*Our Lady Peace* :)


Discography | Jeremy Taggart | Raine Maida | Duncan Coutts | Steve Mazur | Biography | News and Gossip | Mailbag | Related Links | Contact Me

Here is a list of Our Lady Peace's albums and the songs that are on each...


  1. The Birdman 
  2. Supersatilite
  3. Starseed
  4. Hope
  5. Naveed
  6. Dirty Walls
  7. Denied
  8. Is It Safe?
  9. Julia
  10. Under Zenith
  11. Neon Crossing


Clumsy(Jan 23/97)
  1. Superman's Dead
  2. Automatic Flowers
  3. Carnival
  4. Big Dumb Rocket
  5. 4am
  6. Shaking
  7. Clumsy
  8. Hello Oskar
  9. Let You Down
  10. The Story of 100 Aisles
  11. Car Crash


Happiness...Is Not a Fish That You Can Catch

01. One Man Army
02. Happiness and the Fish
03. Potato Girl
04. Blister
05. Is Anybody Home?
06. Waited
07. Thief
08. Lying Awake
09. Annie
10. Consequence of Laughing
11. Stealing Babies


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