The Fan 
Years after the scandal, Hillary is in a car, it crashes, and she dies.  When at heaven she sees St. Peter and the pearly gates.  She asks if she is in heaven.  St Peter replys, "Yes, you are in heaven... but you must excuse me for a few minutes."  St. Peter leaves, and Hillary looks around.  After looking around for a few minutes she realizes there are millions of clocks.  Once and a while a clock would turn 15 minutes ahead.  She waited longer and St. Peter came back.  She asked him, "Why do some of these clocks turn 15 minutes ahead, while others just turn normally?"  St. Peter replies,"Well, every time a man commites adultery his clock turns 15 minutes ahead."  Hillary asks, "Where is my husbands?"  St. Peter replies,"Oh, it's in God's office-he's using it for a fan.

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