1998 - Otago NPC Squad - Forwards
Kees Meeuws

Date of birth:  26-7-74
115 kgs
183.5 cm
Games for Otago:  23

Nick Name: Bad news
My earliest rugby memory is of: under 7's
The position I played at secondary school was: Blindside Flanker
My favourite rugby star back then (if obscure, qualify): Michael Jones
The player I respect the most is: Sean Fitzpatrick
If there's one side I like to beat it is (Why?): Auckland
The best thing about rugby is: Meeting people
The worst thing about rugby is: Early morning flights
My best moment in rugby was:
My best moment outside of rugby was: Being at the birth of my children
My most embarrassing moment was: Turning up a day early for a team assembly


• Food - Chicken
• Book/Magazine - Magician by Raymond E Fiest
• T.V Programme - Sports News
• Movie - The Big Blue/Professional
• Actor/Actress - Gene Reno
• Country to visit - Italy
• Ground - Carisbrook

I hate it when: - I miss my kids birthday cos of rugby
I'd hate to be without: - My money
The best advice my mother gave me was: - NA
The Sportsperson I most admired is: - Dennis Rodman
For relaxation I like to: - Read, play station, movies
If I wasn't a rugby player I'd like to be: - Super Rich/Film critic
My other major interest is: - Cooking
My ambition in life is: - To be the best that I can
If  I was stranded on a desert island I'd like to meet: - Wife and kids
Other Interests: (e.g. Music etc., Can you play a musical instrument): -


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