Shortage of food were present. The British cleared the harbour for importing of food, and food rationing was provided by the British (Cheers!). Many houses were destroyed, resulting in high ents and poor living conditions. Then, water was lacking in Singapore and everything was disrupted.
Communists in Singapore and Malaya rose against the British. Strikes took place. However, they were soon controlled by a few new laws and workers were tired of going on strikes. So, the communist turned violent and they attacked plantations and tin mines in Malaya. They got into trade unions again and enouraged people to go ion strikes, and to support strikes.Riots took place by 1960.
People of Singapore were, however, unhappy
with the British after the Occupation. The British had been quick to surrender.
It was the local people who had fought in bravery (although a British soldiers
did fight bravely, it was the head of the troops, my personal opinion).
Thus, begins a new epic of the Singapoeran history, leading to the present
modern, self-governed Singapore which also banned two X Japan live albums.
*sigh* I guess we'll never win, huh?