run. "Alex!"

One of the front windows was shattered, and the door had been busted inward. She fought back the rising panic as she maneuvered over the debris that was her front foyer. "Alex!" She spotted her in the corner of the living room, kicking and clawing at an intruder. There were three total, one was trying to get a hold on Adam, who must have walked home with Alex. The third was trying to shake off the little black and white Boston who had a firm latch onto his arm.

Kathryn dove for the man holding her daughter, every primal maternal instinct she had taking control. She wrenched Alex free and began kicking the man. Behind them, the third intruder managed to shake the dog free, and sent her tumbling across the room. The animal landed with a loud yipe against the wall.

"No!" Alex dove for her beloved animal, but the third intruder caught her around the waist.

"Come on, kill the bitch and let's go." With Alex firmly in grasp, he started out of the house, the second intruder following behind with Adam.

"Alex!" She turned and started after the kidnapper, but the man she was fighting pulled her back and used all his weight to fling her to the side. Kathryn's feet got caught in one of the children's book bags, as she went down her head caught the side of a table. "Alex," the men were already leaving the house with her child, she tried to move, but her limbs were suddenly heavy. And then everything went completely dark.

She started coming too sometime later, with this insistent annoying wetness on her face. After several minutes of trying to regain consciousness she realized it was the dog's tongue on her face. The animal was whining and nudging her; Kathryn lifted a heavy hand to the dog's head. "Alright already." She slowly sat up, the room tilting and spinning around her. She pressed a hand to her head and felt dried blood. She looked around, it was already dark out. She struggled to remember what happened, and it all came back in a rush. "Alex..." The panic came hurling back at her in a rush that threatened to send her back to the floor. She fought it back, and struggled to stand, but her legs were heavy and refused to work properly. A voice from the door caused her head to snap up, she cursed as the room started spinning again. When the dizziness passed she focused on the voice again, and froze. "Chakotay."

"What the hell happened here?" He stepped over debris and crossed the room to kneel beside her.

The dog had started barking, and Kathryn held a hand to her head, "Bella, no!" The dog looked at her, whined, and crawled under the sofa. She held up a hand, and Chakotay helped her, unsteadily to her feet. She teetered for a moment, but his arms around her waist held her firmly in place.

"Kathryn, what happened?"

"They took Alex." She let him move her over to he sofa, where he sat beside her.

"Who took Alex?" Gingerly, he examined the cut on her head.

"I don't know, three men, I don't know what they wanted."

He gripped her shoulders fear gripping him, "Kathryn, where is Adam?"

She blinked, "Adam?" Then she tried to think, "He was with Alex." Then it struck her, "You're Adam's father?"

She barely whispered the question, but he heard it. "Yes. He sent me a note from school; he said he was stopping by here after school to work on an assignment with Alex. He said he knew her mom wouldn't mind. I was coming by to pick him up and meet this Alex and her mother that I hear so much about."

She shook her head, but groaned and quickly stopped the action. "Hi, I'm Alex's mom, nice to meet you."

His eyes narrowed and the grip on her arm tightened slightly. "You didn't waste any time Kathryn."

His first words sparked anger, but it deflated quickly. "Now isn't the time Chakotay. We have to find the children."

"I'll notify the authorities while I get the med kit." A few moments later he stepped back into the room and knelt before her. As he ran the regenerator over her head wound he sighed again. "So, who have you pissed off lately?"

A small chuckle escaped before she could stop it. "Chakotay, I'm a Star Fleet admiral, there are days when I don't even like myself."

"True enough," He stroked the side of her face, "Kathryn..."

She smiled and reached up to stroke the side of his face, "I know, I've missed you too."

Anything else they might have said to one another was interrupted by the arrival of Starfleet security officers. "Admiral," they greeted her from the door and she waved them into the ransacked room.

The taller of the two officers stepped forward, "I'm Lieutenant Davis, and this is Lieutenant Michaels."

She nodded once and motioned to a computer terminal on the wall near the door, "The security vids should have picked up the intrusion." She sighed then, and glanced at Chakotay, "Alex forgets to activate it, or it would have summoned security when the door was kicked in."

"The children were here alone ma'am?" One of the officers cautiously regarded the dog, that was barking at them from under the sofa.

"Bella," Kathryn's tone was curt, "No." The animal let out a whine, and crawled out from under the sofa, she leapt onto the couch and huddled between Kathryn and the arm of the sofa. Kathryn absently stroked the shaking dog. "I usually work from home," she split her attention between Chakotay and the guards, "but I got called into the lab around noon, I was late getting back and walked in on the attack."

"What can you tell us about that?" While one of the men worked to retrieve the security footage, the other had taken out a padd and was recording her statements. Outside, other officers had arrived and were surveying the damage and checking for evidence.

She smiled slightly, "The men will have some bruises," she glanced at Chakotay, "the kids weren't going without a fight." Then she looked up and glanced around the room, "There's blood on the carpet, the dog took a chunk out of one of the men. There were three of them, Adam was struggling with one of them, he was short, kind of bulky. The other had Alex cornered, I attacked him, and the third was busy trying to shake the dog loose." Then remembering the animal had been thrown across the room, she pulled her into her lap and started checking for injuries.

"Any idea who would want to kidnap your children, and why?"

Kathryn shrugged, "I really don't know. I've been mostly planet-side for the last ten years, I head a research department."

"What kind of research are you involved in?" Chakotay asked.

"Quantum physics mostly, we design warp drives."

"Anything else?"

She shrugged, "A couple of terraforming projects, but that's it." She sighed; the pain in her head was back. "I lead a simple life gentleman, I work from home so I can be close to my little girl, I only go into the office once or twice a week. I'm in the lab one of those days. I can't think of anyone who would have a grudge against me, unless of course you want to interrogate two-thirds of the Delta Quadrant?" The latter she said with a half smile.

"I don't think it will come to that ma'am." One of the officers walked over, they conferred quietly, and the first man turned back. "I think that'll do for now. We've downloaded the security footage, we'll analyze it and get back to you."

Kathryn stood up angrily, and would have fallen if Chakotay hadn't steadied her, "What about my daughter?"

"We're not letting any personal transports enter or leave the planet, for the next twenty four hours. We're checking all transport centers, and shuttle access points."

Chakotay frowned, "They could have already left the planet, the Admiral was unconscious for some time."

The officer nodded, "We'll be tracking those departures. Don't worry, we'll find them." With a final nod, the officer turned and left, taking his men with him.

"So much for calling the authorities," Kathryn muttered.

"Come on," Chakotay looked around the room, and finding Bella's leash he handed it to Kathryn. "Let's go back to my place, we'll get someone out here tomorrow to fix this mess. In the meantime, we are going to call in some favors from some old friends."

She hesitated, "What if they call here?"

"Kathryn, they've got my son, they're just as likely to call my house as they are to call here."

She nodded, "You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, come on."

She bent and fastened the leash to the dog's collar, and followed him out the door. She smiled minutes later as she entered his home, taking in the rich earth tones and sand paintings that so defined Chakotay. "You haven't changed in the last ten years."

He motioned her to take a seat and ordered coffee from the replicator. "More than you can imagine." He paused before kneeling in front of her once more, the cup a silent offering. "Why did you run away Kathryn?"

Taking the cup, she smiled sadly. "You know why Chakotay." She closed her eyes a moment before meeting his once more. "I don't know why I didn't see it. He is a wonderful blend of you and Seven."

He moved so that he was sitting on the coffee table. "How did you...? Never mind, you've probably heard things over the years like I have."

"Well I have heard things, but I knew. I knew a long time ago." She paused to sip her coffee. "You see, Seven came to me and told me she was pregnant. She was scared and excited all at once and she came to me because I was her mentor, practically her mother." She held the cup between her hands, letting the warmth seep into her. "She was frightened, and there were already complications. There was nothing else I could do. The way I saw it, you were already with her, expecting a child with her, and I had no place in your life. It was too painful to watch, so I left and came here. I didn't know until later that I was pregnant. And by then Seven had nearly miscarried, you had your hands full. I didn't want to think what that knowledge might do to both of you. I decided it was best kept to myself. I had my piece of you. You seemed happy. So I was... content."

He bowed his head, he had already suspected... "She's mine then?"

She leaned forward and pressed a hand to his cheek, "Yes." She sighed and withdrew the hand; "I wanted to call you, when I heard that Seven had died. I just didn't have the courage, and by then I was eight months pregnant, I didn't know what to say to you, I knew you had to be hurting and I didn't want to make it worse."

He let out the breath he'd been holding, "Oh Kathryn, you have no idea," he rose to sit beside her. "It was difficult, the entire pregnancy. She shouldn't have even been pregnant. But you know Seven, once she made up her mind about something, there wasn't any turning back."

"Yes," she smiled fondly, "it was so difficult to be angry with her," she gave a dry chuckle, "for stealing my man, when she looked so happy. You made her happy." She rested her chin on his shoulder, gazing up at him, "Even I could see it."

"I tried," he sighed again and shook his head. "She wasn't you. And at first I felt trapped, I think she sensed that, I felt like I was just biding my time. Get her through that, get the child born, and I could be with you." He smiled sadly, "But after she nearly miscarried the first time, I couldn't afford to be anything but committed. It was hard, but I had to forget about you. And you'd never tried to contact me so..."

"So that made it easier," she leaned back against the sofa, "What a mess."

"I had my hands full with Adam after she died, he was such a sick little boy. And so small, even now he's still small for his age. His health didn't finally stabilize until he was about five. And by then, I was hearing things about you settling down. So I decided it was just as well, you had your life, and I had mine, such as it was."

"I'm so sorry," she laid a hand on his arm.

"Hell, it isn't your fault, it isn't really mine." He leaned back next to her, their shoulders touching. "We did the best we could with the hand that was dealt us."

"Fate?" Kathryn snorted, "talk about a really twisted bitch."

"I can't really complain," he smiled at her, "Adam is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me."

She smiled, understanding, "And Alex is the same for me." Tears welled in her eyes, "What if we don't find them, Chakotay what if..."

He pressed a finger to her lips, "We will."

She closed her eyes and tears slipped down her cheeks, "She could be hurt, or sick, or--"

"Kathryn stop it, we'll find them." He pulled her against him, his arm going around her shoulders. "They'll be alright."

"How do you know?"

He smiled, "I can't believe fate would bring us back together just to make our lives miserable."

"God I hope you're right Chakotay."

They were silent for several minutes, and then Kathryn muttered. "Alex is going to kick my ass."

Chakotay frowned at her, "I'm not following you."

"I never told her who her father was..."

"And he's been only a couple of blocks away for the last few weeks." He gave her shoulders a squeeze.

"Not just that," she smiled up at him, "She's always hated being an only child. She's had her brother in and out of the house and didn't even know it."

He laughed, "From what Adam tells me, she sounds like a spitfire."

"You have no idea," she leaned back chuckling, "she is so... she is so much like me sometimes it's frightening."

"Ahh," he nodded, "Then they'll probably bring her back just to get rid of her."

Kathryn shook her head, "About those favors, what exactly were you thinking?" She sobered, growing serious again.

He winked at her, "Oh you know, a little Kim ingenuity, a sprinkle of Torres, a dash of Paris, stirred to perfection and served lightly over Vulcan."

"Sounds like a recipe for disaster...." She looked a bit frightened.

"Kathryn, where's your faith?"

She gave a nervous chuckle, "It just flew out the window."

"I'll make the calls, pull some of that 6 pip weight around and get us a ship." He stood and moved over to a computer terminal on a desk in the corner.

"A ship? You don't really think they've already left the planet do you?" She looked worried again.

"Staying would be signing their death warrants, they had to know that half the planet would be looking for them by night fall." He shrugged, "You were unconscious Kathryn, by your own estimation they have four hours on us already, they were probably off the planet within a fraction of that."

"I know, I just hate it when you're right about something." She nodded and looked around, spotting another computer terminal she moved over, "One six-pip special coming up."


By morning they were on a Sovereign class ship headed out of the solar system. Chakotay looked at Kathryn, impressed, "That's some research you do Admiral."

She winked at him, "Well I wanted Voyager, but I was told the Museum curator would go into heart failure, so I did the best I could under the circumstances." Then she leaned forward and whispered, "It helps that the Captain is a very old, very dear friend."

"That too," he whispered back conspiratorially.

At that moment Captain Tuvok stepped into the conference room followed by his first officer and a few old friends. Kathryn had pulled rank to have Paris, Torres and Kim reassigned to her for the duration of the search for her daughter.

"Admiral," Tuvok greeted Janeway first, then nodded his head to Chakotay, "Captain."

"Just Chakotay now, I'm retired."

"As you wish," He indicated his first officer, "Commander Jackson will be assisting us as well." As everyone nodded their greetings Tuvok introduced Jackson to the other three occupants of the room.

It took a moment, but when Chakotay realized it he leveled a glare on Tom and B'Elanna, "You knew about Alex all this time and you never told me?"

"We didn't know she was yours," Tom said honestly, though he had suspected often enough.

Kathryn placed a hand on Chakotay's arm, "I never told them. I never told anyone, not even my mother."

He turned his frown on her, "Kathryn if something had happened to you-"

"She would have been cared for." She gave him a look that told him to drop the subject.

He dropped it, for now. He understood why, but he didn't have to like it. "Harry what have you found?"

The young man held out a padd, "Starfleet security is tracking a ship that left orbit fifteen minutes after the children were attacked. It was unidentified, and hadn't contacted traffic authorities for permission to enter orbit. A shuttle was tracked entering Earth's atmosphere and hovering over the Eastern coastline of the North American continent. The kidnappers could have easily beamed down, taken the children, and beamed back up. It was only there for about half an hour, and then it returned to its mother ship. Within minutes the ship left the solar system."

Kathryn studied the padd for a moment and then handed it to Tuvok, who in turn ordered his XO to set course on the projected heading.

Chakotay could tell there was something else Harry wasn't telling them, "What do we know about that ship?"

He shifted uncomfortably; the Federation database didn't have anything to comparatively classify it to. Most of Voyager's records are still classified, but it looked familiar the first time I glanced over the report. So I hacked into the Voyager database and ran the cross-reference. It's Devoran."

Kathryn's heart stopped, she felt Chakotay stiffen beside her, "Are you sure Harry?"

"I ran it twice, just to make sure Ma'am."

B'Elanna frowned, "That doesn't make sense, why would the Devore come all the way from the Delta Quadrant and steal your children?"

Kathryn met her gaze, "Because maybe one of them had a personal score to settle."

"Kashyk." Tom let out a sigh, "There's no telling how his government reacted to his failure."

Kathryn nodded, "A failure I caused him." She turned around and walked toward the windows to stare out at the passing stars. "It's been a long night, for everyone. Why don't you all find your cabins and try to get some sleep." She sighed, it had come out much harsher than she intended, and she turned to smile apologetically at everyone. "I'm not going to take over the running of your ship Tuvok. I pulled rank to set this thing into motion, but from this moment on I'm not your Admiral, or," she managed a crooked grin, "your captain. I'm just a mother trying to get her child back." She settled her gaze on Tuvok, "Once we leave the solar system, I'll put the uniform away. I want your crew to understand I'm not here on official business. This is personal." She turned away again, and waited for everyone to file out.

She had known he wouldn't go, and felt Chakotay's hands on her shoulders as the doors closed behind the others. He turned her slowly and pulled her against him. "We will find them. And when we do, I'm going to kill that bastard like I should have done twelve years ago."

She rested her head in the hollow of his neck and let his strength warm her, "Why take Alex? And Adam? Why not just take me?"

He ran his hands along her back, trying to ignore the effect her nearness was having on him, "Kashyk was more cunning than that, he knew where you were living Kathryn. Probably even knew you were out of the house, he would have wanted to strike you where you're most vulnerable."

"Alex," she whispered against his neck. She pulled back and looked up at him, "If he hurts her..."

"Before this is over, I will kill him Kathryn."

The cold steel in his voice, combined with the hardness in his eyes made her shiver, "I haven't forgotten that he has Adam too..."

He steered her toward a chair at the conference table and pushed her into it, and then kneeled before her, still gripping her shoulders. "Kathryn, let me make sure you understand this. They are both mine, Alex as much as Adam. And the bastard is going to pay for every moment that they are afraid, for every hair on their heads that is out of place, for any scratches, bruises, cuts, scrapes, or bad thoughts that they have." When she looked down, tears in her eyes, he forced her face back up, "I am going to know my daughter, and you can't say that you wouldn't keep her away from me because you did. And while I understand it, I don't like it. I am angry about that, but not at you." He cupped her face in his big hands; "I had time to think, last night, while we waited for everything to come together. Too damned much time has been wasted already. You are not getting away from me again." He broke off abruptly and waited for her to say something, but she just kept staring at him with the eyes that had haunted his dreams. Several minutes went by before finally in a gruff voice, "Say something."

She leaned forward and kissed him instead. When she pulled away she smiled, "Let's go get our kids."

He nodded once, stood, and held out a hand. She took it, and held it as they left the conference room. Since, for the moment, nothing could be done, they decided to take their own advice and get some sleep. The Admiral had been assigned VIP quarters below the Senior Officer's deck. And while Chakotay had his own cabin, they curled up on her bed, together, simply holding one another until exhaustion, the emotional as well as the physical, finally claimed them both.


Alex was still fighting when she was pulled in front of the tall, dark haired man. "You guys are in so much trouble!" She put her hands on her hips, while Adam simply let them tug him in, resignedly doing as was expected of him.

He sat crookedly across the command seat, as if it were his throne, a feral grin spreading across his face, "You are definitely the daughter of Kathryn Janeway." He stood, using the grace of a large predatory cat and walked around the children, inspecting them. "And you," he grabbed Adam by his nape, turning his head from side to side, "I don't know you." He narrowed his eyes, "But you have the look of her."

"Let him go!" Alex twisted away from her kidnappers and kicked the man as hard as she could on the shin.

Kashyk hissed, and drew back as if to slap her, but thought better of it. No, he had other plans. "You do have her spirit, don't you my dear?" He reached for her chin, restraining her though she struggled. He let her go, shoving her back slowly, "Run the tests on them, compare it to the DNA scans we stole from the Empire." He motioned to the boy, "I want to know who *that* belongs too. We only knew about the one child. But he's small, but she could have just as easily bore two as one."

At Adam's hurt expression Alex snarled and drawled slowly, "My mom is going to kick your ass."

He grinned, slowly, eyes gleaming evilly, "I'm certainly looking forward to it my dear." He glanced at his men, "Take them to the holding cell. Let's run the tests, when they're complete we'll let their parents know how safe they are." The men nodded and moved to do his bidding, dragging the children from the room as Kashyk once more made himself comfortable on the command level.

Alex snarled at her abductors as she was forced into a cold, dark room behind Adam. She kicked the door after they locked it behind her. "P'taq!"

Adam walked over and climbed onto the lone cot in the room, scooting back, he rested his back against the wall and drew his knees up to his chest. When Alex plopped down angrily beside him, he sighed. "I don't think antagonizing them is going to help us."

"No," she said sulkily, "But it makes me feel better." She scooted back and mimicked his stance, "My mom will find us Adam. She's probably brought half of Starfleet down around its ears, her temper isn't something they want to mess with."

He nodded, still unsure. Time passed slowly, someone appeared only once, to take the required blood samples. He had sat there, allowing them, seeing no advantage in fighting those bigger than he. Alex on the other hand, he shook his head, was cradling her arm where they'd hurt her when she'd fought them. She hadn't cried, but she had muttered a few curses in languages he wasn't even sure they were supposed to understand.

Hours passed before anyone appeared again, this time once more summoning them before the man called Kashyk. Once again he smiled predatorily at them, and turned a console toward them. "The results of your tests are in! I thought you'd be interested in knowing what we found." He stood slowly, once more circling his young prey. "I thought," he ran a gloved hand along Adam's shoulders, "that you had the look of her, it turns out I was right." He gripped Adam's chin, almost too harshly, "You have your mother's eyes."

"My mother is dead," Adam muttered sullenly.

"Ah... not so! My men assured me they did not kill Kathryn in the attack."

"Are you stupid?" Alex growled, "His mother died during childbirth."

"That's not what our tests say." He pointed to the scans, "Your DNA is a very close match, and only siblings sharing a parent would have that close a connection." This was getting more and more interesting by the moment. He reclaimed his seat and regarded them carefully. "The two children of Kathryn Janeway, I can hardly believe my good fortune. Now why is it, you don't know you're related?"

"Because we aren't you dolt!" Alex rolled her eyes, "We didn't even meet until last week!"

"Very interesting indeed." But he stood again and strode toward her, "But you my dear," his grin was slow, calculated. "I know exactly who your father is." He circled her, bending low, his voice a murmur. "And I doubt very highly your mother ever told anyone of her shame."

"My mother loves me!" Alex crossed her arms, "And you're an idiot if you think we're going to believe anything you tell us."

"Why not my dear? I have the DNA scans to prove it." He sneered at her, "And I think I should know better than you how you were conceived. I was there after all." When her eyes widened he chuckled, "Oh come now, don't tell me your mother never told you?"

Alex drew herself up to her full four feet and ten inches; sometimes she indeed liked being tall for her age. "My mother never talks about my father."

"With good reason," He gripped her chin in his hand. "I'm surprised though, that even your mother would sink to genetic manipulation to make you appear human. Even if your not." At her stricken look he laughed again. "Oh come now, what did you think? That you're just big for your age?" He clucked his tongue and let her go, moving once more to his command seat. "My dear, I took your mother, on the floor of her own bridge." He watched their eyes widened. "She was quite spirited, clawed and screamed the entire time. But she won her Voyager's freedom." His eyes twinkled evilly, "I wonder if she ever told that over sized first officer of hers. I think they might have been rather close at the time." He shrugged, "Oh well, enough of that." He made a show of studying his leather glove, "Well, why don't we send your mother a little social greeting, let her know that all is well." He looked at his men, "Take them back to their cell. Careful with the girl, she is... precious to me." Alex glared at him, but he only smiled back in return. This was going to work very nicely.


"Alex," Adam said several minutes after they were left alone in the small chamber. "Why is that man lying to us? I know who my mom was, she died having Me."

"I don't know Adam," she drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "He's just trying to get to us, that's all."

"Do you think he's your dad?"

"I don't know Adam." She snapped, growing agitated. "I don't know anything, alright."

"Sorry," He drew his knees up to his chest and looked away.

Alex sighed, "I'm sorry." She leaned against him, "I guess anything is possible, but we won't know for sure until our parents get us back."

"I know," he sighed, "But what is the point of it all? Surely he doesn't think we're that stupid. My dad has pictures of my mom pregnant with me, even my Aunt remembers me being born. She was there when my mom died."

"Look," she looked around the dirty floor and finally found a good-sized piece of metal, picking it up she turned to face the wall. "Let's do what my mom would do okay? Look at it purely scientifically. My mom's blood type is A negative, and mine is AB negative. I highly doubt some alien from nowheresville is going to have a B blood type. With me so far?" He had pivoted around and nodded. "Okay then, so we'll just make a standard T-chart like Mrs. D taught us in science class. What's your blood type Adam?"

He paused for a moment, and then frowned, "Mine's AB negative too."

Alex shrugged off the coincidence, "And your dad's?"

"B positive."

"Okay," She drew the chart filling in her mom's and Chakotay's blood types. "Scientifically, it's possible that my mom is your mom. But that could just be coincidence okay?" She smiled reassuringly, "What was your mom's blood type, do you know?"

He nodded, and frowned, eyes filling with tears, "O positive."

Alex lowered her hand from the wall and closed her eyes for a moment. "Adam, B positive plus O positive can't make AB negative."

He drew back from her, turning around once more and drawing his knees up to his chest, "I know," he murmured.

Alex sighed and turned around, "Okay so that wasn't such a good idea after all." She went back to hugging her knees. "There's an explanation for it Adam, I know there is."

He glanced at her, blue eyes full of anger, "You mean other than the fact that my dad and your mom have been lying to us our entire lives? I hope you're right Alex, cause I can't wait to hear it."

"Now Adam before we get too upset... when is your birthday?"

"June 7th."

"Well mine is June 12th so you see it just isn't possible. I mean my mom would have had to have you and then had me nine months later, which at the earliest would have me born in December."

He closed his eyes for a minute. "Okay, so he's lying but he knows your mom and my dad so there has to be a connection somewhere. What did your mom do before you were born?"

Alex sat on the floor and tucked her knees to her chest. "She was a starship captain. One of the most famous too, Captain Janeway of the Federation Lost Ship..."

"Voyager." Adam sat beside her and draped an arm around her shoulders. "That much he practically told us himself, but I should have made the connection. My dad was first officer on board that ship. He never talks about though. I hear most of the stories from my Aunt Be."

She blinked at him for a long moment. "Umm, your Aunt Be wouldn't be a Klingon with a husband named Paris and a daughter name Miral would it?"

He nodded slowly. "Any other Aunts and Uncles?"

"Harry?" Again he nodded. "Tuvie?"

Adam blinked. "I don't know that one, but I've heard stories about him."

"Okay so we have all this family and it was obvious we were born after the ship got home, I mean I can trace mine back to a month or so after Voyager got back, you were created on ship."


"So if we have the same Aunts and Uncles for the most part, how come I never knew your dad, and you didn't know my mom. I mean our folks worked together for years, they were the command team and all."

"Well my dad's name is Chakotay and now that I think about it I remembering him talking about Voyager and her Captain. He didn't talk much though, it made him sad."

"And my mom rarely spoke of 'the Commander' but I remember Aunt Be mentioning his name once." She paused for a long minute, staring at the wall. Suddenly her head jerked up. "Oh my Talaxians!" She stood and began pacing. "What if they were something to each other? What if your dad was the great love of my mom's life only she couldn't do anything about it and she never told your dad? And maybe he loved her to but couldn't act on it cause of protocol and all that stuff." She placed her hands on her hips with a definite nod. "Yeah Starfleet is stuffy about that crap." The pacing resumed.

"What about my mom? I know she was human cause I'm human, her name was Annika Hansen. Where does she fit into all this?"

Alex paused once more, her hand coming up to stroke her chin in a thoughtful gesture. "Maybe our folks decided they couldn't have each other so they moved on. Your folks met and fell in love and got married. Then, when they got back, my mom met my dad and so on, but they never spoke again because they each had separate lives."

Adam stood and traced the markings on the wall. "But we already know my mom isn't really my biological mother. And what about this guy Kashyk's saying about you and I both being the children of Kathryn Janeway? How would it be possible? What if your mom really is my mom? What if they fudged the birth certificates and stuff? What if she gave me away? For all we know we're twins separated at birth!"

"I don't know Adam, but I know my mom. She loves kids and she wouldn't just give one of hers away. And for that matter, she'd never genetically alter one of hers, no matter what that deranged psycho jerk says. I just don't see how it could be possible though."


B'Elanna grabbed her husband's elbow and maneuvered him into a corner of the conference room. "What do you make of that?" She posed the question quietly, her head gesturing slightly to the couple huddled shoulder to shoulder going over information that had been gathered in the past 36 hours. They were still tracking the ship, had managed to partially close the gap, and were keeping it on long-range scans.

He shrugged discreetly, "I wish I knew for sure."

"Do think it's just a, you know, crisis thing? Or... could it be something else?"

Tom sighed, "I don't know B'el, and I don't even want to begin to speculate. They've been through too much already. Maybe this has brought them back together for good, but if it hasn't, I don't think anything could."

She sighed, "Maybe you're right. I just..." she shrugged, "I want to see this end well, for both of them."

"So do I." He looked up, and caught their former command team's eyes, "Come on, they'll think we're up to something."

"Aren't we?"

He winked at her, "Always!" A decade had matured them, but not by much.

The doors to the conference room opened and Tuvok strode in, "We're receiving a transmission from the Devore ship Admiral." He moved over to the small, wall mounted view screen."

Kathryn nodded, "Patch it through." She stood, next to Chakotay, squaring her shoulders and mentally preparing for the coming confrontation. His visage filled the screen, exactly as she remembered him, if a little colder. "Kashyk."

"Ahh, Captain Janeway," he gave the familiar feral grin, "Or rather Admiral, my apologies. It has been a long time."

"Not long enough," she crossed her arms, "Where is my daughter? And her young friend?"

Kashyk smiled slowly, "Questions already? We've only just been reunited, so to speak. And look, the gang's all here!" His eyes fell on Chakotay and narrowed dangerously, "Pity, I was hoping she'd gotten rid of you."

"Never," his jaw clenched, "Where are my children Kashyk. I won't ask you again."

"How touching," he smiled again at Kathryn, "My intelligence reports didn't say that you'd married, or were even involved with anyone! Congratulations Kathryn, it must be a comfort to you to know that your life has not been wasted. To sire such children from such," he paused, his disdain toward Chakotay becoming apparent, "good stock. And that daughter of yours!" He gave a dry, menacing chuckle, "What a spitfire! She reminds me of you, all temper and passion." He leaned forward, "You do remember the passion, don't you Kathryn?"

She bit her tongue, "As a matter of fact, I don't. But then, there never was any between us. I want my daughter, and Chakotay's son. I want them returned now, and maybe we'll let you live."

He laughed again, "Still so high and mighty. But I don't think so, I'm enjoying them. Funny Kathryn, but you haven't once claimed the boy, and he swears his mother is dead. But I saw the DNA scans myself, I find it hard to believe a woman of your, compassion," he snarled the word, "would throw her own son to the wolves! Or the Trash," he regarded Chakotay again.

Kathryn's fingers wrapped tightly around Chakotay's wrist kept him from reacting. "I don't know what you're talking about Kashyk, Adam is not my son. He's Chakotay's from his first marriage. I only just met the boy."

"An interesting deception my dear, but I tested the children myself to be certain, the DNA matches, and yours was really all I had to compare it too. And they're both a match." At her stricken look he beamed, "Don't tell me you had a son you didn't know about beloved, that would be a little hard to do wouldn't it?"

"What do you want Kashyk?" Chakotay kept a firm hold on her hand, adding her strength to his and vice versa.

His face changed instantly, "To watch that self righteous bitch beg. Before I'm finished I'm going to have you on your knees Kathryn. You destroyed what was most sacred to me, so I will repay you in kind. You will bend to my will, or you will watch your children be destroyed. I will do it... they are no better than any of the telepaths that I have destroyed in my time. But first, I think I'm going to crush that spirit your daughter exudes so freely. I think that will be of great amusement for me." His eyes sparkled, "Much like I crushed yours that night on your bridge."

The view screen flashed off, the link having been severed. Kathryn turned, fury blazing in her eyes. She was tired of being afraid. "I am going to pull his body apart limb by limb before I'm finished."

Tom was frowning, "What was that business about Adam?"

"Nonsense," Chakotay ran a hand through his graying hair, "I was with Seven when he was born, B'Elanna you were there yourself. He's trying to get to us. But it won't work this time."

Kathryn frowned, turning it over in her mind. But why lie about something so easily confirmed. All she had to do was pull up Adam's medical records and check for herself. It bothered her, it shouldn't have, but it did. And the worst part, the part that sent a cold chill up her spine, was that it could be true. "There's something I need to check," she started out of the room and paused, turning, "Chakotay?"

"Right behind you," quietly followed her.

Minutes later, Kathryn moved across her temporary quarters to the computer terminal. After pushing in a series of commands she sat back and waited. Within minute's the Doctor's image filled the screen.

"Admiral! What a surprise, what can I do for you?"

"This isn't a social call Doctor. Do you remember, our second year in the Delta Quadrant, I asked you to perform a medical procedure of a personal nature."

He frowned, "Of course, I took a small sample of ovum and placed them in stasis for you. Are you in need of the sample?"

She shook her head, "You still have it?"

He nodded, "Of course, I had it transferred from Voyager's lab to my own here, at Starfleet Medical."

"Doctor," she leaned forward, "I need you to check that sample for me, some or all of it might be missing. This is extremely important to me."

"Of course, is something wrong?"

"I don't know," she sighed, "when will you know?"

"I'll stop by the lab this afternoon, after I finish making rounds at Medical. I'll call you as soon as I've checked it."

"Thank you Doctor, I have to go." She terminated the transmission and sat back rubbing her eyes.

"So it's possible," Chakotay leaned against her desk, "Adam could biologically be yours?"

"I," she shrugged, "medically speaking, I suppose. But I can't believe Seven would do something like that, deceive us both. She died trying to give birth to him, why go through the trouble? She already had you..."

"No she didn't," he gave her a dark look, "I think she knew I was going to leave her."

She stood up and moved around the side of the desk to stand between his legs, "You think she did it out of some desperate attempt to keep you?"

He shrugged, "I don't know Kathryn, none of us ever will. Seven's dead and buried; we'll never really know what her motive was. I can only speculate. But she was dealing with emotions she'd never experienced before, you know how Seven was, acting first thinking about consequences later."

"Well," Kathryn sighed, "We won't know for sure until the Doctor gets back to us, and we get the children back. Chakotay, we have to get them back."

"I know," he pulled her into his arms, hands smoothing up and down her back, "We will."

She sighed, "I know... I believe we will." She stood up and paced the room. "I just hate feeling like this. I feel so bloody helpless."

"Kathryn," He stood and pulled her to him, "We'll catch up with them in another 12 hours at most. They're no match for the Melbourne, and when we do we'll be able to secure their return." She nodded, knowing he was right. "Kathryn," he pulled back to look into her face. "What was he talking about, you and he on the bridge?"

She sighed, "It was nothing. He made advances, tried to get me to sleep with him to secure Voyager's safety. I think he was starting to lose his mind even then." She shrugged, "Nothing happened, we weren't alone long enough for anything to happen." She slipped her arms around his waist, "trust me, he never touched me. And if he had tried I would have killed him myself."

"Alright," he could see the truth in her eyes. "There's nothing we can do for now, but wait."

She groaned, "I'm tired of waiting, I can't help feeling like we should be doing *something*."

"Believe me, I know," he toyed with the end of her braid; she'd left her hair down after their nap earlier. "Tuvok's crew is on top of it, B'Elanna and Harry are on top of scans, and doing research on that ship. And even Tom is getting a shuttle ready just in case we need it." He gave her braid a gentle tug and brushed a kiss across her lips. "It's going to be alright."

"Well, if you keep that up I'll believe almost anything is possible."

"Yeah?" He kissed her again.

"Oh yeah," shifted against him suggestively.

He groaned and pulled away from her, "Woman you are going to be the death of me." He grabbed her hand, "Let's get food, coffee," he laughed as her eyes lit up, "and see what we can do to busy ourselves for the next twelve hours."

She laughed as she followed him.


While Alex alternated between pacing and beating on the door, Adam looked around. He studied everything. He trailed his hands along the walls, into crevices, and tested the bulkheads for movement. Finally he sighed and sat back on the cot. "I'm cold and hungry Alex. Do you think they are going to feed us?"

The little girl took turned and glared at him, but he could tell she was just as miserable as he was. Once more she began to beat on the door. "You miserable son of a Targ you better let us out of here now. I want to talk to my mother. Let us out you bloody bastards!"

Adam winced at her tirade and stood. Moving in next to her he added his voice to the ruckus. "We have to go to the bathroom. You didn't give us anything to use!"

Alex blinked and actually went silent for a moment. She gave him a thumbs-up for a good ploy and then realized it was true. Once more her fists pounded the door. They were surprised when the door was flung open and Kashyk himself was standing there. With one thunderous look, he grabbed Alex by the front of her jumper and lifted her until she was nose to nose. "Enough!"

Stunned silent at his outburst, Alex began kicking with all her might. In the true form of children who aren't aiming and tend to hit the jackpot, the toe of her boot landed solidly in his groin. There was a pained "Omph" before her jumper was released and she hit the floor. She lay there sprawled, trying to catch her breath as the man curled in on himself.

Adam swiftly helped her to her feet and pushed her to the door. As they passed Kashyk, he paused long enough to drive the heel of his hand into the man's nose. Satisfied with the crunch he heard, he grabbed Alex's hand and tugged her down the corridor.

Kashyk grunted, "After them!"

Alex held fast to Adam's hand as they sped down the corridor, dodging their assailants and rounding corners. Neither had no clue about where they were going, they were simply running as fast as their legs would carry them.

Adam passed a hatch opening in the bulkhead and stopped, it looked much like a jefferies tube hatch, so he tugged Alex toward it. Once in side he looked around, this would work. The two of them sealed the door behind them, leaving them in pitch darkness.

"Come on," Alex whispered, and pressed past him feeling along the wall as she slowly moved away from the hatch.

Adam followed behind her, the two of them moving slowly in the darkness, "Alex," he whispered after several minutes of crawling. "This probably wasn't such a good idea."

"No," she whispered back, "it probably wasn't."

"What are we going to do now?"

"Stay hidden until our folks find us." She stopped and rested a moment now that the panic had passed. "Maybe we can find an empty room with a computer terminal and send a message to Starfleet. They might be able to track it back here."

"Yeah." He listened, but heard nothing following them. "We should keep moving."

Alex nodded in the darkness, even though she couldn't be seen. "Let's go."

"Where are they!" Kashyk climbed to his feet, holding his bleeding nose. "I want them found, and I want that little bitch brought to me." He wiped the blood from his nose and held his head high, "I was going to use her as a bargaining tool, but I think I've changed my mind. She'll prove much more valuable to me in destroying her mother if I kill the little wench."

"Understood sir," the guard turned and started out with the others. A ship wide search had already begun.


Back aboard the Melbourne, Kathryn entered the bridge. "What's our ETA to intercept Mr. Tuvok?"

"1 hour, fifteen minutes Captain. Starfleet dispatched two more vessels to our location 10 hours ago. They will rendezvous with us in 1 hour and 30 minutes."

She nodded, "I'll be in the conference room if I'm needed." She turned and followed Chakotay across the bridge. They entered to find Kim, Torres, and Paris already going over the information they'd gathered from the other ship. "Status?"

Torres held out a padd, "It's an old ship, nothing at all like what we came into contact with twelve years ago. My guess is he stole it from a ship yard."

"Or a junk yard," Tom muttered. "I'm surprised they're able to hold warp 6, much less go beyond impulse. Even if we weren't closing on them, they wouldn't be able to keep this up for long. We'd catch them eventually."

"Harry?" Kathryn took the padd and sat at the table.

"Their shields are rudimentary at best, twelve years ago on Voyager I would have had no problem tracing down the shield modulation and beaming through them. Today," he grinned, "Alex could get past those shields."

"Have you been able to pinpoint where he's holding them?" She leaned back in her seat, Chakotay beside her.

"Not yet," he shrugged, "we won't be able to do any in depth scans until we're within range."

She nodded, that was good enough, for now. "Good work people."

"Alright," Chakotay leaned forward. "So for now, the plan is to catch up with them, scan through their shield harmonics, locate the children, and beam them out from under Kashyk's nose?" He shook his head, "Somehow I don't think it's going to be that easy."

"Nothing with us every is." Kathryn shook her head, "Probably not, but as calculating as Kashyk might be, he's deranged. He's set on revenge, and using Alex as a bargaining chip against me, and Adam too, if what he's saying is true. He's not going to harm them; he would have done that by now. I just hope Alex can stay out of trouble long enough for us to get them back."

"Takes after her mother does she?" Chakotay lifted a brow at her, grinning.

"You have no idea," B'Elanna snorted. "If that one," she pointed at Kathryn, "was anything like Alex as a child, her mother deserves to be sainted."

"No," Kathryn smiled, "I was much worse."

The others laughed, Chakotay shook his head, "I'm looking forward to meeting this daughter of mine." He shared a look with Kathryn. 

"Guys, about Adam." Tom leaned forward, growing serious again. "What Kashyk said, about him being your son," he looked at Kathryn. "Is that true?"

"We don't know." Chakotay sighed.

"It's possible Tom." Kathryn leaned forward and toyed with the Padd in her hand. "The Doctor had a sample of ova aboard Voyager, that he took from me during our second year in the Delta Quadrant." She colored; this was embarrassing enough without having to give explanations. "It's possible, that in her excitement," she chose her words carefully, "to have a normal, human life. Seven might have, borrowed, some of it to impregnate herself along with Chakotay's DNA."

"Seska all over again," B'Elanna sat back with a snarl.

"No." Kathryn firmly shook her head. "I don't think so. I haven't heard back from the Doctor yet, so we don't know if she took the sample. For all we know Kashyk is lying. But if he's not," she held up a hand and looked at each one of them, including Chakotay. "We don't know what Seven's motives were. She's dead, so whatever her reasons they went with her to the grave. But we all of us, in this room, know how thrilled she was to be pregnant. And we all know how hard she fought to remain that way. Even though it cost her life, she gave Chakotay a beautiful son. So," she took pause, "my official stance on this, should anyone start asking questions is going to be that I gave Seven the sample."

Chakotay leaned forward, his hand resting on Kathryn's back, "And that I knew Seven was trying to get pregnant. But that I thought we had an anonymous donor."

"But why?" B'Elanna looked between the two of them.

"Adam," Kathryn continued. "I don't want him growing up believing he was the byproduct of some sinister deed. And I really can't believe Seven had any ill intent. You all remember how impetuous she could be. Besides," she smiled tearfully, "I would have given her the sample if she'd asked, or if I'd known she wanted to have children and couldn't."

"We won't know anything for certain until we get the children back and until the Doctor contacts us." Chakotay stroked Kathryn's back.

"And I've already instructed the Melbourne's Chief Medical Officer to perform DNA tests on Adam when we get them back."

The others nodded, putting away their own feelings and misgivings, and agreeing that what the children believed was the important thing.

"What about Alex?" Tom leaned forward after a few moments.

Kathryn looked down, a small smile curving at her lips. "That one is going to be, a little more," she looked up, crooked grin in place. "Fun to explain." She glanced over at Chakotay.

His own eyes were sparkling mischievously, "The welcome home Gala, at the old West End House. Kathryn and I went upstairs..."

"Toward the end of the party," she finished. They glanced at each other and she blushed.

Chakotay just gave a wolfish grin, dimples in full force. "Oops."

Kathryn shoved him away from her; "You pig."

Tom was asking questions, and Kathryn sat back, allowing Chakotay to answer them. Her mind drifted, remembering the party, and the night they'd shared...


Their eyes had caught from across the room, and it seemed to them that the mass of people began to part as they slowly made their way toward one another. They greeted dignitaries and old friends, a family member would stop one for a quick chat, but their eyes held. He met her near the center of the room, next to the old marbled staircase that spiraled up the side of the ballroom to the second level of the grand, old Gala Room. Together, in unspoken agreement, they made their way up the staircase. Eyes watched them go, and tongues would undoubtedly wag, but neither cared nor seemed to remember that there was an entire room of people below.

The staircase curved at the top, winding around the room, and to one side double French doors lead onto a starlight balcony. His hand hovered near the small of her lower back, to maneuver her onto it, but he didn't dare touch her yet.

When the doors closed behind them, she turned toward him, hands and lips seeking. He pressed her against the cold marbled wall with a groan, his hand already seeking the slit of her dress where it began at mid-thigh. Her head fell back, exposing her neck to him, and she lifted her leg, curving her thigh around his hip as his fingers sought past her garter belts. She growled with need when his fingers brushed her bare, aching sex.

His eyes snapped up for a moment, dark orbs burning a hole into her skull, she was wearing nothing save the garters. Brazen, he thought and lowered his mouth once more to her neck, nipping and licking his way along her collarbone.

The bodice of the black number she wore, dipped in folds of silk along her breasts, and with great ease he managed to push the folds aside, his lips happily latching on to a taut nipple. Her back arched, her entire body trembling against him. Her nails scored his skin as she drove her hands beneath his crisp, white dress shirt, seeking contact. She wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands dipping below his waistband to cup his bare arse. Her nails bit into his flesh, and she ground herself against him, growing impatient.

Long years of burning need erupted between them, and nothing save an earthquake could stop them, even if they wanted to.

He lifted her skirt, even as she unbuttoned his pants, hands frantically pushing aside his trousers. Their eyes met, for only a moment as he lifted her. Then twin groans filled the night air as he thrust forward, burying himself within her tight heat.

She clung to his shoulders, back arched, head rolling from side to side against the cold marble as he moved with in her, pounding her into the wall with enough force to leave her bruised afterward. His teeth tugged and pulled at her nipples, almost painfully, but his tongue soothed, sending sparks of white-hot pleasure through her body.

Almost without warning she let out a keening cry, the ache within her becoming almost painful before finally crashing; her body clenched and jerked against him as her release shot through her. His teeth sank into the soft swell of her breast, as his own body began to quiver, his fingers dug painfully into her hips, as he held her against the wall, and with only a few final thrusts he let out a growl that might have been her name. His release flowed into her in spurts of warmth. When he finished jerking against her, his head fell against her chest, while hers settled on his shoulder.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally lowered her, legs trembling, back to the terrace floor. She righted her own clothing, while he did the same, neither meeting the others gaze. She turned toward the balcony, gathering her thoughts. She could feel him behind her, and thought he might have been about to say something, when the doors to the terrace swung open.

They both turned, to see Seven standing, the lights from the party inside silhouetting her form. "Captain," then she looked at her lover, "Chakotay, I believe both needed downstairs. The admiral wishes to make a speech."

Only sparing a brief glance at one another, they nodded and silently following her. Chakotay with his hand on the small of Seven's back, guided her down the stairs, while Kathryn trailed behind, alone.


B'Elanna crossed her arms, "I knew it!" Her exclamation brought Kathryn out of her reverie. "I knew there was something going on when you three came back down. What happened, Seven walk in on the action?"

"No." Kathryn leaned back in her seat, "we were, talking."

"Talking," Harry nodded, "Yeah so that's what they call it these days."

Kathryn's eyes narrowed, "Chakotay, I do believe our little Harry is all grown up and teasing with the grown ups now."

There'd been a time when Harry would have blushed to the roots of his hair, but that day had come and gone. "At ease Admiral, before Chakotay sprains something."

"So," Tom cut into the laughter. "Let's see if I get this right. You two leave the party, get it on, Seven comes up to get you. And that's it? Do you guys ever do anything right?"

"Not usually when it comes to our relationship," Chakotay sobered, "But that's changing, very quickly."

Kathryn's brow shot up, "If I didn't like it when you get all pushy and macho, I might have to ask Tuvok to throw you in the brig."

"So you guys," B'Elanna gestured between the two of them in question.

"She and Alex are moving in with me as soon as we get back to Earth, we'll invite you to the wedding."

"Ha!" Kathryn snorted, "He thinks."

Chakotay eyed her, "Kathryn," his voice lowered and took on a more serious tone.

She smiled sweetly, "Yes?"

"Remember what I said to you in here earlier?"


"I meant every word." He leaned toward her, eyes dangerously dark.

"It's not that I'm discounting what you're saying." She smiled innocently. "It's just that my house is bigger."

His eyes narrowed, "Woman, if I didn't know you'd like it too much I'd throw you over my knee and throttle you."

"We'll see."

"Alright, alright already." B'Elanna shook her head, "Enough with the pheromones. Let's concentrate on getting your children back, and then Tom and I will baby-sit while you two go spank each other as much as you like."

Tom looked at her and looped an arm around her shoulders, "But baby, what if I want to spank you?"

She thought about it for a moment, then looked at her friends. "Alright, scratch that, Harry will baby-sit."

"Hey!" He glared at them, "What if I want to spank someone?"

Kathryn snickered, "I don't think your wife would like that."

Harry gave an all-suffering sigh, "I knew I should have brought Celes along for the ride."

The others laughter was interrupted by a hail from the bridge. "Admiral," Tuvok's voice filled the conference room. "We are receiving a transmission from the Devore ship, it is audio only."

"Audio?" Chakotay frowned.

Kathryn caught his gaze, "Let's hear it Tuvok."

"To any Starfleet Vessel," Alex's voice filled the room, strong yet they could hear her fear around the edges. "My name is Alexandra Janeway, myself along with my friend Adam Hansen, was abducted from my home. We are traveling on an unknown ship, of unknown origination, on a heading of," they could hear her shuffling about, "0-mark-154-mark-096. Again, my name is Alexandra Janeway, my mother is Admiral Kathryn Janeway, I have been abducted and our heading is 0-mark-154-mark-096."

The transmission ended there and Tuvok's voice once more filled the room, "Admiral our ETA to intercept is 45 minutes, we are coming into scanning range now and my Operations officer believes he can trace the transmission to pinpoint your daughter's exact location."

"Harry," Kathryn glanced at the young man.

"I'm on it," He stood and moved out of the room toward the bridge.

"Thank you Tuvok."

Tom leaned forward after the com-link was closed. "So much for hoping she'd stay out of trouble."

"She must have gained access to a computer to send the distress call," B'Elanna stood, "I'm going to go help Harry locate them."

Tom stood too, "I'm going to go get a shuttle ready, just in case we need it." Not that they would, but it was as good as an excuse as any to leave the room.

Kathryn closed her eyes, "If she gets hurt, I'm going to ground her until she's twenty."

He shook his head, "She is your daughter." He gave her shoulders a squeeze, "They'll be fine, and they're both smart kids. I'm sure they're staying out of sight." He smiled, "I'd love to see the look on Kashyk's face right about now."


On to Part 2