tRue lOvE sTandS No BounDaRiEs
<<..aLl aBoUt mI..>>
..mY fAvOurItEs..
~..cOnTacT mE..~

nAmE :- k@sTurI
aGe :- 16
bIrThDaE :- 4th april 1987
e-maIl :-
cOuNtRy :- singapore..
hOrOsCoPe :- aries
AmBiTiOn :- hhHmM..was thinkin abt law but now i'm realli into music and DJ stuffes let'z C lar...maybe i'll go 4 mass communication...

aarr..i hate people whu backstab realli trust me i can realli explode when such a thing happens to me..dun dare make me angry i bet u dun wan to C my otherside..hehe..


i didn't noe doin a web could be this mi since this is my first time doin a web page i kinda find it difficult...aniway..if the links R not workin or if the pictures or the other stuffes R not good lookin let mi noe i'll change them..yea..!