[15 Ogden Road]



Here is the information which BETTY FUNKEY gave me about the house.

DICK FUNKEY built the house around 1959 (the date of the blueprints). He and his family lived in it until approximately 1964. The house was then sold to the STEVENS family who lived in it for seven years. It is often referred to as the Steven's house. Mr. Homme calls it the "ANTLER HOUSE." It had an antler-like driftwood mounted to the west wall.

I moved into the house in October 1972 (the house was sold in March 1972).

There was only a lawn surrounding the house. Step by step I planted a garden. It has developed in the landscape the way it is portrayed at present.

I hope that information satisfies you.

P.S.   I heard about Ogden Dunes from friends, (Dr. AL THOMPSON and his wife EDITH) who lived on Shore Dr. in the house next to Dr. SMITH. They invited my husband and me for weekend visits; and they also were instrumental in convincing me to move out to Ogden Dunes which, after living for 20 years in Hyde Park has become our real homestead.
house histories list
Historical Soc. of Ogden Dunes home page

This page is at https://members.tripod.com/~Ogden_Dunes/hsehys/15ogden.html.
Created 11th July, 2001.