Nirmalya welcomes his dear friend to his World of Wonders .....!!!!

Who am I ?
My family

My bookshelf

you may click on any one of the following items to read it online

Jonathan Livingstone Seagull

A Stressful Time



    My Web

In the world of Sukumar Ray

The world of Satyajit Ray

Parabaas(the webzine in Bangla,my mother tongue)

The heaven for creative writers 


My dream


Secured Area

My Views



Contact me

 My dear friend

By now you must have been thinking why on earth did I have to launch a webpage of my own.....especially when there are so many......

Well ,to be frank, I must say that there are still a lot more things to share with you.....different views, different angles of judging an incident and above all how and why they tend to affect the human society.  Especially today,  when the  Internet reigns supreme,  we are forced to reevaluate our humane characteristics that draws a dividing line between the humans and the animals.

The Net, like any other tool,  is not an end in itself,  We must decide whether we will use it for the benefit of the Mankind or  take it as just another tool for accelerating sensual pleasures...If we take it as a means to reach out to people needing help, whether spiritual or material,  then only do I believe that the power of the Internet will be optimised.

And at a more personal level I feel that we can always stand by the side of one another through which there can be a strong network that can bring on like minded people together, surpassing all geographic boundaries.  The united power of these thoughts, when translated into reality can transform our lives and to some extent the world around us.

This site contains links that will try to give you an insight to my world more efficiently than these words.  For serious visitors like you this site also contains some essays reflecting my views on different aspects of our society.

And finally, I must thank my dear friend for visiting this site. Feel free to explore every corner of my home on the web and mail back your comments, suggestions and your criticisms about this site.

Thank you once again.







Slices of life from the past and the present

   Lost in the world of  Nature

Very often I feel that "Nature never betrays the heart that loves her"

My Mom
Who never believed that I too can afford to grow up

My Granny
She taught me the art of imagination


My Father

He refused to grow old


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Sunday, February 10, 2002 01:33:43 AM