Photo Credit: Seattleslew.com
This page contains photos of horse racing in Korea. You might ask, why do I have Korean Horse Racing on my site? It is because I spent a year in Korea and had time to spend at the Korean tracks checking out their awesome horses, which by the way most of which are imported from the U.S.A.! The "Sport of Kings" is relatively new to Korea compared to America, and much of their stock is derived from the U.S. Many of these pictures were taken during the winter, when it was freezing cold. Some of these races are run in 20 degree weather! To see a larger picture of any of the horses, just click on the image
The horse above is a 4 year colt named "The Great Mogul". He was imported from the U.S., and is one of the most awesome horses that I have ever seen run. His sire is "Unbridled's Song". I guess that pretty much says it all!

~ And They're Off! Even though it was snowing!~