About my Spanish lessons...
Tomando mate (Having some "mates"...)
* They are tailor-made lessons, very intensive and with a practical emphasis. Grammar is taught when it helps to understand a particular point. The core of the lessons is conversation (listening comprehension and speaking).
* The choice of topics is aimed at portraying the culture of Latin America in general, and Argentina in particular. Most lessons involve situations in which cultural aspects and comparisons are present.
* Video recordings from TV programs from Latin America are often used to expose the student to the different variants of Spanish in the region, as well as to re-inforce listening comprehension.
* Reading comprehension is practiced using the Internet version of many Latin American newspapers and magazines. It is believed that this also helps the student to get a real feeling of the region.
* * The writing of business letters, reports and college papers is paid due attention. Effective writing in Spanish is central in this kind of courses.
* Many of my pupils are corporation businessmen and diplomats who demand classes meeting their peculiar needs. For instance, they want to learn about the present economic situation and prospects... or the stock market in Argentina... Or, for example, about the nuances of the last-minute conflict between the two main political parties in Argentina, in connection with probable investment policies to come... So I teach them Spanish language... but all the time I am re-shuffling my texts to adapt them to the requirements my pupils pose...
* Besides, I teach Spanish trying to present my pupils with carefully chosen material so that they can grasp Argentine and Latin-American mentality. I believe this is central for a man or woman who wants to do business... or to efficiently interact with people here...
Non-specific aspects of the Course:
a. My course includes, free of charge of course, a kind of "host" service: meeting my students at the airport, two or three drives to the mountain towns in our province, "tutoring" in case of any kind of trouble (illness, for example...) and, of course, the introduction to local people in an informal fashion..."asados" (barbecues) and other informal parties... also, you will learn to drink "mate" (a typical drink of ours)...
b. As regards accommodation, I can contact you to a family for a home stay... or I can help you to get a good lodging house, in case you want to be more independent...
c. Cordoba is a modern inland city, with 1.200.000 inhabitants. The city and the surrounding area, with a nice mountain landscape, are ideal for sightseeing. Many tourists from Buenos Aires, and also from abroad, come here on holiday...
...and optionally...
d. As regards horse-riding lessons, two of my present pupils take lessons... I heard that a horse-riding lesson costs around US$ 5 per hour...
e. You can also take tango lessons with a very expert teacher (and dancer)here in Cordoba. I do not know how much he charges, but I can find out for you, if you want to know about that in particular...
Groups include up to 5 pupils. The most obvious advantage of group
learning is its lower cost. Besides, you will have the chance to share
your learning experience with other people in the same situation.
A standard course may involve 2 (or 4) contact-hours a day, from Mondays to Fridays, plus various recreative activities during weekends.
A course on an individual basis is the best choice for a businessman,
or any other person who wants to learn Spanish according to his/her
individual, specific needs. In this case, he/she will discuss -and
plan- with the teacher the lexical field, level and pace of the course.
Again, an individual course may involve 2 (or 4) contact-hours a day, plus various recreative activities during weekends.
Apart from (a) and (b), there are other possible arrangements. Maybe Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays or perhaps Tuesdays - Thursdays... It all depends on the pace and mood you choose, as well as the planned total length of the course...
As regards fees, I have no unified fees... Fees depend on the kind of course you may choose to attend...
If you are interested in any of these proposals, or if you have your own plan in mind, please e-mail me... suggesting a possible plan and I will immediately answer you, telling you how we might arrange the course and, of course, how much I would charge you for that...
Things to see in Cordoba:
There follows a list of websites that may be useful to you to get some direct information about Cordoba ...
You can view my Home Page, "Spanish Lessons in Argentina - Prof. Carnero", just by cliking on the following link:
Go to "Spanish Lessons in Argentina - Prof. Carnero"
View the GENERAL INDEX to Osvaldo Carnero's Web Site
...or you can e-mail me at:
Tel. 54-351-4571722
or 54-351-4556126
(The image you see at the top of this page presents you with a view of Cordoba, as seen from Sheraton Hotel, at Nuevocentro Shopping)
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